Focke Wulf Fw 190 / Ta 152 Projects & Variants

do you have more regarding the G1 with SC 1800?

also what book for those drawing?
From "Axis Suicide Squads" Fonthill Media Ltd.
I thoug it was from "the ultimate piston fighters of the luftwaffe"
SG 500 and SG 118 fw 190 (these were also considered for the Ta 152 C/E/H and the fw 190 D12/13):

do you have something on the MG 213 Ta 152? If so what variant were considered?
any other drawing and weapon combinaison for the ta 153?
So i found different sources and websites saying different kind rockets used on Ta 152 and the Fw 190 D variants. Can you please help me clarify which of theese models used rockets and other air to ground and or anti tank ordnances with possible sources even if it was in a book?
Regarding the retrofiting of panzerblitz and R4m under the wing of the fw 190 D11 ,would the wing be modifyed (per example no MK108)?

Also does anyone have a pic of the early panzerblitz 1 on fw 190? I can't find anything on google
Regarding the retrofiting of panzerblitz and R4m under the wing of the fw 190 D11 ,would the wing be modifyed (per example no MK108)?
Yes, outer wing guns and their hatches had to be removed if standarised Panzerblitz/R 4M launchers were to be installed.
Also does anyone have a pic of the early panzerblitz 1 on fw 190? I can't find anything on google
What do you mean, "early Panzerblitz 1"? A photo of Fw 190 with Pb 1s (consiting of 8 cm R.Sprgr with a faired Panzerschreck warhead) can be found e.g. on the LuftArchiv site.
Ah, you mean the launcher, not the rocket. I think, there are no photos, just what-if reconstructions like the one above, based on written descriptions (i.e. rail length).
Notice, the author of the drawing had no slightest idea, how particular Panzerblitz variants, R 4 M and 8 cm R Sprgr actually looked like.
O yes, there is the drawing.
There is a photo of Fw 190 A with twin 21 cm tubes indeed - I just think the installation was too heavy and too bulky for an effective use at a single engined fighter (some 500 kg loaded).

BTW - early Pb 1 launchers in this drawing are 150 cm long and spaced apart by some 15.3 cm. The short rails in the photo are of similar length as the Pb 1 fuselage, also approx 80 cm (according to published data the lengths were 147 and 70 cm respectively).


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I have a few questions:
1. Does anyone have any data on the Ta-152B-3's weapon loadout plans? (Both primary and secondary.)
2. Does anyone have any info on the Jumo 222 powered Ta-152H and (I think if it was planned) Ta-152C?
3. Is a Ta-152B-7 with a Jumo 213J real or fake?
Just one notice - the standarised R 4M/Panzerblitz/Panzerschreck launchers described in the German manual from March 1945 are not the ones seen in the photos of a rocket armed Fw 190 D. They differ with the number of rockets - 12 in the manual and 13 in the photos.
fw 190 V18 drawing, got to wonder why was the canopy different on the prototype and why did he got the V19 ta 152 tail

"It was planned to built 6 experimental models for the "Höhenjäger 2", four of them, the Fw190V18U1, Fw190V29, Fw190V30 and Fw190V31 were realised.
The changes referred primarily to the installation of the turbine. The Fw190V29-V31 got greater wings with a span of 12,3 m and a pressurized cabin.

-Dietmar Hermann "


I think I found some what if to do without having to modify my hobby boss V18 model (wich is not accurate for the V18 by the way ,the nose look more like the one of the V15 and I don't remember the V18/U1 carrying weapon )

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