Drones and how to kill them?

The problem is that medium sized drones (professional quadcopters and Shaheds) aren't easily damaged by flak. At least not damaged enough to knock them out of the sky.

Yes, there's always the golden BB to the control circuit boards, but general damage to props or wing surfaces is basically not going to stop one. You need a hit solid enough to break the airframe. Break the main wing spar, blow the rudders off, break the rotor support arms.

By jamming the cellphone network, which also announces an attack. And the jammer is actively emitting for your artillery to smash.
Flak has been doing that sort of damage to targets built a lot sturdier than a quadcopter for a long time. As always you just need to get the explosion close enough to the target.
Considering just the huge variety in drone size and capability there is no one-size fits all solution, but I think autocannons with airburst ammunition are going to have to play a very important part.
Regarding infantry protection against sUAS, I think one item as old as the times has been discarded way too easily: the shield.

Ballistic resistant ones can be improved and trade the extra weights that burden soldiers with a bit of fancy gimmicks that would benefit the integrated force structure.

Here are some of the plausible benefits (some are exclusives):
- Ballistic
- Thermal shielding (anti-IR)
- visual/adaptive cammo
- Radio antenna
- GMTI Shielding
- Direct Energy attack protection
- Emergency Stretcher (think at the expected causality rates of modern warfare)

Hence, Protect, Assist, Conceal.
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Five O’Clock Yuri…

Solar Drones

Flying lotus


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Learning from birds

The team named these new types of waves "flonons," which is based on the similar concept of phonons that refer to vibrational waves in systems of masses linked by springs and which are used to model the motions of atoms or molecules in crystals or other materials.

"Our findings therefore raise some interesting connections to material physics in which birds in an orderly flock are analogous to atoms in a regular crystal," Newbolt adds.
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Heres a shot of a reaper being taken down by an unidentified yemeni sam,as seen from a drone shadowing the reaper.

Just use rockets...
Agreed. APKWS or CRV7-PG, and give it the heavy flechette warhead. WDU-4/A for Hydras, WDU-500X/B "General Purpose Flechette" for CRV7. 96 or 80 darts, so even if the laser goes off target the spread of flechettes will take out the Shahed.

Actually, CRV7-PG with that GPF warhead is a wicked short range laser-guided AAM or SAM. High speed, only 30lbs...
You can see how difficult it is for the kamov to knock this thing out just using what I`m` assuming to be a door gunner.In the end they practically have to get right on top of this thing to take it out.
I`m honestly surprised that they`re not using a dedicated attack helo,tho these might all be needed at the front.
Barring that using something like the AT-6 atgm would seem to be the better less risky choice,imho anyway.
You can see how difficult it is for the kamov to knock this thing out just using what I`m` assuming to be a door gunner.In the end they practically have to get right on top of this thing to take it out.
I`m honestly surprised that they`re not using a dedicated attack helo,tho these might all be needed at the front.
Barring that using something like the AT-6 atgm would seem to be the better less risky choice,imho anyway.
Don't the Russians have two or three different rocket calibers they use on helicopters?


Ah, yeah, S-5 series, S-8 series, and S-24 series. I'd want to send an S-8 at the drone.
Don't the Russians have two or three different rocket calibers they use on helicopters?


Ah, yeah, S-5 series, S-8 series, and S-24 series. I'd want to send an S-8 at the drone.
Yeah,its a weird one isnt it?
With all of the potential anti usv weapons they`ve got but they`re using [I`m assuming] a guy with a machine gun.:rolleyes:
Heres a Ka-29 with rockets and atgms

How does the turret move?

View: https://x.com/Archer83Able/status/1788148643280675247
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Im wondering if you could stuff an APKWS type guidance system into a 25mm grenade/round or at least into a 40mm grenade. Plenty of 40mm grenade launchers available and a 40mm round should do a number on small drones.
Im wondering if you could stuff an APKWS type guidance system into a 25mm grenade/round or at least into a 40mm grenade. Plenty of 40mm grenade launchers available and a 40mm round should do a number on small drones.
APKWS adds quite a bit of length to a rocket.

The US EAWS(?) C-RAM system is the smallest fully guided cannon round I've seen, and it was 50x330mm. IIRC, basically the Bofors 40mm L70 round expanded up to 50mm to have space for guidance and a decent payload.

View: https://x.com/AirPowerNEW1/status/1790162003362726246

After decades of research and development, the U.S. military is officially using laser weapons in combat zones overseas.

The U.S. Army recently disclosed that the service had not only deployed a pair of 20-kilowatt palletized high-energy laser (P-HEL) systems—built on Virginia-based defense contractor BlueHalo’s Locust Laser Weapon System—abroad to protect U.S. troops from hostile drones in recent months, but that those systems had proven successful against incoming threats in the Middle East in the first-ever use of laser weapons in combat.
Im wondering if you could stuff an APKWS type guidance system into a 25mm grenade/round or at least into a 40mm grenade. Plenty of 40mm grenade launchers available and a 40mm round should do a number on small drones.


It would be easier to give the 40mm a fire control system and have it automatically engage air defense threats with VT fused ammo. Ranging could be done by some sort of automatic target tracking and a laser rangefinder, or more esoteric methods of passive rangefinding, like in ATFLIR. A burst of a few VT/"PABM" rounds should shred any sort of FPV kamikaze.

It would be easier to give the 40mm a fire control system and have it automatically engage air defense threats with VT fused ammo. Ranging could be done by some sort of automatic target tracking and a laser rangefinder, or more esoteric methods of passive rangefinding, like in ATFLIR. A burst of a few VT/"PABM" rounds should shred any sort of FPV kamikaze.
I was thinking of the XM25 or the underbarrel grenade launchers. You're not putting a fire control system into that.
I honestlybwonder if a modernize version of tge XM29 be useful.

Even with just the Time Grenade it be a fairly credit threat to drones as shown by the Shotgun marine.

Add in Darpa Exacto Round tech with a multi lidar system on the scope for targeting?

One man AA turret.
I was thinking of the XM25 or the underbarrel grenade launchers. You're not putting a fire control system into that.

What are you talking about? All of those have fire control systems sufficient to hit moving UAS. The Israelis just use rifle fire to kill them. A Mk 19 or something with a stabilized RWS mount and a fire control system using an APS radar as a warning sensor can easily kill an FPV drone. That seems to be what the Panther is using for the job.

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