Extraterrestrials: Hope or Threat

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@Rhinocrates When I was a teenager, I read Stanislaw Lem's Invincible, I watched Andrei Tarkovsky's adaptation of Solaris where humans visit ETIs on their home turf, as well as Tarkovsky's Stalker, very, very loosely based on a story by the Strugatsky brothers, where ETIs visit Earth. All three as unsettling as they were fascinating.
Thank you for reminding me of Lem.
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I dont like any of it. Whatever isnt some grift or pure delusion is an illusion which is produced by very bad people. I figure if aliens exist (and know of us) they would either leave us be or if some contact was legit made it would be some horrific roadside picnic tier insanity.
Richard Dawkins? Seriously? Science hasn't buried religion.
Not yet, but it has already debunked many myths that humanity in its ignorance attributed to “supernatural” causes: the fire god, the sun god, the moon goddess, rain, snow, hail, flat earth, lightning, thunder, eclipses, meteorites, comets, earthquakes, tidal waves, diseases (Yertsynia Pestis), unicorns (rhinos), mermaids (manatees), werewolves (porphyria), Kraken (Architeutis), dragons (dinosaurs fossils) ... Science advances methodically and is unstoppable... What will be the next myth deciphered and archived?

How about the other aliens living among us? They are always right, they will lead humanity to all truth. They never do wrong. They are perfect.

Any ideas?
Thank you, Ed! What a very nice thing to state - I am a green (it's actually pink these days, but never mind) card carrying resident alien and truly appreciate your confidence in our wisdom and capabilities, although you might be a tad overconfident in our collective faculties - there *are* European idiots, too, you know. But now let's start by completely updating your... antiquated over two centuries old two party political system...

I suggest you look at The House of Commons and The House of Lords.
Nah, I look at the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. After WWII West Germany had shall we say the opportunity to learn from established democratic political systems around the world and combine the best features of different models in an optimized solution.
I think you miss the part of history that also before WWII there was a democratic system in Germany. So I would more say it was some kind of learning from the Weimar Republic under the control of the Western victorious powers. Besides, I think the established and still active system is far away from being optimized compared to other democratic systems.
Germany has not yet overcome its exclusion from the Roman Empire, its political thought functions with different frequencies from the rest of Europe.
Would you perhaps care to exactly elaborate on your apparent German inferiority complex insinuation theory? I assume you have access to Wikipedia in the southern european parts where presumably you reside, so I hope it will not blow your mind irreparably to become aware that the socalled Holy Roman Empire was also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire. But if you will, please discuss which current Roman Empire you're referring to - is that perhaps the one where Spain is supplying several luxury car and appliance company brands around the globe and is the economic powerhouse of the European Union? Oh wait, I think I got that mixed up - my bad... But you sure produce nice B/W line drawings of other countries' airplanes, my kind sir...
Inferiority? None of that, Martin, we think of different frequencies. My personal opinion of the German people has always been better than that commonly accepted in the Western world. His best virtue is that he always seeks excellence: if he is ordered to make tanks, he manufactures the best in the world, if he is ordered to be a fascist, he surpasses Mussolini, if he is ordered to be a communist, he surpasses the Russians, if he is ordered to be democratic, he gives lessons to the peoples of the south. An obedient, disciplined and respectful people with their leaders.

In my country it is considered in bad taste to be patriotic, but we are the world's leading producer of wine and oil, which are marketed in French and Italian bottles to sell them at a better price, pure humility.
As a citizen of one of Germany's neighbouring countries, I consider the German Federal Republic to be one of those rare nations that have actually learned from history. German democracy is not perfect, but since WW2, it is stable, changes in government have been remarkably smooth and it is a good neighbour.
A democracy designed by Kissinger must be kind to everyone.


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NOT suggestin they will look axactly like us but some common traits would seem to make sense.
Octopuses are the most 'alien' intelligences on earth, and yet people have formed close bonds with them.

People often describe octopuses as aliens and point out that there are strange convergences. Conventional wisdom holds that to be intelligent, natural selection favours species that are K-strategists, as opposed to r-strategists. Ks typically live long, have complex social structures, produce few offspring which mature slowly but have high survival rates due to high parental investment in their care. Generally they are highly intelligent and have 'culture.' Humans, other primates, and cetaceans are exemplars of this type. Rs are the opposite - they are asocial, and they produce many offspring for which there is no parental care and which have low survival rates. K-strategists are more adaptable due to the time spent learning while r-strategists recover quickly from catastrophes.

Octopuses and cuttlefish however break this rule (we don't know enough about squids). They're very smart despite being asocial, short-lived (which is really tragic), and having no care of juveniles (parents die before their eggs even hatch).

Despite all of that, there are plenty of reports by people who have interacted with octopuses.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABCg2oLB5wo

( I really feel sorry for octopuses and wish some mad scientist would endow them with long lifespans.)

(There are parrots and crows to consider but they are also R-strategists and I bring up octopuses because they diverged from our lineage so long ago, long before backbones evolved.)

