Introduce Yourself

How about that. I'm working on the other end of the University there: near Unitec, if you wanna know. My home is on the other side of Bordeaux, however. So I have to catch the goddam motorway before it gets congested... Bordeaux is the third worse in France nowadays, only Paris dreadful Périphérique and Marseille are worse (if that's even remotely possible).
I live close to Peixotto Park !
I know that corner of Talence. My elder sister moved to Bordeaux in 1994 and never really left since then. I followed in 2005, and same, didn't moved since then.
Shame they closed and destroyed La Médoquine, in passing. Ok it was too old (or so they said) but still...
Got my driving licence at the Auto école l'Etudiante, which is kind of a landmark since at least 30 years - and still going strongly.
Hi! I'm Mike Jenne. I wrote a trilogy of plausible history books (the "Blue Gemini" series) that follows several characters, on both sides of the Iron Curtain, who are involved in secret military manned space programs during the Cold War era. I have a website for the series at . It contains a fairly extensive reference library of documents pertinent to that era, as well as a collection of technical illustrations that depict technology unique to the series. These illustrations were prepared in the style of that era by my brother Ed Jenne, a former tech illustrator for NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Most of the references and all of the drawings are freely available to download as PDFs. Some examples are attached. All the best to everyone!


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Hi! I'm Mike Jenne. I wrote a trilogy of plausible history books (the "Blue Gemini" series) that follows several characters, on both sides of the Iron Curtain, who are involved in secret military manned space programs during the Cold War era. I have a website for the series at . It contains a fairly extensive reference library of documents pertinent to that era, as well as a collection of technical illustrations that depict technology unique to the series. These illustrations were prepared in the style of that era by my brother Ed Jenne, a former tech illustrator for NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Most of the references and all of the drawings are freely available to download as PDFs. Some examples are attached. All the best to everyone!

Goood. Mr Jenne, I red your trilogy, full bore, during the COVID lockdown in spring 2020. I enjoyed it immensely. A very good read. Welcome to this forum.
We have a bunch of Gemini threads here (quick Google search)

I have this feeling you will enjoy the place.
Bonjoir ! (French contraction of hello and good evening as this site is global ...)

I am 67 and a (bad) retired engineer of the Ministry of Defense formerly specialized in artillery and especially its support system (CAESAR, it causes you ?) and having ended his career in a closet with donkeys dressed in khaki. But aviation has always been my passion (cursed myopia !) and multi-engine engines with (very !) large propellers have my favor (all the "heavy" Yankees, Brittons, Soviets, Patagons ... even French, that is to say). So obviously that causes lost since I am a French native of the Arpitan country ... At my lost moments I happened to real hunters who flew, but their wingspan is limited to 1 m (3 feet - 3 inches 1/3 approximately, only Furet was 4 feet) ... And as I am very lazy (I was a grievor ...) I am a fan of the rectangular wing with low elongation !

1981-BIPLACE 120 2.jpg MR-DJ-2000004.jpg IMG_0897.JPG 1984-FURET 1.jpg
@Tonton-42 , perdon me, but was that a Peugot 304?
Almost ! But it's a 305 ! The plane is nammed "Angel of Death" and flew in 1981, at this time the Peugeot 304 was stopped in production ... That was not my car (I drived a Citroën GS ...) but that of the friend with I build this wonderful and amazing plane on the picture ... :rolleyes:
I'm Marc, retired french air force transport pilot. I'm back at model aircraft since 1999. Always looking for information for old or new project.

Happy to join your group.
Marc, can we know which aircraft you flew that you would feel comfortable speaking about?

Bonne annee,

Marc, can we know which aircraft you flew that you would feel comfortable speaking about?

Regarding my flight history, I started with Mudry CAP 10B, then Fouga CM-170 Magister and obtained my Transport pilot badge after flying MD312 Flamant.

I was Captain on Nord Aviation 262-D, Morane Saulnier 760 Paris, Caravelle SE-210 11R, DHC6 Twin Otter, Harbin Y-12.

I had stick time on MH1521 Broussard, Nord Aviation 2501, Falcon 20, C 160 Transall, Alouette II, Super Puma.

Hello, I’m Pete, 44 from Lincolnshire, England. I’ve worked for a gas turbine manufacturing company for almost twenty five years but my passion has always been aircraft and flying. I’m most interested in pre-1950’s aeroplanes and am a keen aeromodeller, building flying models and with a particular interest in the rare and unusual.

