Germany To Boost Defense Spending?

I hope you do not consider this to be a political question: does anyone know which enemy Germany wants to defend itself against?
There is this primeval fear about Russia...
...the worry that Poland become bigger Military power as Germany...
...also the over-regulate EU in Belgium...
...and lately the US of A !

Oh i forgot almost Iran who arrest germans and ransom the German Government from time to time.
There is this primeval fear about Russia...
...the worry that Poland become bigger Military power as Germany...
...also the over-regulate EU in Belgium...
...and lately the US of A !

Oh i forgot almost Iran who arrest germans and ransom the German Government from time to time.
In my opinion, before starting the design of a defense plan, it is necessary to clearly identify the enemy. The Romans had enormous experience in this and the first lesson that the recruits of the legions received was a description of the enemy: red hair, blue tattoos, plaid pants... very noisy. Because if the enemy is not clearly defined, Germany may end up fighting everyone, as in 1945. This is also just an opinion, but I think they should start by identifying Yoda.
Before they start raising taxes.

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Speaking from across the pond, no one is going to hand anyone nuclear weapons like candy.
Franz Joseph Strauß say about this in 1960:

I don't care if we or french build the Atomic bomb, so long its a European Atomic Bomb

in context Strauß look into option that Germany build the Atomic bomb to deterrent soviets.
However they discover that french think in similar lines and working on it, but needed German technology.
what West Germany provide the French with, the rest ist history and begin of French German friendship.

and President Charles de Gaulle give speech in German language in Germany
The German government in transition, propose a €500 billion budget for entire Bundeswehr.
Economist rippt the proposal into piece, do lack finance by current Taxes and introduction of New Taxes.
Those would put too great a strain on german taxpayers and German Industry.

Polish prime minister Tusk
declared that Europe will rearm "more quickly, cleverly, and effectively" than Russia, during the Ukraine summit in Brussels.
He predicts the U.S. will resume military aid to Ukraine after a brief pause this week,
but point out that Trump’s administration is a "more demanding partner."

expert point out that Europe need a decade to build up arms stocks

in mean time Russian Foreign Minister label the French President worst as Hitler and Napoleon...
Well, at current point "Germany with atomic weapons" sounds a lot less scary than "Poland with atomic weapons", at least from our Russian point of view.
Ve Germans have almost always been responsible wis our weapon systems...
This connected do German Industry

The German Automaker AUDI close production plant in Belgium.
Belgium Minister of Defence Theo Francken want to take plant over and transform into arms factory
source in Flemish:

other news
The polish prime minister Tusk declared that every adult man in Poland has to undergo military training.
also that Polish Army goes in future from 200000 men to 500000 men.
source in english
I moved another bunch of posts, that not even had the word "German" in it to the private discussion, and invited the new participants. Welcome !
As I left the discussion via PM now, all future OT post won't be transferred, but will be deleted without any comment.
Hearing all this talk in Germany how they should use the billions to improve defense capabilities,
I’m still waiting for a clear German vision of the future of warfare - based on current changes on the battlefield.
I’m all for “standardizing European arms industries”, “buying European”, “European nuclear deterrence” and whatnot but, for me, that are just empty words.

What I want to hear..:
a) we have agreed with France and Spain on all aspects of the FCAS (even if we let France take the lead) or alternatively, we have cut our losses and will buy GCAP fighters and will use upgraded Eurofighter as supporter aircraft.
b) getting rid of dogmas like “no German nuclear weapons” (Edit: already rejected) or “no armed unmanned whatever”
c) Intel doesn’t want to build a chip factory here... alright than we build it as a state-owned company to produce chips for our weapons. And an additional one for AI-developments to incorporate them into unmanned weapon systems.

Too much to ask? Definitely, but decide/do something..
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Hearing all this talk in Germany how they should use the billions to improve defense capabilities,
I’m still waiting for a clear German vision of the future of warfare - based on current changes on the battlefield.
I’m all for “standardizing European arms industries”, “buying European”, “European nuclear deterrence” and whatnot but, for me, that are just empty words.