So then, the point is that apparently some intersections are possible, despite what I have written above. However, we should be careful of anthropomorphisation. Maybe we can find some commonality with weird intelligences, but just how much? Flannery O'Connor, paraphrasing Teilhard de Chardin, wrote that 'everything that rises must converge':

Does higher intelligence, despite its different origins, converge on some common form? Is that wishful thinking? Even if that is so, it looks like being something that's beyond our current intellectual horizon.
@Orionblamblam you missed the Federal bit in Federal Republic Germany - Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Scott's country has twice crossed the Atlantic to prevent Europeans from annihilating each other by fighting for stupid monarchical borders. For seventy years the US army has prevented Russian tanks from reaching Gibraltar and imposed rationing of all goods. American influence gave us food, freedom, and a new way of looking at the future. Instead of showing appreciation, European intellectuals responded with the slogan "American go home" in a hundred thousand demonstrations and millions of graffiti. The European Union is just a movie set. I wonder what will happen to the arrogant politicians in Brussels when the Americans leave... Remember what happened to the British Isles when the last Legion withdrew?
@Orionblamblam you missed the Federal bit in Federal Republic Germany - Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Scott's country has twice crossed the Atlantic to prevent Europeans from annihilating each other by fighting for stupid monarchical borders. For seventy years the US army has prevented Russian tanks from reaching Gibraltar and imposed rationing of all goods. American influence gave us food, freedom, and a new way of looking at the future. Instead of showing appreciation, European intellectuals responded with the slogan "American go home" in a hundred thousand demonstrations and millions of graffiti. The European Union is just a movie set. I wonder what will happen to the arrogant politicians in Brussels when the Americans leave... Remember what happened to the British Isles when the last Legion withdrew?
Relevance to this thread? Is it about bananas?
NOT suggestin they will look axactly like us but some common traits would seem to make sense.
Octopuses are the most 'alien' intelligences on earth, and yet people have formed close bonds with them.

People often describe octopuses as aliens and point out that there are strange convergences. Conventional wisdom holds that to be intelligent, natural selection favours species that are K-strategists, as opposed to r-strategists. Ks typically live long, have complex social structures, produce few offspring which mature slowly but have high survival rates due to high parental investment in their care. Generally they are highly intelligent and have 'culture.' Humans, other primates, and cetaceans are exemplars of this type. Rs are the opposite - they are asocial, and they produce many offspring for which there is no parental care and which have low survival rates. K-strategists are more adaptable due to the time spent learning while r-strategists recover quickly from catastrophes.

Octopuses and cuttlefish however break this rule (we don't know enough about squids). They're very smart despite being asocial, short-lived (which is really tragic), and having no care of juveniles (parents die before their eggs even hatch).

Despite all of that, there are plenty of reports by people who have interacted with octopuses.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABCg2oLB5wo

( I really feel sorry for octopuses and wish some mad scientist would endow them with long lifespans.)

(There are parrots and crows to consider but they are also R-strategists and I bring up octopuses because they diverged from our lineage so long ago, long before backbones evolved.)

So then, the point is that apparently some intersections are possible, despite what I have written above. However, we should be careful of anthropomorphisation. Maybe we can find some commonality with weird intelligences, but just how much? Flannery O'Connor, paraphrasing Teilhard de Chardin, wrote that 'everything that rises must converge':

Does higher intelligence, despite its different origins, converge on some common form? Is that wishful thinking? Even if that is so, it looks like being something that's beyond our current intellectual horizon.

The problem with octopuses is that they have a brain in each tentacle that thinks sometimes independently and sometimes in coordination with the other seven in a nerve processing center. That's why they live so short: stress kills them.
The problem with octopuses is that they have a brain in each tentacle that thinks sometimes independently and sometimes in coordination with the other seven in a nerve processing center. That's why they live so short: stress kills them.
Not really. They just don't need to live long. Each mother produces hundreds or even thousands of eggs. All she has to do is ensure that they remain viable until they hatch. Out of that number, enough survive to ensure the perpetuation of the species. My wish that they would live long or your suggestion that stress is a factor are both anthropomorphisation. Apparent 'senescence' is consistent in its manifestation in octopus mothers as they tend their eggs - they devote themselves entirely to the one role of keeping water flowing over their eggs to the exclusion of all other tasks, physically and cognitively. This consistency indicates that it is purposeful, even programmed behaviour, and it is advantageous to their offspring. They all behave the same way, they all act to protect and sustain their eggs before dying. Their exotic neurology when in their prime is another issue.

The best explanation so far for the high intelligence of octopuses is that they have to be smart precisely because they are solitary orphans. With no parent to teach them, they have to be able to learn about their environment and devise adaptive behaviours on their own quickly.

As an aside, there have been discoveries of these supposedly asocial creatures living in communities. A species known as the 'gloomy octopus' have been observed living for generations in close proximity. The question is whether this will be advantageous for the propagation of the species in the long run. Let's see what happens in a few million years...