I look forward to learning from and participating in discussions here.

I am George v. Rauch, originally from New York, now settled in North Carolina. I'm a passionate historian, Latin America is my general field, specialty. the River Plate Countries, particularly the industrial developments sector/
Hello everyone!

I am a military enthusiast mostly passionate about naval designs from the first half of the 20th century, paper and real. I also sometimes indulge in plane and ground vehicle designs. I also make digital models of warships both fictional and real as a hobby.

This forum is a stash of treasure for a person like me. I look forward to learning more about military design and history and maybe even contribute to some discussions.
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Hi and thx for the welcome Overscan, I'm an architect, 60, live in Italy and work in energy efficiency, I'm also a modeller and a friend gave me an old box with three subject in 72 scale about Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale (PAN) asking me to build for him.
There are three subjects: an F86 (CL-13 the Canadian Sabre), the G.91PAN (pre series adapted for acrobatic) and the MB339, the last used by Pattuglia (nice machine).

I started with the G.91, I would like to build it as an R version not the PAN, think that an operative machine is more interesting, camouflage, weathering, armament and so on give me more fun than a shiny blue livery. The G.91 was a little aircraft, operated by AMI and by Luftwaffe. In Italy the most of the photo i can found was with two pilons and external tank for extra fuel I guess for ferry and photo recon.
After that i found ONE photo on this beautiful forum with the AS-20 and this give me the idea to build the test bed shown here.

Hi, Kelli here. The "5 G's are easy" in my username come from what I regularly experience punching out of the box while racing my nitro funny car. I recently lost a close one to an F- (somewhere between 21 and 36) in-service fighter jet , my reward was witnessing an afterburner so close it melted the paint on my new ride, or was my reward walking away from hitting a wall at 200+ mph three seconds later.

A 38 yr old child at heart female that never got the "grow up" memo, it might have been in the "act your age" memo from my legal department that I deleted without reading.
Imagine my surprise 3 years ago upon finalizing, finding out that a cute little UAV manufacturer I bought to make drones for my film production studio, wasn't so little or cute, but turned out to be a defense contractor... thus began my insatiable appetite for knowledge, and the countdown, recently described as impressive, started toward information overload. It took me from "that b***h" who took 4 lines from weapons ready to only weapons capable, then reversing my decision when Russia invaded Ukraine, thus letting them off their leashes and to the horror of my Board, I diverted 2 already sold shipments, to Ukraine, one of which was before promising I'd never do it again, and the other after my promise. It's almost incomprehensible how many doors have since opened... and how many retired Generals love finding "a willing ear to bend".

What I will do in a respectful manner is share some informative goodies and possibly, with their permission, expand on some posts already made by others.
What I will not do is share any sensitive information.

Peace, Out
Perhaps it's worth telling a little about myself. My name is Alexander, I live in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. I am 52 years old. In 1988 and 1992-1993 I worked at the Sokol aviation plant, in the workshop of the production of MiG-31 fuselages.

In 1989 - 1991 I served on the destroyer "Impeccable", the Northern Fleet, Severomorsk. In July 1990, the ship was on an official visit to the Portsmouth Naval Base, England. From January to July 1991, the ship was in the Mediterranean Sea.

1993 - 1997 I worked in the company on the creation of "hovercraft".

In 2004, created the website "Stealth Machines". In 2008, the forum of the website "Stealth Machines".

A long and boring story about yourself, of course in Russian (yandex -browser translates by voice)


I am interested in technology and Esotericism.

By the way, esotericism. With a high probability, these two wonderful people are also me:

Robert John Meder (1917 - 1943)

Robert John Kuhlman (1944 - 1969)


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Well, you've come to the right place. Welcome!
I'm Ethan, 59 this year, and hail from Chickasaw Country in South-Central Oklahoma USA although when I was younger I spent several years in Northeast Quebec, Cuba, and South America. I earned my US Private Pilot Certificate in the summer between high school and college, and have built and extensively flown several experimental and ultralight aircraft over the years. My current "ride" is a Hirth 23 powered (Igor) Bensen B-8M autogyro. My primary interest is in general aviation and the disconnect between brilliant designers and designs, brilliant marketers, and commercial success.
Pzh. 15. Yes it stands for Panzerhaubitze 15, a name of an SPH in an RTS game I'm currently researching due to it having prototypes and rare variants that I have never seen. This forum/website is an excellent repository for such things.

