Energia - Buran Space Transportation System

Пульт управления «Бурана»

С сайта Эврики :

« Панель управления кабиной « Бурана » получила общее обозначение СОИ (Система Отображения Информации/Система Отображения Информации») — так называются органы управления всех российских космических кораблей.

«Буран СОИ», получивший название «Вега» , был рассчитан на шесть космонавтов. Основные места командира и пилота (РМ, Рабочее место) были обозначены как РМ1 и РМ2. Остальные места (РМ3-6) должны были быть заняты бортинженерами для управления роботизированной рукой, шлюзом, выдвижным стыковочным модулем и другими системами. «Буран СОИ» был разработан совместными усилиями НПО «Энергия» (головного подрядчика программы «Энергия-Буран») и НПО «Молния» (орбитального офиса) при поддержке ЭМЗ им. Мясищева и авиационных организаций ЛИИ , ЦАГИ и Академии им. Жуковского . Одной из самых больших проблем было снижение массы СОИ, которая в окончательном варианте превышала 90 кг. СОИ ОК-ГЛИ ( Вега-ГЛИ ) позволяет нам оценить, как могла бы выглядеть панель управления — за исключением некоторых отличий, таких как газовые рычаги и приборы реактора, отсутствующие на орбитальном корабле».


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"Buran" control panel

From the Eureka website:

"The control panel of the "Burana" cabin received the general designation SOI (Information Display System/Information Display System") - this is the name of the control bodies of all Russian spacecraft.

"Buran SOI", called "Vega", was designed for six astronauts. The main positions of the commander and pilot (RM, Workplace) were designated as RM1 and RM2. The remaining places (RM3-6) were to be occupied by flight engineers to control the robotic arm, lock, retractable docking module and other systems. "Buran SOI" was developed by the joint efforts of the NGO "Energy" (the main contractor of the "Energy-Buran" program) and the NGO "Molniya" (orbital office) with the support of EMZ named after Myasishchev and aviation organisations of LII, TsAGI and the Academy named after Zhukovsky . One of the biggest problems was the reduction in the mass of SOI, which in the final version exceeded 90 kg. SOI OK-GLI (Vega-GLI) allows us to assess what the control panel could look like - except for some differences, such as gas levers and reactor devices, which are absent on the orbital ship".

Показываю все рабочие места (РМ-1, РМ-2, РМ-3, РМ-4, РМ-5 и РМ-6) "Бурана" (1.01).
На кораблях 1.02, 2.01, 2.02 и 2.03 есть отличия

I show all workplaces (RM-1, RM-2, RM-3, RM-4, RM-5 and RM-6) "Burana" (1.01).

There are differences between ships 1.02, 2.01, 2.02 and 2.03


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Буран 1К, тот, что летал в космосе, был построен со всей сантехникой для пары турбовентиляторных двигателей АЛ-31Ф, расположенных по обе стороны вертикального хвоста. Фактически, они почти летали в декабре 1988 года, но были сняты с вооружения всего за несколько недель до полета, пустые пространства были заполнены теплозащитным покрытием. И я НЕ говорю об OK-GLI, у которого было четыре турбовентиляторных двигателя, но он так и не полетел в космос. А 1К, первый Буран, который полетел в конце 1988 года.

У вас есть фотография этого? Было бы здорово. Насколько мне известно, это был самый близкий к орбите случай, когда турбовентиляторные двигатели летали на орбите.

Для сравнения, турбореактивные двигатели Space Shuttle, сброшенные в 1974 году, должны были быть в съемном пакете, который крепился болтами к днищу орбитального корабля только для дозвуковых перегоночных полетов - смотри, ма, нет необходимости в 747-SCA или устройстве стыковки/разъединения . Они бы не летали на орбите.

Преимущество Бурана в сравнении было в том, что, поскольку SSME (= RD-0120) были расходными , а на ускорителе «Энергия» хвостовая часть орбитального корабля «Буран» была доступна для размещения OMS. Так что в отличие от американского «Шаттла» не было необходимости в контейнерах OMS по обе стороны вертикального хвоста... таким образом, место было «свободно» для АЛ-31Ф.
ШАТТЛ: SSME + гондолы OMS + турбовентиляторные двигатели F401: хвост, боковые гондолы, фюзеляж.
БУРАН: ТРДД РД-0120 + ОМС + АЛ31Ф: «Энергия», хвостовой, боковые гондолы.

Buran 1K, the one that flew in space, was built with all the plumbing for a pair of AL-31F turbofan engines located on both sides of the vertical tail. In fact, they almost flew in December 1988, but were decommissioned just a few weeks before the flight, the empty spaces were filled with a heat-shielding coating. And I'm NOT talking about OK-GLI, which had four turbofan engines, but it never flew into space. And 1K, the first Buran, which flew at the end of 1988.

Do you have a picture of this? That would be great. As far as I know, this was the closest case to orbit when turbofan engines were flying in orbit.

For comparison, the Space Shuttle turbojet engines, dropped in 1974, should have been in a removable package that was bolted to the bottom of the orbital ship only for subsonic distillation flights - look, ma, there is no need for a 747-SCA or a docking/disconnection device. They wouldn't fly in orbit.