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Think of the technological advances that we would get should aliens land tomorrow or some point in the future, as long as they are of the friendly type then I would have no problem.
Richard Dawkins? Seriously? Science hasn't buried religion.
Not yet, but it has already debunked many myths that humanity in its ignorance attributed to “supernatural” causes: the fire god, the sun god, the moon goddess, rain, snow, hail, flat earth, lightning, thunder, eclipses, meteorites, comets, earthquakes, tidal waves, diseases (Yertsynia Pestis), unicorns (rhinos), mermaids (manatees), werewolves (porphyria), Kraken (Architeutis), dragons (dinosaurs fossils) ... Science advances methodically and is unstoppable... What will be the next myth deciphered and archived?

How about the other aliens living among us? They are always right, they will lead humanity to all truth. They never do wrong. They are perfect.

Any ideas?

Our scientists are approaching immortality by stem cell regeneration.

"In humans, stem cells mainly act in development, but highly regenerative organisms like Hydractinia use stem cells throughout their lifetimes. Hydractinia stores its regeneration-driving stem cells in the lower trunk of its body. However, when the researchers remove the mouth—a part far from where the stem cells reside—the mouth grows a new body.

Unlike human cells, which are locked in their fates, the adult cells of some highly regenerative organisms can revert into stem cells when the organism is wounded, though this process is not well understood. The researchers therefore theorized that Hydractinia must generate new stem cells and searched for molecular signals that could be directing this process.

When RNA sequencing pointed to senescence, the researchers scanned the genome of Hydractinia for sequences like those of senescence-related genes in humans. Of the three genes they identified, one was "turned on" in cells near the site where the animal was cut. When the researchers deleted this gene, the animals' ability to develop senescent cells was blocked, and without the senescent cells, the animals did not develop new stem cells and could not regenerate."
Think of the technological advances that we would get should aliens land tomorrow or some point in the future, as long as they are of the friendly type then I would have no problem.
Any FTL technology will be too advanced for us to copy it, and even understand it. Maybe ET could help us with other lower-level technologies to produce clean energy and improve our medicines, but the most valuable thing it could give us are its star maps. We could give him a picture of Einstein in return to test his sense of humor.
I must have missed the Octopus aerospace industry and space launches as a method pf extending the reach of their species. Pretty sure we will not see it from other planetary systems either.
The problem with octopuses is that they have a brain in each tentacle that thinks sometimes independently and sometimes in coordination with the other seven in a nerve processing center. That's why they live so short: stress kills them.
Not really. They just don't need to live long. Each mother produces hundreds or even thousands of eggs. All she has to do is ensure that they remain viable until they hatch. Out of that number, enough survive to ensure the perpetuation of the species. My wish that they would live long or your suggestion that stress is a factor are both anthropomorphisation. Apparent 'senescence' is consistent in its manifestation in octopus mothers as they tend their eggs - they devote themselves entirely to the one role of keeping water flowing over their eggs to the exclusion of all other tasks, physically and cognitively. This consistency indicates that it is purposeful, even programmed behaviour, and it is advantageous to their offspring. They all behave the same way, they all act to protect and sustain their eggs before dying. Their exotic neurology when in their prime is another issue.

The best explanation so far for the high intelligence of octopuses is that they have to be smart precisely because they are solitary orphans. With no parent to teach them, they have to be able to learn about their environment and devise adaptive behaviours on their own quickly.

As an aside, there have been discoveries of these supposedly asocial creatures living in communities. A species known as the 'gloomy octopus' have been observed living for generations in close proximity. The question is whether this will be advantageous for the propagation of the species in the long run. Let's see what happens in a few million years...

Perhaps it was not a good idea to give up the protection of the conical shell to gain maneuverability, now they spend most of their lives hidden in rocky crevices, old cans or discarded glass jars.


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@Orionblamblam you missed the Federal bit in Federal Republic Germany - Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Where did I miss that? I said it was a good system for a large country like the US, not a good one for a small country like Belgium. Must I go through every country on Earth to appease the bigots?
I must have missed the Octopus aerospace industry and space launches as a method pf extending the reach of their species. Pretty sure we will not see it from other planetary systems either.
Perhaps the cockpit of an octopus spaceship requires the use of six sticks (two for the yaw, two for the pitch and two for the roll) and two throttles (one for accelerating and one for braking), a technology unattainable for humans with only two arms, perhaps a pair of monkeys could try it by coordinating their efforts.

One point: an electoral college system is a *fantastic* approach to a government of a *large* nation composed of a number of independent-minded semi-sovereign states. A "United States of Europe" or a "United Federation of Planets" would do well to have something like this, and like the US's split Senate/House approach, where it's partially based on population ratios, and partially based on set political regions.

For itty-bitty countries like, say, Belgium, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But if you tried to turn the EU into a single nation... the smaller countries like Belgium would be simply steamrolled by the likes of Germany. Without *disproportionate* controls, German interests would dominate the new nation. And the smaller nations would quickly come to regret having been involved in that mess.