What I want to hear..:
a) we have agreed with France and Spain on all aspects of the FCAS (even if we let France take the lead) or alternatively, we have cut our losses and will buy GCAP fighters and will use upgraded Eurofighter as supporter aircraft.
b) getting rid of dogmas like “no German nuclear weapons” or “no armed unmanned whatever”
c) Intel don’t want to build a chip factory here... alright than we build it as a state-owned company to produce chips for our weapons. And an additional one for AI-developments to incorporate them into unmanned weapon systems.

Too much to ask? Definitely, but decide/do something..

What has Europe been doing since the end of the Cold War? Anyone? Did they remain with "the United States will protect us" doctrine?

I spent the 1980s reading military journals that were unavailable to the public except in libraries. They contained page after page of "If the Russians do this, we will do that." Scenario after scenario involving tanks, aircraft and ground troops. Issue after issue.

The idea that nuclear weapons will protect, or make safer, any European country is crap. The Russians will just assign a few nuclear missiles that will be ready to fire on anyone.

This is what Europe should do. Combine all of their forces in a joint defense plan. All military leaders and planners sit down with their counterparts in other countries. Have joint exercises with current military equipment. Set up listening posts along the Eastern border. Set up a ground observer corps. Get some high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. The U.S. might be willing to sell an SR-71.

Build chips and use AI if you want but without a list of attack/defense scenarios, it won't matter much.

Finally, the biggest economy in Europe is Germany. This is entirely based on money. But if the fate of all of Europe is at stake, it will be important to pool all resources. It will also be important to go back to a World War II concept - secret underground factories. No, not using caves but building purpose-built installations. I don't think France will hand over any nuclear weapons.
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In the last century, when I was ten years old, I asked the religion teacher why there were no dinosaurs in paradise when Adam and Eve were expelled and I was reprimanded for it without getting any explanation, then I asked the history teacher if there were Vikings in America when Columbus arrived, and the same thing happened to me. My mother explained to me that I should only ask questions about what I read in textbooks instead of about forbidden publications, my source of information was a Nestlé sticker album.

On Wednesday I asked here who the enemy against which Germany was should be warned, all countries have an internal enemy that should be controlled by a specialized police force, an economic enemy, which should be controlled by diplomatic means and an ideological enemy that can only be controlled by the intelligence services through analysis of intentions and capabilities.

When it comes to using large amounts of German taxpayers' resources, a democratic system should clarify these issues, rather than sidestepping questions from journalists.
News from Germany
it seems that current Defence minister Pistorius (SPD) stay in His post under New Government formed by CDU and SPD
However there indication that new government wants disband the Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung

The Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement is consider the biggest problem for Bundeswehr.
It decide what weapons and vehicle are buy or develop for need of Bundeswehr
Sadly the apparatchik caused various bad buy, wrong developments and Scandals in history of Bundeswehr.
Now the Office consider a wrongdoer, since they resist any reforms attempts.
Seems Minister of Defence Pistorius wants that Military branches order direct there weapons and vehicle they need.
info in german:

Other rumor
Poland wants access or build to Atomic bomb.

In the first half of 2024 (2024 H1), Germany net imports of electricity reached 11.2 TWh or 4% of the country’s electricity consumption. The country from which Germany net imports of electricity was the highest was France (6.3 TWh). However, France is not the only from which Germany was a net importer of electricity.

Other countries included Denmark (4.6 TWh), Switzerland (2.5 TWh), Norway (2.4 TWh), Belgium (1.5 TWh), the Netherlands (1.1 TWh), and Sweden (1.0 TWh). Net imports from France and these six other countries totaled 19.5 TWh. In the same period, Germany was a net exporter of electricity to Austria, Poland, Luxembourg, and the Czech Republic (8.2 TWh in total).

When you're a net exporter of anything you're doing well.


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