For example, a report in the British RAE № FA 259/1 of October 1945 stated:
"In view Horten X is similar to projects of high-speed and supersonic aircraft Lippisch, especially P13. Horten explains that he first learned about the work Lippisch only in London. The main difference of the project is that the Horten brothers special vertical surfaces was considered useless, while Lippisch preferred scheme with a very large keel. "
Perhaps that last sentence did not refer directly to the Horten X, especially in view of the overall philosophy of the project. In published in 1982 the book "Flying Wings, history of aircraft Horten 1933 - 1960" Reimar substituted methyl "With a length of 10 m, and the aircraft semispan only 3.6 m resistance rudder was quite insignificant. Therefore Horten But X (XIIIb) from the beginning was equipped with vertical fins, although the resistance of the rudder at transonic speeds was the cause of the shock wave on the upper surface of the wing. "
In the literature appeared distorted images of H X or N Xlllb, which have nothing to do with the statements Reimar Horten in the already mentioned book "Flying Wings ..." Based on this source, and with the help of the already mentioned British posts in which there is a pattern, you should try reconstruct the plane.
From the book Секретные проекты истребителей Люфтваффе (Вальтер Шик, Ингольф Мейер)