Also, please point me to *any* credible source that fantasizes about turning the EU into a single nation

In the same breath where I mention the "United States of Europe," I mention a "United Federation of Planets," you see the USoE as the fantastical one??? In order to get membership into the UFP, the *entire* Earth had to be joined up into "United Earth." But you see Europeans as being so unable to get along that the idea of just them banding together is "fantastical."
Why aliens must spend resources for contact us @milions light years from us ? :rolleyes::D
Every year, when summer begins, they come to walk with their UFOs over our cities, then descend to scare several old women in the kitchen of their houses, abduct a few guys, return them and leave, it is the tradition.;)
One point: an electoral college system is a *fantastic* approach to a government of a *large* nation composed of a number of independent-minded semi-sovereign states. A "United States of Europe" or a "United Federation of Planets" would do well to have something like this, and like the US's split Senate/House approach, where it's partially based on population ratios, and partially based on set political regions.

For itty-bitty countries like, say, Belgium, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But if you tried to turn the EU into a single nation... the smaller countries like Belgium would be simply steamrolled by the likes of Germany. Without *disproportionate* controls, German interests would dominate the new nation. And the smaller nations would quickly come to regret having been involved in that mess.

Also, please point me to *any* credible source that fantasizes about turning the EU into a single nation

In the same breath where I mention the "United States of Europe," I mention a "United Federation of Planets," you see the USoE as the fantastical one??? In order to get membership into the UFP, the *entire* Earth had to be joined up into "United Earth." But you see Europeans as being so unable to get along that the idea of just them banding together is "fantastical."
Any system of government can run on money, but not forever. Economists have a joke about it, legend has it that when she was a child, Frau Merkel found the treasure of the Nibelungs and that there is a vault in Switzerland that is responsible for maintaining the credibility of European socialism in the twenty-first century.
One point: an electoral college system is a *fantastic* approach to a government of a *large* nation composed of a number of independent-minded semi-sovereign states. A "United States of Europe" or a "United Federation of Planets" would do well to have something like this, and like the US's split Senate/House approach, where it's partially based on population ratios, and partially based on set political regions.

For itty-bitty countries like, say, Belgium, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But if you tried to turn the EU into a single nation... the smaller countries like Belgium would be simply steamrolled by the likes of Germany. Without *disproportionate* controls, German interests would dominate the new nation. And the smaller nations would quickly come to regret having been involved in that mess.

Also, please point me to *any* credible source that fantasizes about turning the EU into a single nation

In the same breath where I mention the "United States of Europe," I mention a "United Federation of Planets," you see the USoE as the fantastical one??? In order to get membership into the UFP, the *entire* Earth had to be joined up into "United Earth." But you see Europeans as being so unable to get along that the idea of just them banding together is "fantastical."
Europeans cannot agree who pays for the coffee and cake for their meetings let alone anything else. How on earth (Puny, I know) they managed to get the US to pay for OUR defence for decades post WW2 while proclaiming themselves to be proud nationals I will never get.

The fact that it took a fairly major european conflict to get them to change boggles my mind so much I have to lie down in a dark room when I think about it.

How these same groupings are going to get on with anything related to extra terrestrial communication verges on the comfortable wallpaper housing brigade.

If there is currently an inteligent alien species watching us, I bet they come here for the comedy show and laugh their bottoms off all the way home. Good space tourism in action.
OBTW, who is it that declares the eu to be a single nation? The eu. National anthem, check. Independant military, check. Elected officials, check. Unified national and international policies, check.

Oh yes, national flag, check.

Anything else?
One point: an electoral college system is a *fantastic* approach to a government of a *large* nation composed of a number of independent-minded semi-sovereign states. A "United States of Europe" or a "United Federation of Planets" would do well to have something like this, and like the US's split Senate/House approach, where it's partially based on population ratios, and partially based on set political regions.

For itty-bitty countries like, say, Belgium, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But if you tried to turn the EU into a single nation... the smaller countries like Belgium would be simply steamrolled by the likes of Germany. Without *disproportionate* controls, German interests would dominate the new nation. And the smaller nations would quickly come to regret having been involved in that mess.

Also, please point me to *any* credible source that fantasizes about turning the EU into a single nation

In the same breath where I mention the "United States of Europe," I mention a "United Federation of Planets," you see the USoE as the fantastical one??? In order to get membership into the UFP, the *entire* Earth had to be joined up into "United Earth." But you see Europeans as being so unable to get along that the idea of just them banding together is "fantastical."
Europeans cannot agree who pays for the coffee and cake for their meetings let alone anything else. How on earth (Puny, I know) they managed to get the US to pay for OUR defence for decades post WW2 while proclaiming themselves to be proud nationals I will never get.

The fact that it took a fairly major european conflict to get them to change boggles my mind so much I have to lie down in a dark room when I think about it.

How these same groupings are going to get on with anything related to extra terrestrial communication verges on the comfortable wallpaper housing brigade.

If there is currently an inteligent alien species watching us, I bet they come here for the comedy show and laugh their bottoms off all the way home. Good space tourism in action.
It's fair, I also laughed when I read about the cargo cult.

OBTW, who is it that declares the eu to be a single nation? The eu. National anthem, check. Independant military, check. Elected officials, check. Unified national and international policies, check.

Oh yes, national flag, check.

