Elon Musk Buys Twitter

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At the end of April, Musk used Tesla shares as collateral for a $12.5 billion loan that was part of his scheme to finance his bid on Twitter. The price of Tesla shares has dropped 29% since then. In May, in two steps, he canceled that particular loan, subsequently raising the cash part of his $44 million bid to $33.5 billion. Even after finding additional backers for his bid, he was still left with a $8.4 billion financing gap. Due in part to falling share prices for Tesla, Musk's personal capital is ± $40 billion less than when he made his bid in April, that's close to his initial bid for Twitter.
A potted history of all this - with some interesting links - can be found on the Dutch Financiële Dagblad site, dated June 7 - behind a paywall. PM me for the article.

I don't understand the basis for arguing Elon's actions are "an attack on free speech". I believe what Elon is doing is good for the internet, there are too many social arenas (e.g. Reddit) where there is heavy moderation based on what side of the aisle you are on.
The old saying, 'The road to Hell is paved with good intentions', still applies though.
I find Elon to be the usual billionaire svengali type. Unsure if he is the messianic tier genius some make him out to be. What he has done to the private space industry though has been pretty incredible. In the case of twitter I support him with the buyout.

Upsetting all the right people in my opinion. I do find it amusing the kind of people saying this is all an attack on free speech. Also find the combined wrath of major private and government interests to be very alarming especially with the latest news confirming the inappropriately close ties to social media companies and multiple government bureaus (DHS, FBI, etc...).
More haste, less speed. Employees fired on Friday asked to return on Monday. Pretty please.
This is pathetic. Then again, Twitter is complete sh*t, so maybe they deserve Musk. I mean, if Musk can sabotage Twitter like Zuckerberg is presently ruining Facebook with the Meta absolute and ugly idiocy - then I say: why not ?
Social networks are a plague. The less, the better.
*Useful idiots*
Plus if this re-inject some $ dozen of billions out of their pockets and back into the economy (and eventually, the IRS) - can't do any bad either.
Didn't Zuckerberg lost 2/3rd of his fortune over the Meta bloodbath ?


Western intelligence agencies are also worried that Tesla’s presence in China has made Elon Musk too dependent on Beijing's good graces at the precise moment that he takes over the world’s biggest information platform with a promise to be a dedicated custodian of free speech.
Isn't this the first time Elon buy a large company? Wouldn't that be a new role for him?
Via the Drudge Report:
(New York Times, via Dnyuz)

(The Daily Beast)
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It's interesting how quickly this "freedom of speech absolutist" took so little time in suppressing content making fun of him.

When? You mean when Twitter enforced the "no pretending to be someone else " rule they've had on the books for years?
When he
It's interesting how quickly this "freedom of speech absolutist" took so little time in suppressing content making fun of him.

When? You mean when Twitter enforced the "no pretending to be someone else " rule they've had on the books for years?
While simultaneously ignoring other violations of rules they've had on the books for years?
While simultaneously ignoring other violations of rules they've had on the books for years?

Maybe. But if you don't want to get booted for rules violations, maybe it'd be a good idea to not direct your rules-violations *directly* at the guy in charge. Make a parody account mocking some random nobody without saying it's a parody account? People may well not notice. Direct it at the richest man around? Yeah, that's dumb.

For example: if I call you a Bad Name here, the moderators might get snippy if they even notice. If I call Overscan a Bad Name... they *will* notice.
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While simultaneously ignoring other violations of rules they've had on the books for years?

Maybe. But if you don't want to get booted for rules violations, maybe it'd be a good idea to not direct your rules-violations *directly* at the guy in charge. Make a parody account mocking some random nobody without saying it's a parody account? People may well not notice. Direct it at the richest man around? Yeah, that's dumb.

For example: if I can you a Bad Name here, the moderators might get snippy if they even notice. If I can Overscan a Bad Name... they *will* notice.
Who's Overscan...? ;)
I'm Overscan and so is my wife

Unless you're an undeclared parody account...

Here a screenshot from a false verified and now deleted twitter account "@LockheedMartini".o_O:D


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That willl be the SMERSH chapter, perhaps get Blonde out of retirement....
Some people are arguing that Musk is massively mismanaging his new toy. On one hand, it does kinda look that way. On the other hand, it can hardly be argued that Twitter hasn't been a net detriment to mankind, as recent events have shown. Two whole generations, Millenials and Gen Z, have been corrupted and to large degrees turned into whackadoodle idjits by Twitter and similar platforms. So maybe he's falling on a financial sword, and using his billions to rid mankind of a platform that has spread and promoted madness.

If there are future generations, and if those generations return to building and constructing rather than tearing down, perhaps they will build statues to Musk for how he helped save civilization from "influencers."

It's starting to look like Twitter was never viable as 4 million losses per day is unsustainable as was the surprisingly 'kept' employees living lives of unproductive luxury.

It's been sustained for political reasons by certain big companies and has had a.....unhealthy relationship with the US Government.....which explains much.
My theory....
As Musk gained insight into what might be lurking behind the veil, so he tried to back out. Who would want to get tangled into the dark corners of Government manipulating media and corporate 'influences'.

But I can see the attraction, to pulling on this thread until the whole tapestry of incestuous relationships are exposed and collapsed.

I've only really looked at a very few posters on Twitter and never bothered with joining it....and that was before it became highly censorious and partisan. Mostly forced because they stopped blogging or posting articles in online media.
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