Germany To Boost Defense Spending?

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I guess because Germany is in a hurry to get new Boxers, with German facilities swamped by demand?
Why is Germany buying a German vehicle from Australia?
Suspect all the tooling is in Queensland for the Lance turret integration. There might be IP related concerns as well i.e. the Australian's own the IP related to the integaration as part of Land 400.
There might also be some other benefits tied to Land 400 Ph3... ;)
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Five lines can only produce 200 per year. It seems mostly due to only having one line to do the steel castings.

Current production capacities for everything seem to be way too small.
Germany's new defence minister Boris Pistorius is reportedly demanding an extra 10 billion euros, arguing that without the funds it will be impossible to modernise the armed forces.

I wonder if the new joint command will be called Bundesgeneralstab. Großer Generalstabhas a bit of a bad cling to it, and I doubt the Germans would want to go to Reichswehr-level tricksteries and call it something like Truppenamt, either.
This means that not only all 6 needed brigades can be created but the Rest could also bei filled to full troop size and then they still could Double the Luftwaffe and Marine (Well more like 85-95% given who gets how mutch).
Opens up a lot of questions for example if you will get American supplies for American equipment in a war scenario with Russia.
A quick review. Who has been the guarantor of European security since 1945? Anyone? It has and will continue to be the world's policeman. The end. Once the Soviets/Russians moved their troops out of Poland in the early 1990s, the Americans shipped over tanks.

Europe, and England, appear to be having financial problems but are still able to send billions of dollars to a certain Eastern European country. As a certain American politician has told them, spend more on defense. Right now. As in right now. That certain American politician has also instituted tariffs to help increase domestic steel and aluminum production in the United States. That is happening right now.
Can we not engage in political finger wagging here?
Other forums do that.
Large part of the German industry is currently collapsing from high energy cost and the rising cost of mass migration. The German minister (Pistorious) of defence is good in announcing but avoids any necessary but expansive and risky (for him) projects. He stopped the introduction of a modern communication system for army vehicles despite it is urgently needed, so you should not expect to much of him. The decline of the Bundeswehr really rapidly started to accelerate when Ursula van der Leyen was Ministress of defence. After she totally failed in this resort, she lost her job and became Chief of the European commission shortly after (with he help of Marcron). Her main achievement was opening the doors for McKinsey who sucked out enormous amount of money wherever she moved (Macron was working for Mc.Kinsey as well....).
current state in Germany
becoming Chancellor Friedrich Merz announced that Defence Budget will be dramatic increased.
and there for the Schuldenbremse will be dis-activated!

the Schuldenbremse is german law to keep national debt at minimum.
installed by CDU Merkel, now killed by CDU Merz.
the Green party protesting against that, but they already on Opposition banks.
while CDU&SPD coalition forms

I have no idea what of Merz twenty post in supervisory board are in German Industry
but i would not be surprised if is in Rheinmetall, H&K, Bayer AG and Dynamit Nobel...

in mean time:
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