Anything else?
Even worse, there is nothing we can vote to make changes at the top: they choose from among themselves.
Something I wonder about occasionally. Many so called experts state that any inteligent life 'out there' will look nothing like human beings, no butts of maybe's at all.

Why do people think that? These inteligent species will have to evolve to deal with similar physical realities and problems so why there is no chance of some commonality at least I fail to grasp.

NOT suggestin they will look axactly like us but some common traits would seem to make sense.

They are also likely to face similar social pressures so the chance of 'them there aliens' being amenable to peaceful interaction would seem to be reasonable at least.

I agree it also means Ghengis Kahn being reincarnated in deed and action is also possible.
A society with FTL technology and force fields can be several million years of technological life and have motivations, beliefs and needs completely different from ours, depending on the environment in which they have evolved and the dangers of annihilation they will have suffered during their long existence. They can have enormous size and a speed of thought a thousand times slower or faster than ours, they can have very different senses and need interfaces to understand our senses, our system of measurements and our laws. They can be colonies of small, highly radioactive gestalt organisms that communicate telepathically... or a predatory race that has obtained technology from older ones and is using it like those African warlords who use mines and helicopters to slaughter elephants for ivory. The universe is full of known dangers and hopefully the ones we don't know about are even worse.
Folks, I have the feeling, that this thread about Extraterrestrials was somehow hijacked by quite earthbound
themes !
Most citizens of Belgium, the whole EU or the US are boringly normal human beings, and even Angela Merkel was,
or still is ... though, I must admit, that there were times, when some doubts seem to have been advisable to me...

So, please, back to topic !
The EU reminds me somewhat of what the US was must have been like under the Articles of Confederation.
Richard Dawkins? Seriously? Science hasn't buried religion.
Not yet, but it has already debunked many myths that humanity in its ignorance attributed to “supernatural” causes: the fire god, the sun god, the moon goddess, rain, snow, hail, flat earth, lightning, thunder, eclipses, meteorites, comets, earthquakes, tidal waves, diseases (Yertsynia Pestis), unicorns (rhinos), mermaids (manatees), werewolves (porphyria), Kraken (Architeutis), dragons (dinosaurs fossils) ... Science advances methodically and is unstoppable... What will be the next myth deciphered and archived?

How about the other aliens living among us? They are always right, they will lead humanity to all truth. They never do wrong. They are perfect.

Any ideas?
Thank you, Ed! What a very nice thing to state - I am a green (it's actually pink these days, but never mind) card carrying resident alien and truly appreciate your confidence in our wisdom and capabilities, although you might be a tad overconfident in our collective faculties - there *are* European idiots, too, you know. But now let's start by completely updating your... antiquated over two centuries old two party political system...

I suggest you look at The House of Commons and The House of Lords.
Nah, I look at the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. After WWII West Germany had shall we say the opportunity to learn from established democratic political systems around the world and combine the best features of different models in an optimized solution.
I think you miss the part of history that also before WWII there was a democratic system in Germany. So I would more say it was some kind of learning from the Weimar Republic under the control of the Western victorious powers. Besides, I think the established and still active system is far away from being optimized compared to other democratic systems.
Germany has not yet overcome its exclusion from the Roman Empire, its political thought functions with different frequencies from the rest of Europe.
Would you perhaps care to exactly elaborate on your apparent German inferiority complex insinuation theory? I assume you have access to Wikipedia in the southern european parts where presumably you reside, so I hope it will not blow your mind irreparably to become aware that the socalled Holy Roman Empire was also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire. But if you will, please discuss which current Roman Empire you're referring to - is that perhaps the one where Spain is supplying several luxury car and appliance company brands around the globe and is the economic powerhouse of the European Union? Oh wait, I think I got that mixed up - my bad... But you sure produce nice B/W line drawings of other countries' airplanes, my kind sir...
Inferiority? None of that, Martin, we think of different frequencies. My personal opinion of the German people has always been better than that commonly accepted in the Western world. His best virtue is that he always seeks excellence: if he is ordered to make tanks, he manufactures the best in the world, if he is ordered to be a fascist, he surpasses Mussolini, if he is ordered to be a communist, he surpasses the Russians, if he is ordered to be democratic, he gives lessons to the peoples of the south. An obedient, disciplined and respectful people with their leaders.

In my country it is considered in bad taste to be patriotic, but we are the world's leading producer of wine and oil, which are marketed in French and Italian bottles to sell them at a better price, pure humility.
I take it then that in his 39 year fascist dictatorial run, due to lack of patriotic vigor, Franco was never able to make Spanish trains run on time, no?
Richard Dawkins? Seriously? Science hasn't buried religion.
Not yet, but it has already debunked many myths that humanity in its ignorance attributed to “supernatural” causes: the fire god, the sun god, the moon goddess, rain, snow, hail, flat earth, lightning, thunder, eclipses, meteorites, comets, earthquakes, tidal waves, diseases (Yertsynia Pestis), unicorns (rhinos), mermaids (manatees), werewolves (porphyria), Kraken (Architeutis), dragons (dinosaurs fossils) ... Science advances methodically and is unstoppable... What will be the next myth deciphered and archived?

