Introduce Yourself

Hello everyone.

Been a bit of a lurker for the past half a year or more. Stumbled upon this site and after a cursory inspection revealed this to be a place full of information and discussion not seen in most places on the internet, registered. As a military technology enthusiast this place appears to be another rare gold mine of info and civility, both in short supply these days.

I don't expect to offer much to this site but hope to learn what I can and if possible offer back what I can.
Hi everyone
My name is Daniel Gomez an RC Modeller form Argentina. I´m fan of averything capable of flying (or not...).
As an Rc Modeller my focus are Argentina´s FMA aircrafts or projects.
One of my last is this Horten Sin Cola Interceptor here with a IAe 22 Dl trainer


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Thank you for having me join your forum.
I am French, I live in New York and I am interested in french prototypes from the 1930 to nowadays.
Hello there!
A search for some unusual types of aircraft brought me here.
I need to look around first.
Looks great at first sight though.

Greetings and respect to all. Scott, 62 year old American, anonymous though if anybody can ID me from the biographical bits, by all means give me a ping. I did computer/comm systems architecture work for Teledyne, DARPA, McDonnell Douglas, and Boeing from 1982-1998 (then left the aerospace segment). In terms of "classic" unbuilt aerospace projects, the only one I worked on was the Common Support Aircraft (all purpose E-2/S-3/ES-3/EA-6B/KA-6/C-2 replacement), but I worked on or with a bunch of unbuilt or prototype C4ISR projects and demonstrations in the 1990s, and on or with one of the losing downselect teams for projects like the F-23 and UK/Turkey King Cobras.

I'm particularly interested in though not terribly knowledgeable about mid-30s through 60s military aviation, especially carrier and patrol/recon/intelligence gathering.
Good afternoon! I just joined the site and I'm pretty excited to read, learn, and contribute. Please call me Jeff although I will answer to most anything (just ask my kids). Without taking up too much time, I got all of Aerospace degrees from Purdue University ending with my PhD in 1992. During my grad work I spent time at NASA Langley in their Systems Analysis Branch, as well as a few month at Boeing in Seattle. All of this was very design focused.

I started teaching and doing research at Clarkson University in their new aerospace degree program in 1992. Left there and went to Lockheed Martin in Marietta Georgia. I was in core engineering so I worked on lots of things, P3, S3, C-130J, and R&D stuff, a little F-22 (unclassified), and some paper projects for the Skunk Works. I did everything but structural analysis and propulsion :)

I jumped ship from the Aerospace industry and went into HPC (High Performance Computing) field. I've worked a few places and currently I'm at NVIDIA doing things with HPC and AI.

Thanks for having me here!
I am Francis Graham from Pittsburgh and Kent, Ohio. I am interested in "what if" aerospace tech of all kinds, including space. I look forward to reading this forum, and may have questions and contributions in the future.
Hello all, Bee here, ex-IT although still keep a little hand in here and there helping people out. Grew up in Southern California near Van Nuys Airport (VNY) , CA and Burbank Airport (BUR) so got to see quite a few warbirds before regulation pushed them out. Interested in anything flying.
@TomcatViP, thanks!

I must say, the depth of knowledge (and databases) around here is intimidating very impressive.
Hi All, I am Ron Wheeldon, 50 something, an intellectual property lawyer based in South Africa. I found this forum while doing some research on Frank Halford of ADC Cirrus and Napier fame in looking for more information and history on the Blackburn Cirrus Major III I have in an Auster J/5G Autocar. I am also a great fan of Hawker products and have substantial experience with flying and maintaining Hawker Hunters and Rolls Royce Avon engines.
Nice! Frank Halford was a very interesting guy. I collected quite a lot of material on the Gyron engine for my book on the Hawker P.1121.
This place looks fantastic, and I appreciate the ease of the registration process!

My only engineering qualification is dropping out of uni before any kind of degree (and that's all of my non-engineering qualifications, too! :cool:), but I'm a geek for (almost) all things that fly.
I was googling around for detail images of the Bristol Siddeley Orpheus and Napier/Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire. For no reason other than personal fascination with some very specific design details I saw mentioned elsewhere. Why yes, I do have too much time on my hands, how could you tell? :p
As I searched, results from this place kept coming up. And kept coming up. And kept coming up. And ke... you get the picture. I didn't, because I wasn't yet registered.

Consequently, I really had to register, and even if I contribute nothing else ever, I believe (my own, twisted) civility demands I should at least introduce myself.

Myself: knocking on 40, living in the valley of the Ruhr, mostly disabled (hence all that time on my hands...), mostly potato ("german"), bit Scottish (granny), entirely tired and bored by any "wunderwaffen", flying saucers, or any of the other things I was positively delighted to find "discouraged" right at the top of the forum rules.

