Defense against Hypersonic Glide Vehicles

Implies it will be a long range large and very powerful and very high Mach missile with the associated necessary big radar and a LEO satellite constellation system for continuous coverage.
If you can catch them out of the atmosphere, it's better. They can't maneuver except via very easy to detect RCS thrusters, and maneuvering much out of atmosphere can either mess up their re-entry or make it very difficult to hit the target.

Would that also imply for intercepting SRAM hypersonic cruise missiles that fly at lower altitude with in the earths atmosphere will require totally different missile system or perhaps rely on THAAD?
Probably. Something like SM3 is exo-atmospheric only, it basically cannot maneuver inside the atmosphere. THAAD or Patriot PAC3MSE can maneuver inside the atmosphere, even if the missiles are actually capable of reaching over 100km up.
Implies it will be a long range large and very powerful and very high Mach missile with the associated necessary big radar and a LEO satellite constellation system for continuous coverage. Would that also imply for intercepting SRAM hypersonic cruise missiles that fly at lower altitude with in the earths atmosphere will require totally different missile system or perhaps rely on THAAD?
Wonder if it's the SM-6 IB now that it's been revealed that it also has a BMD function.

I suspect GPI will require a endo/exo atmospheric capability like THAAD.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if SM-6 IB looked like the item second from right. If they're using the same variant for surface strike and I assume there's only one SM-6 IB, it's going to be real interesting watching adversary SAMs trying to intercept an air vehicle with DACT closing at Mach 5. :cool:

I wouldn't be at all surprised if SM-6 IB looked like the item second from right. If they're using the same variant for surface strike and I assume there's only one SM-6 IB, it's going to be real interesting watching adversary SAMs trying to intercept an air vehicle with DACT closing at Mach 5. :cool:
DACT and some drunk-walking algorithms, for roughly random maneuvering...

Gonna reveal some new profanity for sure! :D

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Japanese side will be responsible for the missile's rocket motor and the propulsion system for the warhead portion, known as the "kill vehicle,"

6000/y ?! That´s roughly 20 per day on a 2000-acre ranch, hence one every shift day per 100 acre. I guess they are walking on powder residues... Not talking about air quality for their neighbors.

But why such a hassle?
6000/y ?! That´s roughly 20 per day on a 2000-acre ranch, hence one every shift day per 100 acre. I guess they are walking on powder residues... Not talking about air quality for their neighbors.
New Jersey. Pretty sure solid rocket exhaust is an improvement to general air quality around there...
It seems to me range is just a function of how large of a rocket booster you but behind it.
Yeah, they have multiple types with boost gliders. Makes GBSD seem kinda pathetic.

DF-17 is the only one known to be service. I believe an H-6 launched weapon and Type 55 weapon have been tested.
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Tangentially related
Wouldn't a quantum enhanced radar be so sensitive that it ends up detecting air molecules?
Lockheed Martin Space, Sunnyvale, California, has been awarded a $977,599,318 cost-plus-incentive-fee contract modification (P00127) to previously awarded contract FA8810-18-C-0005 for Phase 2.1B. The Phase 2.1B contract modification is for on-orbit developmental and operational testing, calibration, and tuning of the Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) main mission payload, entrance into the interim operations period, and interim contractor support for the Next Generation OPIR Geosynchronous System for two space vehicles consistent with the space vehicle 3 descope. The locations of performance include Sunnyvale, California; Boulder, Colorado; and Aurora, Colorado. The work is expected to be completed July 31, 2029. Fiscal 2024 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $183,649,905 are being obligated at the time of award. Total cumulative face value of the contract is $8,193,503,619. Space Force, Space Systems Command, Space Sensing, Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, is the contracting activity.

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