Hello, greetings to all, I am from Argentina, an amateur in the subject, currently an engineering student, mechanics, I am looking for information about the DORMOY BATHTUB, I see many people who know the subject and are well informed, thanks for accepting, greetings
My name is Ben Sharp. I am 65, from the states, once government service, USA, during the Reagan period to start. Been around the world a few times (not to brag just factual),and disabled since the day I discovered , much to my regret that an aircraft will NOT remain airborne indefinitely under all conditions. Had a wife no longer and not in the market. As of the current date, my state Oklahoma, is in the midst of THE coldest period since statehood , expecting -15F low and no desire to do it again, thank you.I am the owner and first moderator of this site. My name is Paul Martell-Mead, I am 32, and live in London, England. I work in IT, but I am very interested in military aviation technology and have built up a large database of knowledge on this subject. I post as "overscan" or "aerospacetech" on various aviation forums.
I recently got married in New Zealand and plan to move there eventually with my New Zealand wife, Vanessa.
[note this information is 14 years out of date - see this post - Admin]
My first Clancy book was Cardinal of the Kremlin. I read Red October after seeing the movie. Never made that mistake again. Sad story with Tom. I miss his writing.Another new member from the Midwest USA. Have been an aviation and secret project buff since the 80s.
I attended aviation maint school but currently work in wireless as an engineering manager.
As a side note I actually found this site when searching for old copies if International Combat Arms magazine from the 80s.
Ha! I have a collection of those things I bought off ebay years ago. I'd originally bought issues when they were published but they got lost along the way. One day I was hunting for the latest issue in the magazine section of a local grocery store and spotted a book with an interesting white cover named, "The Hunt for the Red October" and bought it on impulse. At the time nobody had heard of Tom Clancy. Brings back memories.![]()
I work a regular job and on the side I write hard science fiction sometimes.
Yes. But I'm not here to promote my books. That wouldn't be kosher.I work a regular job and on the side I write hard science fiction sometimes.
Have you published any of them?
May that trend continue forevermore!The forum format seems to be working for us still - visitor numbers are trending slowly upwards, not down.
Only trouble is it's easy to get falsely banned from reddit; just post enough and a troll from some wildly unrelated subreddit will get angry at you then game the automated reports and ban system until you're permbanned. ***ONE*** false report of violence will more than do the job.Facebook Groups and Reddit becoming hugely popular