Focke Wulf Fw 190 / Ta 152 Projects & Variants

Ta 152 H-0 or H-1
Ta 152 C
The two lower BMW powered ones are either Fw 190 A-8 or A-9 (depend on the nmr of blades on the front cooling fan), or F-8/ 9 jabo variants.
Very board prop blades on the third pict point me more to an A-9.
Also i think the exhaust lines and the hydraulic actuators (blue/metal pieces) would go with Ta 152C model.
Beautiful models ! What scale is that ?
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Thank you Galgot. Not sure about the scale, but the Fw.190 have an 18-inch (45.7cm) wingspan. The Ta.152C has its own bag of parts (not shown) which also contains hydraulic actuators. I like those strange missiles on the last Fw.190 – I really need to educate myself about this family of airplanes, but identification was an important first step. Thanks again.

why a A5 type "cowl" for the weapon in the fueselage? Why not a A8?
rhanks,also does the fw 190 A9 was suppose to have the ta 152 tail like the F9 at some point during production?

fw 190 A2 RI+KW with ski
I'd like to introduce myself with a question regarding projects of the Ta 152 C:
Hitchcock lists a Ta 152 C variant, the Ta 152 C-8 with BMW 801 R. All I found out is that the R was to have a 2 stage 4 speed supercharger and inter and after coolers...........does any body have a drawing of such a supercharger?
The inter and aftercoolers might have been installed like on the BMW 801 TJ, but what would the supercharger have looked like?

Thank You very much!
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any information /drawing on the fw 190 F15 and F7 variant?
Re F-7, the best I have seen is that it was based on the A-7 airframe but since development work was concentrated on the Fw 190A-8 plane in the latter part of 1943, the F-7 series was abandoned. For the F-15, I understand it was a proposed version with BMW801TH or TS engine and hydraulic rather than electrical undercarriage retraction.
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does any of the fw 190 A9 Rüstsatze were even produced?
-Fw 190 A9/R1 (WB 151 gondola[I don't think those one were even mounted in a A9])
-Fw 190 A9/R3 (2MK 103 under the wing)
-Fw 190 A9/R6(2 WGR 21 under the wing)
-Fw 190 A9/R8(identical to the A8/R8)
-Fw 190 A9/R11(identical to the A8/R11[the one like the white 9 or not?])

-fw 190 A9/R12(identical to the A8/R12)
-A9/U3: (Mistel modification [what kind of modification?])
any drawing regarding the fw 190 C production variant?
fw 190 V19 with ta 152 tail? where this one come from?


Looks as though it was badly scanned from page 916 of Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Volume Three 1944-1945 by J, Richard Smith and Eddie J. Creek. The same section explains all about it. It's not a 'Ta 152 tail' either. The drawing dates from 1942 and the Ta 152 did not exist before August 1943.

what kind of radar is this?
is it some special installation ? this one has a different radar instalation:

Also,do you have something the fw 190 with FuG 212 Lichtenstein and FuG 216?
Does anyone know of any night fighter plans for the Ta-152, possibly akin to the A-6/R-11
what were the considered fw 190 variant for the X4 krammerbeside the F8?
There are a bunch of pictures on that website. Which one in particular are you talking about?
all of them showing project/prototype variant.
Is this picture fake? What with the different tail?


Regarding the R3... I remember hearing that the wings were insufficiently rigid to handle the recoil of the Mk-103... so it remained a handful of pre-production test aircraft.

I'm really surprised of the photo of a bomb equipped Fw-190 with an X-4... does this suggest air-to-ground tests? Or is it just re-purposing a test aircraft used for multiple trials? I suspect the latter.
When the new MK 108 cannons of 30 mm were available, it was discovered that the weapon had gone prematurely in service with the Fw 190 A-7, A-8 and A-9 without being fully tested and that its effective range was limited to 400 m. The alternative was the MK 103/30, a weapon based on antitank cannon MK 101, with 1000 m effective range, but very difficult to install on a single engine fighter because of his excessive weight and powerful recoil. In late 1943, two MK 103 cannons were experimentally installed in nacelles under the wings of the Fw 190 A-5/U11 Werk.Nr.1303 to study its possible antitank use with Schlacht units. But it showed poor performances during the flying tests due to excessive weight and drag generated by the nacelles.

In 1944, four Fw 190 A-8 were equipped like the A-8/R3, with underwing cannons MK 103. Forward fairings were installed in nacelles to reduce drag and absorb vibrations when firing them. These aircraft only had limited usage. The MK 103 was very suitable against tanks but their excessive muzzle velocity in air-to-air combat could have a negative effect, as the light airframe of the bombers did not produce sufficient impact resistance and the 30 mm L/38 shells could get through it unexploded unless it crashed against something solid like an engine, a wing spar or a bomb.


On April 1, 1945, the Schlachtgeschwader SG104, operating inside Tutow airfield with airplanes Ju 87D and Fw 190 F-8, was disbanded. Its 1,200 men were ordered to participate in the defence of Berlin acting as ground troops. But a group of pilots decided to use the ten latest available aircraft on Totaleinsatz (near-suicides) missions against bridges over the Oder River on 16 of April. They probably used the Fw 190 F-8 loaded with a bomb SC 500, although some sources indicate that they actually were Bf 109 fighters.
At that time the 3./KG200 had some Fw 190 F-8/R15 with extended tailwheel leg, capable of carrying a BT 1400 torpedo-bomb under the belly using an ETC 502 rack. It is possible that they were also used against the bridges in S.O. missions along with some Misteln. On March 7, several aircraft of the Nachtschlachgruppe NSG20, under the command of the major Kurt Dahlmann, made S.O. attacks against the bridge of Remagen, resulting in their destruction. They used some Fw 190 G-1 that had been specially modified with Schloss 2000 bomb racks capable of carrying a bomb SC1800. The modification included the installation of strengthened tires and shock absorbers with increased pressure. Much standard equipment was removed, including the MG 151/20 cannons.

The modified Fw 190 G-1 needed a take-off strip of 1,200 m and could carry fuel for the one way flight only. On June 9, 1944, the KG200 was equipped with modified aircraft Fw 190 G-1 to carry a bomb SB 1000 in Totaleinsatz missions. The project was frozen by the OKL until April 17, 1945, when some surviving pilots of the 5./KG200 Leonidas, under the command of the lt.col. Heiner Lange, carried out S.O. missions against the bridges over the Oder and Neise rivers, operating from the Jüteborg airfield.


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this one is actually one of the 2 F8/R3 produced by NDW in november 1944.
do you have more regarding the G1 with SC 1800?

also what book for those drawing?
is it juste me or did they invertedthe Ta 152 C and D14 in this document (the mock up(for me it's one if you have more on that type feel free to add).

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