So. Hi!
Regards to all.
My name is Branislav Nadalin. I have been modeling since 1979. I mostly work in aviation in 72. The period from pioneer aviation to the end of Vietnam. I also make vehicles, equipment, figures, dioramas, ships ... I often turn (no matter how often ... always ).
I study history a lot and I apply it the most in model making. I prefer lesser-known projects than standard large-series ones.
In short, that's it.
Hello everybody, my name is Giuseppe Brivio. I'm a retired airline pilot and joined for my interest in modeling and experimental planes.
There are lots of strange and little known projects in aviation history and sources of information like this are greatly appreciated.
Ciao. I'm Gianluca from Italy. My dream was to pilot a F-104 Starfighter, but I'm just an old journalist... I was looking for pictures about Roberto Bartini when i discovered this great forum. My compliments to all of you!
Hello, my name is Tobias Schy; I'm from Germany, born 1962, married, 2 children. I'm working in the financial industry as an sector and counterparty analyst w. focus on military and avaition industry. Said this, I'm very interessted in aviation industry and covering this topic for a very long time. Besides my looking for technical / project topics I have always a view on the economic impact as this is and always was an important driver for new technological changes. Best cheers for all registered users!
My dream was to pilot a F-104 Starfighter

I can't help thinking "you'd probably better having missed such a dream" - since the F-104 actually become the nightmare of too many pilots and also their widows and orphans...

The F-104 was a formidable machine a) as long as it did not left the ground and b) as long as you weren't the pilot at its controls...
Good evening everyone's, i hope you are all doing well,
My name is Islem, I have just turned 31, I live in Tunisia, and I work in the deployment of optical fiber for French Telecom operator, I am a very big fan of military aviation and military history, I also like the aerospace technology, and especially I am very interested in the prototypes of experimental planes, i have been consulting this forum for several years, to find some infos about some prototypes of planes, and i thought why not join you, thats all what i have to say about me for now.

PS, I hope my English is not too bad.

looking forward to reading from you soon.

Hello everyone,

My name is Tom, 32 years old from the USA. I'm currently employed as a engineering manager overseeing shipyard repair, manintance and modernization projects for the US Navy. Former merchant marine (merchant navy for the commonwealth folks) engineering officer with several years of seagoing experience on multiple classes of merchant vessels and non combatant naval ships.

My interest are primarily cold war and modern naval ships but I do enjoy occasionally reading about aviation and land vehicles as well. I stumbled upon this forum by accident but have found it to be a treasure trove of information thus far.
Hey All,

Thanks for letting me on the forum. I am 30 and live in Canada. I am an Engineer with a love of history and technology. I have looked through the forum before as a guest but I look forward to hopefully being a part of discussions.

Thank you,
My name is Graham, and just joined the group.
I work at the de Havilland Aircraft Museum at London Colney, UK, so particularly interested in anything DH or subsequent developments. I see there is already some DH project work currently on this site. Will add to this knowledge base if I can.
Also happy to show people around the museum if anyone comes to visit us.
Regards to Everyone!

Long time lurker, a little more engaged member these days, embarrassed to say it's taken over a decade to make a proper introduction. Surname Kelly, 45, Grandpa Kelly always went by just "Kelly" and "Kelly" also has a pretty prestigious aerospace pedigree. Aviation fanatic since age 3, made my mother take me to see "A New Hope" in 77, we waited in line for 3 hours with a friend who went on to be an F-14 RIO. She says my first words after the movie ended were, "I'm going to go into space one day." Devoured all things aviation and space growing up, got my pilot's license at 18 while home over Christmas break in 3 weeks. Spent 15 years in aerospace before moving to oil and gas in Texas. Two engineering degrees from Purdue (BS/MS Aero Eng.), MBA from UCLA.

Served 10 years in USAF, three as a B-1 Maintenance Officer, four and a half as Flight Test Engineer/Test Conductor mostly on Bombers (primarily B-52), Speckled Trout and C-17 then the last two and a half at SMC as a Systems Engineer/Program Manager with EELV. Got out at the end of 2012, put my systems engineering experience/MBA to use on business unit turnarounds, first in shales now in midstream. Pay and benefits are good, work with great people doing interesting work, but still love aerospace.

It's been so long now that I've actually forgotten how I found the forum. Most likely, it was the 2006/2007 timeframe when the signal to noise ratio went south on rec.aviation.military and sci.military.naval, which I followed since 1994. Finally, joined in 2009 when I was going to post on something that had nothing to do with the day job at the time. Most of my interest here is reminiscing, learning more about aviation history and scratching the aerospace itch. The early lurking was a strong desire not to end up as the next Dozer, but as that part of my life gets smaller in the rear view mirror there are things I'm now more comfortable to share.

As other's mentioned the change from when I first lurked to today are big. Then I was a 31 year old single captain just home from Iraq, now I'm 13 years married with a 5 year old boy. Here are a few from when I first started at Edwards


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Hello! I go by SharcMint on the internet. I’m 24, from California.

I’ve visited this site many times over the last few years. Anytime I looked into passing mentions of never-built ships and aircraft on Wikipedia, I’ve ended up reading the forums here. It has been very helpful and I’m really impressed by the amount of knowledge that’s been built up here.

I am currently interested in any projects or studies that involved either fast surface ships or very large, ship-like aircraft. Surface effect ships, ground effect vehicles, and things like the Lockheed CL-1201 are all things that fascinate me.

That’s all for now, looking forward to learning more!
Hello Everyone, I'm from Indonesia. Aviation enthusiast since child because my father was a pliot in Air Force. but I ended up as GP. I like to build plastic model and currently build a lot of canceled project and Whiff. I never knew web like this exist, lot of new knowledge for me. I hope I can learning more about secret project and canceled project.

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