How about the other aliens living among us? They are always right, they will lead humanity to all truth. They never do wrong. They are perfect.

Any ideas?
Thank you, Ed! What a very nice thing to state - I am a green (it's actually pink these days, but never mind) card carrying resident alien and truly appreciate your confidence in our wisdom and capabilities, although you might be a tad overconfident in our collective faculties - there *are* European idiots, too, you know. But now let's start by completely updating your... antiquated over two centuries old two party political system...

I suggest you look at The House of Commons and The House of Lords.
Nah, I look at the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. After WWII West Germany had shall we say the opportunity to learn from established democratic political systems around the world and combine the best features of different models in an optimized solution.
I think you miss the part of history that also before WWII there was a democratic system in Germany. So I would more say it was some kind of learning from the Weimar Republic under the control of the Western victorious powers. Besides, I think the established and still active system is far away from being optimized compared to other democratic systems.
Germany has not yet overcome its exclusion from the Roman Empire, its political thought functions with different frequencies from the rest of Europe.
Would you perhaps care to exactly elaborate on your apparent German inferiority complex insinuation theory? I assume you have access to Wikipedia in the southern european parts where presumably you reside, so I hope it will not blow your mind irreparably to become aware that the socalled Holy Roman Empire was also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire. But if you will, please discuss which current Roman Empire you're referring to - is that perhaps the one where Spain is supplying several luxury car and appliance company brands around the globe and is the economic powerhouse of the European Union? Oh wait, I think I got that mixed up - my bad... But you sure produce nice B/W line drawings of other countries' airplanes, my kind sir...
Inferiority? None of that, Martin, we think of different frequencies. My personal opinion of the German people has always been better than that commonly accepted in the Western world. His best virtue is that he always seeks excellence: if he is ordered to make tanks, he manufactures the best in the world, if he is ordered to be a fascist, he surpasses Mussolini, if he is ordered to be a communist, he surpasses the Russians, if he is ordered to be democratic, he gives lessons to the peoples of the south. An obedient, disciplined and respectful people with their leaders.

In my country it is considered in bad taste to be patriotic, but we are the world's leading producer of wine and oil, which are marketed in French and Italian bottles to sell them at a better price, pure humility.
I take it then that in his 39 year fascist dictatorial run, due to lack of patriotic vigor, Franco was never able to make Spanish trains run on time, no?
He didn't even try, he knew that we don't respect our leaders, that's why he lasted 39 years.
Richard Dawkins? Seriously? Science hasn't buried religion.
Not yet, but it has already debunked many myths that humanity in its ignorance attributed to “supernatural” causes: the fire god, the sun god, the moon goddess, rain, snow, hail, flat earth, lightning, thunder, eclipses, meteorites, comets, earthquakes, tidal waves, diseases (Yertsynia Pestis), unicorns (rhinos), mermaids (manatees), werewolves (porphyria), Kraken (Architeutis), dragons (dinosaurs fossils) ... Science advances methodically and is unstoppable... What will be the next myth deciphered and archived?

How about the other aliens living among us? They are always right, they will lead humanity to all truth. They never do wrong. They are perfect.

Any ideas?
Thank you, Ed! What a very nice thing to state - I am a green (it's actually pink these days, but never mind) card carrying resident alien and truly appreciate your confidence in our wisdom and capabilities, although you might be a tad overconfident in our collective faculties - there *are* European idiots, too, you know. But now let's start by completely updating your... antiquated over two centuries old two party political system...

I suggest you look at The House of Commons and The House of Lords.
Nah, I look at the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. After WWII West Germany had shall we say the opportunity to learn from established democratic political systems around the world and combine the best features of different models in an optimized solution.
I think you miss the part of history that also before WWII there was a democratic system in Germany. So I would more say it was some kind of learning from the Weimar Republic under the control of the Western victorious powers. Besides, I think the established and still active system is far away from being optimized compared to other democratic systems.
Germany has not yet overcome its exclusion from the Roman Empire, its political thought functions with different frequencies from the rest of Europe.
Would you perhaps care to exactly elaborate on your apparent German inferiority complex insinuation theory? I assume you have access to Wikipedia in the southern european parts where presumably you reside, so I hope it will not blow your mind irreparably to become aware that the socalled Holy Roman Empire was also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire. But if you will, please discuss which current Roman Empire you're referring to - is that perhaps the one where Spain is supplying several luxury car and appliance company brands around the globe and is the economic powerhouse of the European Union? Oh wait, I think I got that mixed up - my bad... But you sure produce nice B/W line drawings of other countries' airplanes, my kind sir...
Inferiority? None of that, Martin, we think of different frequencies. My personal opinion of the German people has always been better than that commonly accepted in the Western world. His best virtue is that he always seeks excellence: if he is ordered to make tanks, he manufactures the best in the world, if he is ordered to be a fascist, he surpasses Mussolini, if he is ordered to be a communist, he surpasses the Russians, if he is ordered to be democratic, he gives lessons to the peoples of the south. An obedient, disciplined and respectful people with their leaders.

