Elon Musk Buys Twitter

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It's starting to look like Twitter was never viable ...
A common enough story. Bubbles and pyramid schemes and simply untenable business/government/economic plans can gain enough irrational populatity fast enough to generate a buzz and a bucket of money, but are unable to sustain over the long haul. They'll take down a lot of people when they go, but often enough a lot of people will make bank early on and, if they're smart, bail out in time to *keep* that money.

It's clear that Elon started to discover just what a trash heap twitter really was. But by then it was too late; he had foolishly gotten himself trapped, so instead of fighting it in the courts and enriching the lawyers, it kinda looks like he decided to jump in feet first and tear twitter apart. With luck there will be hearings and indictment and frog marchings of politicians. But I rather doubt it.

Tortious interference

Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party, causing economic harm.[1] As an example, someone could use blackmail to induce a contractor into breaking a contract; they could threaten a supplier to prevent them from supplying goods or services to another party; or they could obstruct someone's ability to honor a contract with a client by deliberately refusing to deliver necessary goods.
I'm afraid I always spelt it with an "A"....
Let's remember all that if someone paid 44B$ for it, It's an amount that have to be taken into consideration to estimate the profitability of the company. It's not like Twitter is building machineries or selling goods. The immaterial nature of their business model do includes, mostly, their total share value.

If they lost money each day by keeping some employee beyond what their annual profits could justify, they could have had serious and well balanced motives.

If they lost money each day by keeping some employee beyond what their annual profits could justify, they could have had serious and well balanced motives.
The video below is about an employee at LinkedIn, not twitter... but it's not unreasonable to assume that similar conditions may apply. In which case, a 90% layoff in employees could well be fully justified.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBQvI6xTsd0

Price's Law could well be fully in play:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z3OZ7QuJE0
Ppl are paying for what they believe is the value. That's what they get when it comes to a billion dollars worth of tech company.

Over cherished employee tend to be as good PR than the most vaunted ones. Since social media is all about the few to the many (especially when the few have all the key access and close door culture), the effect is demultiplied.

I really hope when it comes to Musk that we will not have to forgo Mars during another couple of decades because of a Twerk... Oh sorry, a tweet. 44b$ is a lot of money to get back from fairy dust and unicorn manure.
Just dawned on me, Musk and Zuckerberg efforts to seemingly destruct Facebook and Twitter may be a blessing to mankind, no ? Still, Instagram remains, that other plague...
Just dawned on me, Musk and Zuckerberg efforts to seemingly destruct Facebook and Twitter may be a blessing to mankind, no ? Still, Instagram remains, that other plague...
Don't forget TikTok and Tumbler. And there are of course the numerous dating/hookup sites that have done *magnificent* work in destroying even the *idea* of a normal family.

If Musk ends up blowing $44B and takes out Twitter in the process... sure, he's out $44B, and that's not chump change. But the net positive to society might well make his investment pay off not just for society, but for *him.* Imagine if 2020 had not been filled with social medai-driven morons burning business and cities and getting police defunded and generally trashing the economy, ruining lives, raising the crime rate. Imagien what more is on the horizon for these worldwrecking systems. If Musk kept his money he *might* have invested it in SpaceX... just in time for the baying mobs of social medidiots to storm the launch sites and get Congress to ban "internal combustion rocket engines."
Just dawned on me, Musk and Zuckerberg efforts to seemingly destruct Facebook and Twitter may be a blessing to mankind, no ? Still, Instagram remains, that other plague...

It's more a symptom that there aren't enough young people to keep these social media enterprises going. Once you attract a sizeable population of old folks looking for their old friends, you've peaked in the current world economy.

Just dawned on me, Musk and Zuckerberg efforts to seemingly destruct Facebook and Twitter may be a blessing to mankind, no ? Still, Instagram remains, that other plague...
Don't forget TikTok and Tumbler. And there are of course the numerous dating/hookup sites that have done *magnificent* work in destroying even the *idea* of a normal family.

