Elon Musk Buys Twitter

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Let's see, I wake up with billions of dollars, buy all of the comic books I want and then what? I know. I'll go shopping. Billions of dollars can go a long, long way...
He'd have to spend an insignificant fraction of his wealth compared to his Twitter offer to try and salvage Truth Social and it'd probably be more to his tastes, anyway.
On a larger level, it would be *far* better culturally to have a single fully accessible public forum where people are treated fairly, rather than two separate echo chambers, especially when one echo chamber has a many-year lead. A right-wing alternative to Twitter would be possible, but it would always be the "right wing" alternative, while Twitter has the lefties and the great bulk of the centrists, because the centrists signed on before Twitter fell to the mob, and it's all they know.
Never had Twitter or any real interest in it. I know a number of Centrists and Right of Centre personalities were meant to use it extensively but it wasn't really on my radar until Trump and his extensive use of it. I suppose that why I came to think of it a a right wing platform until Trumps suspension, that and the stories of Russian troll farms and other foreign actors, as well as criminal players.
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I only use Facebook because I can communicate with people I know in real life. Otherwise, no.
Same here, the positive on facebook is being able to reconnect with old friends and acquaintances, as well as keep in touch with family. This was especially the case when I relocated for several years and lost touch with a lot of people.
Thinking on this further, is social media really right wing or left wing at all, are the influencers and others really part of either camp?

What I perceive is lots of trolls, lots of agents (people working for a specific purpose) and a huge number of Narcissists and Narcissists Flying Monkeys (enablers) gas lighting to their hearts desires. Darvo here, Darvo there, Darvo everywhere (Darvo = Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender).

Narcissists are never really right, left, religious, or political, they simply co-opt whatever platform they can to buttress their fragile egos, identify, isolate and attack their targets.

An old school and then army friend of mine is regularly sent to facebook gaol, mostly because he lives in the US and the US facebook pages he joins are full of people who don't get his Aussie sarcasm. At the same time Narcissists skirt the edges of the rules (as they do in all facets of their lives) to do the most damage they can without having to face consequences.

There will always be Narcissists and their flying monkeys, its just that social media lets them reach more people and connect with more like minded individuals.
So what will happen to SpaceX and Tesla now that Elon Musk has just bought Twitter? Will he end up selling them or will he keep them?
So what will happen to SpaceX and Tesla now that Elon Musk has just bought Twitter? Will he end up selling them or will he keep them?
He didn't primarily use his own money to buy Twitter, unless the company implodes he's got plenty of time to pay off the investors who staked him. So, absent a disaster, he doesn't need to sell anything.
I only use Facebook because I can communicate with people I know in real life. Otherwise, no.

Same for me. I "recovered" all the people I crossed by on my walk of life since the early 1990's - and appreciated along the ride; but unfortunately had lost thereafter (I'm loosy at keeping contact even with good people, I must have some Asperger tendencies).

Hey, through Facebook I even made contact again with all the hot chicks from my high school years. And even with some more years and turned into moms, they are still hot.

During my teen years I was loosy at maths and science (you'd never believe that, being such an aviation and rocket nerd, but c'est la vie). And by default I went for literary studies; then I found myself the lone guy among a classroom of girls.

After being bullied at school for eight years (fuck the 1990's, I hate that decade) by all the Martin Prince and Nelson Muntz, every morning when I walked into the classroom among the Laetitias, Charlottes, Alices, Marions, Amandines
- it was like "Holy grail" when Sir Lancelot enter Castle Anthrax, with Dingo, Zoot, and all the others.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwOslM8JN0I

Helloooo !!

As soon as I learned of Facebook existence in 2007 I started looking for all these people, found them, and still have them nowadays.

It is one of the very few positive things Facebook ever brought to this sad and angry world...
I just think it's weird he decides to spend a gargantuan amount of money for what amounts to a microblogging service.

The value is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
Based upon this and his other recent commentary, I believe Elon is simply playing with people and getting a laugh. Quite pathetic really when one considers he could be actually using said time/money in far more productive ways.
About the only truly logical thing he has done in this farce.
He should just me watch over his money.
No, really….
Warning, graphic contents (if you are an old kid):

Given the misrepresentations Twitter made about themselves, Musk pulling out makes sense. If you offer to buy a car but find out before you hand over the cash that the seller lied about the fact that it doesn't actually have an engine, backing out is the sensible thing.
Musk never gave proof for his assertions about the percentage of spambots on twitter. He made his bid without inspecting twitter's books.
That will not help him in court.
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I think Mr. Musk got tired of being an "Invisible (to the rest of the world) Billionaire" and decided to go on the road with The Elon Musk Show. Any real businessman does his due diligence before doing the deal, not after the fact. Or he gets his legal team to do it. So now he gets his time in the spotlight, creates some public drama and it all makes for good PR.

For the record: Twitter is the greatest waste of time ever created by man.

*Soon to be followed by the Metaverse.
Musk never gave proof for his assertions about the percentage of spambots on twitter. He made his bid without inspecting twitter's books.
That will not help him in court.
True... but if Twitter drags him to court, he'll drag them through discovery. For Musk, that alone might be worth a billion dollars.

View: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1546344529460174849

Wow. Elon gets to post photos of himself on Twitter...

Of course, he can't do that anywhere else...
I thought Musk bought that last year.
Well... bid on it. Then renege.
Well... bid on it. Then renege.

I bid four hundred Quatloos on Mars, but then I found that it was actually just a hollow shell surrounding a white dwarf.

As I understand it, Musk was only able to get certain data on Twitter after he put in his bid. Note how when he made his attempt to buy it a lot of "popular" twitter posters found their number of followers plummeting rapidly, a sign that Twitter was cleaning up the bots in preparation to being thoroughly examined.
What is submitted without proof can be dismissed without proof.
Indeed. Thus, let's let Musks lawyers tear Twitter apart in discovery. If it results in Twitter becoming transparent, great. If it results in twitter evaporating, great. If it results in twitter getting owned by Musk, great.
The court will ask Musk to prove his case. No proof - no case?
Which might cost him a billion bucks. Plus whatever fee his lawyers charge.
A billion here, a billion there, and soon you're talking about real money.
A horrible thought - you wouldn't be one of his lawyers?
Coming soon. A large sign floating in space above the North Pole: Earth. An Amazon Company.

It's the battle of the Billionaires.
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