Furry avatars of doom

This is “Die Katzensymphonie” (The Cat Symphony), by Austrian painter, Moritz von Schwind (01/21/1804 - 02/08/1871).

It is an unplayable violin melody, with the cats representing notes. Some have theorized that it is supposed to be poking fun at Wagner, whose music Schwind was not a fan of.

The drawing was made in 1868, using the mediums of pencil, pen, and brush. It was gifted to violinist, Joseph Joachim, in honor of his appointment as director of the Berlin University of Music. It now is part of a collection at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe in Germany.

Die Katzensymphonie” (The Cat Symphony), by Austrian painter, Moritz von Schwind (01:21:1804 -...jpg
number two: yellow Alert
Number two to Number three: Capturer that Cat ! we need Information...
Number three: Sir but..
Number Two: DO WHAT I ORDER !

Day later Number two was removed from Village
Number three re-designated number two
on order of Number one...
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Harking back to that acrylic screen-riser over lap-top's keyboard: if you hunt around on-line, there's a wider version which will bridge a full Qwerty + arrows etc + NumPad.

As I'm using, and for exactly same reason...

Also, I've found cats have no problem persecuting mice or 'mice', wired or otherwise, but generally shun (*) wired track-balls...

*) Until you pop out ball to clean away accumulated cat-hair etc. Then, they pounce...

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