Currently at the time of writing this., I'm looking for a suitable replacement for a 60s German tech Missile launch system as the in-game version has a crudely drawn T-30 with a BM-13 Rocket launcher, which is complete laziness.
Good afternoon to the Group ! Im 73 living here in East Texas. I can truly claim to be a Mac Brat as Dad worked for Mr McDonnell for 40 years 47-87. So grew up in the St Louis county area and many time we would go out to pick up Dad at work and see Demons to Voodoos to F-4s and so on lined up outside of assembly building. Went to Pattonville High school which was right along the flight path from Lambert Field and had the experience of flights of F-4s taking off right over the high school that when they did all classroom teaching halted as you couldnt hear anything else !
Good afternoon to the Group ! Im 73 living here in East Texas. I can truly claim to be a Mac Brat as Dad worked for Mr McDonnell for 40 years 47-87. So grew up in the St Louis county area and many time we would go out to pick up Dad at work and see Demons to Voodoos to F-4s and so on lined up outside of assembly building. Went to Pattonville High school which was right along the flight path from Lambert Field and had the experience of flights of F-4s taking off right over the high school that when they did all classroom teaching halted as you couldnt hear anything else !
That's pretty cool.
Good afternoon to the Group ! Im 73 living here in East Texas. I can truly claim to be a Mac Brat as Dad worked for Mr McDonnell for 40 years 47-87. So grew up in the St Louis county area and many time we would go out to pick up Dad at work and see Demons to Voodoos to F-4s and so on lined up outside of assembly building. Went to Pattonville High school which was right along the flight path from Lambert Field and had the experience of flights of F-4s taking off right over the high school that when they did all classroom teaching halted as you couldnt hear anything else !
Small world.
I am a bit younger than you are, but well remember Lambert before the expansion. Back in the early 80's, my employer purchased a DC-3 from a DHL subsidiary that was using the old wooden Flying Tigers hangar that once right between the Old Passenger Terminal and Mac's factory on Banshee Road. As we worked on the old bird parked in the corner there were rows of brand new F-15s sitting under canopies almost close enough to touch through the hurricane fence.
Hi there. My name is Martin and I live in Slovakia, Central Europe. I work as an IT technician. For many years I do aircraft drawings, currently for polish magazines Lotnictwo and Historia - Technika wojskova.
My name is Al. Spent 27 years in USAF in research, development, acquisition and test. Participated in two international cooperative programs F-16 (was in Program Office as Armament Project Manager and Chief Avionics Division 1976-81) and Modular Standoff Weapon (MSOW) (Program Director 1987-90). Spent further 14 years as a contractor supporting Plans Office of the Test Wing at Eglin AFB. Now volunteer at Air Force Armament Museum Eglin AFB FL. Two articles on MSOW attached. Any comments on articles welcomed.


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Hi all! My name is Alfred and I'm 22. I've loved aircraft for as long as I can remember. During my spare time I like playing videogames and modelling 1/35th scale aircraft out of Lego. Hoping to find lots of projects that never got built!
Hello everyone,
I'm just someone with an interest in military aviation and naval projects, especially the "what-if" ones. Other than that, I'm just a university student from Indonesia. I hope I can learn even more about planes and ships.
Good afternoon to the Group ! Im 73 living here in East Texas. I can truly claim to be a Mac Brat as Dad worked for Mr McDonnell for 40 years 47-87. So grew up in the St Louis county area and many time we would go out to pick up Dad at work and see Demons to Voodoos to F-4s and so on lined up outside of assembly building. Went to Pattonville High school which was right along the flight path from Lambert Field and had the experience of flights of F-4s taking off right over the high school that when they did all classroom teaching halted as you couldnt hear anything else !
Small world.
I am a bit younger than you are, but well remember Lambert before the expansion. Back in the early 80's, my employer purchased a DC-3 from a DHL subsidiary that was using the old wooden Flying Tigers hangar that once right between the Old Passenger Terminal and Mac's factory on Banshee Road. As we worked on the old bird parked in the corner there were rows of brand new F-15s sitting under canopies almost close enough to touch through the hurricane fence.
recall walking out on the open deck at Lambert to watch the prop planes take off and feel the wash from their blades, they closed it off once the jet traffic started because the exhaust blast blew folks over and pelted with gravel !

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