In my country it is considered in bad taste to be patriotic, but we are the world's leading producer of wine and oil, which are marketed in French and Italian bottles to sell them at a better price, pure humility.
I take it then that in his 39 year fascist dictatorial run, due to lack of patriotic vigor, Franco was never able to make Spanish trains run on time, no?
He didn't even try, he knew that we don't respect our leaders, that's why he lasted 39 years.
I honestly don't think he cared one bit whether people respected him, as long as they didn't dare to try to get rid of his dictatorship...
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Folks, I have the feeling, that this thread about Extraterrestrials was somehow hijacked by quite earthbound
themes !

Until we have actual extraterrestrials to work off of, all we have are "earthbound themes." We have imagination and what we think to be logical interpolations and extrapolations... but all of that builds off of earth-evolved brains.

It would be great to hav ethe zeta Reticulan point of view on religion or economics or evolutionary biology, but we don't. So we gotta work with what we have.
Richard Dawkins? Seriously? Science hasn't buried religion.
Not yet, but it has already debunked many myths that humanity in its ignorance attributed to “supernatural” causes: the fire god, the sun god, the moon goddess, rain, snow, hail, flat earth, lightning, thunder, eclipses, meteorites, comets, earthquakes, tidal waves, diseases (Yertsynia Pestis), unicorns (rhinos), mermaids (manatees), werewolves (porphyria), Kraken (Architeutis), dragons (dinosaurs fossils) ... Science advances methodically and is unstoppable... What will be the next myth deciphered and archived?

How about the other aliens living among us? They are always right, they will lead humanity to all truth. They never do wrong. They are perfect.

Any ideas?
Thank you, Ed! What a very nice thing to state - I am a green (it's actually pink these days, but never mind) card carrying resident alien and truly appreciate your confidence in our wisdom and capabilities, although you might be a tad overconfident in our collective faculties - there *are* European idiots, too, you know. But now let's start by completely updating your... antiquated over two centuries old two party political system...

I suggest you look at The House of Commons and The House of Lords.
Nah, I look at the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. After WWII West Germany had shall we say the opportunity to learn from established democratic political systems around the world and combine the best features of different models in an optimized solution.
I think you miss the part of history that also before WWII there was a democratic system in Germany. So I would more say it was some kind of learning from the Weimar Republic under the control of the Western victorious powers. Besides, I think the established and still active system is far away from being optimized compared to other democratic systems.
Germany has not yet overcome its exclusion from the Roman Empire, its political thought functions with different frequencies from the rest of Europe.
Would you perhaps care to exactly elaborate on your apparent German inferiority complex insinuation theory? I assume you have access to Wikipedia in the southern european parts where presumably you reside, so I hope it will not blow your mind irreparably to become aware that the socalled Holy Roman Empire was also known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation after 1512, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire. But if you will, please discuss which current Roman Empire you're referring to - is that perhaps the one where Spain is supplying several luxury car and appliance company brands around the globe and is the economic powerhouse of the European Union? Oh wait, I think I got that mixed up - my bad... But you sure produce nice B/W line drawings of other countries' airplanes, my kind sir...
Inferiority? None of that, Martin, we think of different frequencies. My personal opinion of the German people has always been better than that commonly accepted in the Western world. His best virtue is that he always seeks excellence: if he is ordered to make tanks, he manufactures the best in the world, if he is ordered to be a fascist, he surpasses Mussolini, if he is ordered to be a communist, he surpasses the Russians, if he is ordered to be democratic, he gives lessons to the peoples of the south. An obedient, disciplined and respectful people with their leaders.

In my country it is considered in bad taste to be patriotic, but we are the world's leading producer of wine and oil, which are marketed in French and Italian bottles to sell them at a better price, pure humility.
I take it then that in his 39 year fascist dictatorial run, due to lack of patriotic vigor, Franco was never able to make Spanish trains run on time, no?
He didn't even try, he knew that we don't respect our leaders, that's why he lasted 39 years.
I honestly don't think he cared one bit whether people respected him, as long as they didn't dare to try to get rid of his dictatorship...
If it bothered him, because he was short and jokes were made, but he had to endure it, considering what had happened to the other dictators.
Folks, I have the feeling, that this thread about Extraterrestrials was somehow hijacked by quite earthbound
themes !

Until we have actual extraterrestrials to work off of, all we have are "earthbound themes." We have imagination and what we think to be logical interpolations and extrapolations... but all of that builds off of earth-evolved brains.

It would be great to hav ethe zeta Reticulan point of view on religion or economics or evolutionary biology, but we don't. So we gotta work with what we have.
Here there are many intelligent people and it is fun to exchange information, unfortunately sometimes the conversation turns to politics and close the thread.
Folks, I have the feeling, that this thread about Extraterrestrials was somehow hijacked by quite earthbound
themes !
Most citizens of Belgium, the whole EU or the US are boringly normal human beings, and even Angela Merkel was,
or still is ... though, I must admit, that there were times, when some doubts seem to have been advisable to me...

