Current US hypersonic weapons projects. (General)

Just been thinking. A Dark Eagle/CPS costs ~$40m and a Falcon 9 launch costs $15m (reusable)* and has an RTLS (Return to Launch SIte) payload of 12,000kg. Theoretically you could load say two dozen C-HGBs on a Falcon 9 (maybe more given sub-orbital trajectory) and hit 24 targets anywhere on the planet in ~20-25 minutes at a cost of ~$1-2m per target. (Guessing cost a little here because I'm not sure how much a C-HGB on its own costs but presumably much less than an AUR(All-Up Round).) The LV would then return to the launch site. You could do the same with any reusable launcher, current or future reusable LV (Falcon 9, Sharship, Terran R, Nova... etc.).

According to Elon Musk, the marginal cost for a reused Falcon 9 launch is only about $15 million. He explained that the majority of this amount was represented by the $10 million it costs to manufacture a new upper stage.

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I believe this is the right thread for this Defense Updates video concerning the USAF's current and future strike and interceptor missiles:

The war in Ukraine, the withdrawal from INF Treaty due to Russian non-compliance, Iran & North Korea’s significant military buildup as well as Chinese aggression in the South China Sea has pushed the U.S. military to come to terms with new realities.Gone are the days when it was waging wars against adversaries with no-to-limited high-tech weaponry.The US military is taking key steps to evolve and one crucial aspect of this endeavor is adding new cutting-edge missiles to its inventory.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes what new missiles the U.S. military will bring to the fight in the coming days?
02:08 AIM-260
03:07 PrSM
04:21 MAKO
05:34 LREW
07:31 LRHW -Dark Eagle
08:21 LRAAM
09:55 AIM-174B

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