Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

No but I've got these from 2020, before they wanted to fit it to Zumwalt:

View attachment 733338
Interestingly that shot is around the same distance, 3700-3800km, although with a STARS-III (modded Polaris A-3) booster.

Also some stuff about an AHW test in here with the same STARS booster.
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All depends on the size of the C-HGB. A source for HCSW (assumed to be a shortened air-launched version of Dark Eagle) suggested a weight of 1,200lb, so stick a Mk11 (1.2MT or Mk17 (2MT) on it. :cool:

That SABRE RV sounded quite cool too.
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I wonder if a PrSM-ER will be developed by adding a third-stage to the booster-stack?

Edit: In regards to the STARS LV has the DoD started looking for a replacement as there are only a finite number of Polaris A3 rocket-motors left due to the retired missile being LONG out of production.
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Does it even have a second stage? Thought the existing model was single-stage.

I was under the impression it was a two-stage missile, if the PrSM only uses a single-stage launcher then a two-stage booster would qualify as a PrSM-ER then.

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