So, please, back to topic !
In regards to religion, I suspect that neither technological development nor scientific knowledge are barriers to religious belief. Even were the ET's elites to be secular ETists, agnostics, or atheists, there may be powerful segments of their polities who are rabidly religious or equally rabidly anti-religious. Anyhow, religious belief -- other than the sort of absolute (and choosy) literalism practiced by some evangelicals -- isn't incompatible with science.

If ETs are ever detected, there numerous possibilities for how that may affect us, from barely anything (we find an ET burial ground on Phobos) to massively (the FTL-using, imperialist ETs come bringing their gifts of civilization, as the imperials powers did in the 19th Century). If FTL is impossible, it will tend to the "barely anything" end of the spectrum. With current physical knowledge, even slower-than-light space travel may be impractical. The only contact with ET may be by something akin to a single-shot data dump.
In regards to religion, I suspect that neither technological development nor scientific knowledge are barriers to religious belief. Even were the ET's elites to be secular ETists, agnostics, or atheists, there may be powerful segments of their polities who are rabidly religious or equally rabidly anti-religious. Anyhow, religious belief -- other than the sort of absolute (and choosy) literalism practiced by some evangelicals -- isn't incompatible with science.

If ETs are ever detected, there numerous possibilities for how that may affect us, from barely anything (we find an ET burial ground on Phobos) to massively (the FTL-using, imperialist ETs come bringing their gifts of civilization, as the imperials powers did in the 19th Century). If FTL is impossible, it will tend to the "barely anything" end of the spectrum. With current physical knowledge, even slower-than-light space travel may be impractical. The only contact with ET may be by something akin to a single-shot data dump.
ET does not pick up the SETI phone. I believe that the first ET contact will be involuntary when we are able to detect their communication systems and listen to their conversations (aha I caught you), I would bet my entire Playboy collection of the sixties that they use FTL technology.
Folks, I have the feeling, that this thread about Extraterrestrials was somehow hijacked by quite earthbound
themes !

Until we have actual extraterrestrials to work off of, all we have are "earthbound themes." We have imagination and what we think to be logical interpolations and extrapolations... but all of that builds off of earth-evolved brains.

It would be great to hav ethe zeta Reticulan point of view on religion or economics or evolutionary biology, but we don't. So we gotta work with what we have.

We don't know what we're talking about but it's fun to speculate. This situation reminds me of the best Coca-Cola ad of all time: In a small town located at the end of the world, two teenagers watch impatiently as the first truck of this drink that arrives in the town in its history approaches.

_He heard that it tastes like girls' kisses.
-I do not know.
In regards to religion, I suspect that neither technological development nor scientific knowledge are barriers to religious belief. Even were the ET's elites to be secular ETists, agnostics, or atheists, there may be powerful segments of their polities who are rabidly religious or equally rabidly anti-religious. Anyhow, religious belief -- other than the sort of absolute (and choosy) literalism practiced by some evangelicals -- isn't incompatible with science.

Depends onthe religion. A lot of todays "non religious" are in fact quite religious, just that their religion seems to not involve a "god." A lot of political stances are things that are very clearly faith based and not just unscientific but antiscientific (men can get pregnant, diversity is our strength, nuclear power is bad, etc.). No reason to assume space aliens must necessarily be different. Perhaps they are strictly scientific in matters of physics, but fabulously superstitious in matters of biology. Maybe they see breathing oxygen as sinful. Or we get lucky and they've got a calling from Space God to exterminate all demonic silicon-based life forms. "Oh, yeah, no, none of those aroudn here. But hey, you go get 'em, Ace...."

imperialist ETs come bringing their gifts of civilization, as the imperials powers did in the 19th Century).
Even that is wide ranging in potential lessons. Belgians in the Congo? Bad for the Congolese. Americans & Brits & whatnot show up in Tokyo bay? Welll... it was bad for the existing order, but over all *fantastic* for the Japanese. They hauled themselves out of the mire of feudalistic society and technology into an advanced 20th century *power.* They ended up getting their asses handed to them not because of evil colonial powers, but because they got too ambitious.

Humans faced with aliens should take lessons from our past. *All* of our past. Not just how New World natives folded like cheap suits in the face of advanced European technology and diseases, or how sub-Saharan African countries weakened themselves selling themselves and their neighbors into slavery, but also how some cultures saw the Europeans coming and adapted, sometimes magnificiently.
Are the distances between potentially inhabited systems just too vast. A frog on a lily pond in England may be the same species as one in the Amazon rain forest but they will never be able to communicate. Perhaps other human civilisations do exist out there but like the frogs we will never know.
Are the distances between potentially inhabited systems just too vast. A frog on a lily pond in England may be the same species as one in the Amazon rain forest but they will never be able to communicate. Perhaps other human civilisations do exist out there but like the frogs we will never know.
Frogs do not think long term. Humans can and do, sometimes engaging in engineering projects that are acknowledged will take far longer than their lives. And that's just baseline humans. Humans who can be frozen solid for millenia, humans who can upload into digital storage for later download into new bio or cyber bodies, humans genetically modified to last for millenia... these folk might take "long term planning" to unprecedented levels.
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