The advantage of Buran in comparison was that since the SSME (= RD-0120) were consumables, and on the Energia accelerator, the tail of the Buran orbital spacecraft was available to accommodate the OMS. So unlike the American Shuttle, there was no need for OMS containers on both sides of the vertical tail... thus, the place was "free" for the AL-31F.

SHUTTLE: SSME + OMS gondolas + F401 turbofan engines: tail, side gondolas, fuselage.

BURAN: TRDD RD-0120 + OMS + AL31F: "Energy", tail, side gondolas.

Турбореактивные двигатели были сняты с "Бурана" за полтора года до полета. Но чтобы не нарушать аэродинамику, мотогондолы в хвосте (рядом с килем) остались и использовались в качестве отсеков для служебного оборудования. Но и они были сняты за несколько месяцев до космического полета

The turbojet engines were removed from the "Buran" a year and a half before the flight. But in order not to disturb the aerodynamics, the motorised gondolas in the tail (near the keel) remained and were used as compartments for service equipment. But they were also filmed a few months before the space flight
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Internal layout of the cabin module. I am showing it for Buran (1.01), subsequent ships have differences.
Two-seat version shown for first test flights.


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(ч/т игорь-мич )
Я исправил эту картинку


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Прекрасно. Мы должны предположить, что « визуальная навигационная измерительная система » ( NIVS ) была внутренне названа « Орион »? И я также не знал, что есть какая-то «звездная карта». Отлично. Еще раз спасибо, Вадим!

Я не смог получить настоящую карту звездного неба от астронавтов, которую они использовали в космических полетах, поэтому я использовал похожую.
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Beautiful. We have to assume that the “Visual Navigation Measurement System” (NIVS) was internally named as “Orion”? And I also didn't know there was some sort of “star map”. Great. Again, thanks Vadim!

I couldn't get the real star map from the astronauts that they used in space flight, so I used a similar one
Панорамный вид грузового отсека модели «Буран ОК-КС» .
Завод РКК «Энергия» (Москва), середина 1980-х годов.

View attachment 726754

Panoramic view of the cargo bay of the Buran OK-KS model.
RKK Energia factory (Moscow), mid-1980s.

View attachment 726754
About experiments/tools container:
This is a container that housed the equipment and instruments of the system for measuring the parameters of the spacecraft’s own external atmosphere. According to plans in the mid-second half of 1987, this container was supposed to be used in the second and third flights of the 1.02 spacecraft
У этой фотографии копирайт ТАСС, фотограф - покойный Пушкарев
I remember Dan Rather reporting on the launch for only a few seconds…for years I misremembered it as a day launch somehow.
But I will use automated translation, so I apologize for any errors
No problem you're welcome. I "machine-translated" all your previous posts, respecting the original text. It's not perfect but it's what we have to allow communication in a international community,

Thanks for your comprehension
Hi friends, I have been trying to find out for a long time what was the function of these two “black boxes” (1 - 2), at the back of the Buran's cargo bay. Does anyone know anything about it? Thank you very much!



Is the Buran orbiter point cloud (spy.exe) still available for download somewhere? I noticed it's no longer possible to download it from your website.
This is a real theory of the external contours (external surface) of Buran, so it could never be downloaded from the site buran.ru
But this is exactly what we used to make our 3D model - it matches the real Buran down to tenths of a millimeter at any point on the surface Left-side1.jpg
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Hi friends, I have been trying to find out for a long time what was the function of these two “black boxes” (1 - 2), at the back of the Buran's cargo bay. Does anyone know anything about it? Thank you very much!

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All the drawings I have do not show the layout of these boxes. In addition, they interfere with the location of the upper highly directional antenna. Perhaps this is something temporary, only for the first flight
Precision in the smallest details is the main thing in my work. It’s difficult, expensive and very time-consuming - but as a result we have the best shoe laces in the world))View attachment 746930View attachment 746931

Great job Vadim, very impressive! Now we just need 3D images of the Buran's cargo bay, especially the gyroscopes sector. Thanks again!

This is a real theory of the external contours (external surface) of Buran, so it could never be downloaded from the site buran.ru
But this is exactly what we used to make our 3D model - it matches the real Buran down to tenths of a millimeter at any point on the surfaceView attachment 746929
That's good to know, it looked like the archives could be downloaded.
Great work on the model as always!
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I thought I'd jump in.
I don't think I have anything with the plumbing itself, but ODU base block integration footage (courtesy of buran․ru) offers some glimpses of the VRDU (jet engine) niches
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here's a "naked" nacelle being lowered into a niche
View attachment 744400
and some shots of the empty niche before it was covered with aluminum panels
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actual engines were never fitted to 1K, as the jets were cancelled in late 1987/early 1988, but a good approximation of how they'd look on an orbiter are test articles OK-M and OK-MT before 1988

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and the nacelles themselves, mock-ups (probably for OK-M) on the left, a "real" nacelle with TPS tiles on the right
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How close was the Buran to a second mission when the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991?
That thread is dynamite. So the turbofans had little moving doors to protect them - I presume from the inferno of reentry, the deadly superheated plasma coming from the nose and from below ?
Which brings me to a question. Clearly Buran AL-31F would have been exposed to the vacuum of space. I'm wondering what kind of damage would vacuum do to a vanilla turbofan ?

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