ONERA is also working to significantly improve the maneuverability of the NGF, as part of the SUPERMAN [SUPERMANoeuvrability] upstream research plan, financed from its own funds. “A generic form, which could be representative of the NGF, has been defined” in order to “experimentally characterize vortex flows in high incidence regimes in order to establish the link between vortices and aerodynamic forces,” explains ONERA. Tests were carried out for this purpose in the “low speed” wind tunnel in Lille, which is “ideal because it provides the necessary information by imposing oscillations on the model thanks to a dedicated device: the pqR assembly [p: roll rate , q: pitch rate and R: yaw rate], which makes it possible to impose rotational movements on the model in several directions,” explains ONERA.
Clearly, this involves studying the behavior of the aircraft at the limits of its flight envelope. And to improve its maneuverability, ONERA is closely interested in LEVCON type control surfaces [Leading Edge Vortex Controllers / Leading Edge Vortex Controllers], that is to say tilting planes located on fixed surfaces extending the the wing root [apex] of the aircraft. The Russian 5th generation fighter-bomber Su-57 “Felon” is equipped with it, as is the naval version of the Indian Tejas.