If Musk ends up blowing $44B and takes out Twitter in the process... sure, he's out $44B, and that's not chump change. But the net positive to society might well make his investment pay off not just for society, but for *him.* Imagine if 2020 had not been filled with social medai-driven morons burning business and cities and getting police defunded and generally trashing the economy, ruining lives, raising the crime rate. Imagien what more is on the horizon for these worldwrecking systems. If Musk kept his money he *might* have invested it in SpaceX... just in time for the baying mobs of social medidiots to storm the launch sites and get Congress to ban "internal combustion rocket engines."

The net positive would be that it further insulates groups from each other by shifting to more isolating, smaller platforms like Mastodon, which is Twitter, but you can curate the people you communicate with. I suppose that's a positive, at least for the burgeoning societies which will emerge, when the present ones decide to implode themselves like the USSR did.

The problem with centralized media, like Twitter, Facebook, and Tiktok, is that it tends to normalize the median and trivialize the extremes. The problem with decentralized media, like Mastodon, and various echo chamber "alt-Twitters", is the opposite. That is, if you consider either of those to be problems, of course.

If you consider the status quo to be beneficial, the latter is clearly detrimental, and I don't think most people here would consider the present status quo to be particularly bad, at least if shown the alternative is "things as now" and "things get worse". If you don't things now are better, but things get worse might mean things get better later, then the latter is beneficial. There's no real option where "things get better" from "things as now" though, because the XXI century seems predestined by demography to be getting worse for the most developed economies, due to prolonged sub-replacement TFRs and aging populations.

It's not something that can be solved by more money or whatever either. It's something that was unconsciously chosen. The alternative economic system of the USSR was the only one that managed to avoid it by damping consumer choice and working within a system of scarcity, keeping people focused on families rather than consumerism, and, ironically enough, it was schools and language laws that caused the USSR to vote itself out of existence of all things.
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Tortious interference

Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party, causing economic harm.[1] As an example, someone could use blackmail to induce a contractor into breaking a contract; they could threaten a supplier to prevent them from supplying goods or services to another party; or they could obstruct someone's ability to honor a contract with a client by deliberately refusing to deliver necessary goods.

Advice is not interference. Especially not professional advice from a company paid by advertisers to give advice about where to spend their ad budgets.

Just look at the actual examples that you posted.

Tortious interference

Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party, causing economic harm.[1] As an example, someone could use blackmail to induce a contractor into breaking a contract; they could threaten a supplier to prevent them from supplying goods or services to another party; or they could obstruct someone's ability to honor a contract with a client by deliberately refusing to deliver necessary goods.

Advice is not interference. Especially not professional advice from a company paid by advertisers to give advice about where to spend their ad budgets.

Just look at the actual examples that you posted.
I'd also think they use metrics etc. So even %negative comments would be scored. Its not 5 old white men in a room.
and i start seeing people discussing "twitter collapse" and such. But well I guess forum boards and maybe discord server will become more relevant now.
Boy this has to be a real record with ruining a company and it’s not even a month. Musk seems like a real rube.
So far there's minimal evidence that the company is being ruined. A whole lot of people are getting canned... but there's every possibility that most of those people are not needed. There is a *lot* of evidence that modern "tech" companies are loaded with bloat such as DIE and other such trendy rubbish.
10-11-2022: No more working from home for Twitter-employees...
14-11-2022: ...unless special circumstances apply...
18-11-2022: ...like Twitter locking out staff from the company's office buildings until 21-11-2022...
Wow. I'm just - wow. Is Musk brain that ravaged by an explosive mix of Ambien and lack of sleep ? Talk about a chaotic meltdown.
Oh well, may Twitter burn in hell, and good riddance. That thing is as toxic as fluorine rocket oxidizer. Twitter my sorry ass. 140 words of pure idiocy.
There was a tweet apparently from a twitter employee in Ireland that said they were being ordered to move to Dublin in the next month or so if they wanted to keep their job. The housing situation in Dublin is not very good at the moment.
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