Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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UK prime minister Boris Johnson recently announced a fuzzy blueprint for his “winter plan”, in which further lockdowns and compulsory mask-wearing were not being introduced but could not be ruled out. As an interdisciplinary researcher specialising in complex systems and health policy, it looks to me like the UK is on course for yet another yo-yo winter in which too few precautions are introduced too late, only after the exponential increasein cases and deaths become too dramatic to brush aside.

Unless the British public learns to live with (as opposed to keep dying of) COVID, this cycle could continue indefinitely.
Yep - 3000 health workers have been suspended at the deadline for them to get vaccinated was September 15.

Note that's "only" 3000 people out of a whopping 1.2 million concerned in the first place... (yes, there are THAT many health care workers in my country, probably including "support" jobs of all kinds).
1% would be 12 000 people, so that's perhaps 0.25% of the tally.

The bad news is that some hospitals in some regions seems to concentrate a higher fraction of stubborn / suicidal / renegade health workers (yes, I call them that way, and I'm not the only one)

See Karine Lacombe opinion about them

I've said it a long time ago. For frack sake - a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist refusing to get vaccinated NOW; against massive medical evidence that vaccination is a) safe and b) efficient
- to me that person is renegading his own job, studies, and knowledge.
And thus I agree with Dr Lacombe opinion.

The layman in the street may have some doubts related to vaccines, perhaps related to Astra Zenecca incidents early on.
But a healthcare professional with intensive knowledge of medecine, vaccine included ? a person who is in daily contact with highly contagious COVID patients ?
That's kind of renegading his own job and also a suicidal move.
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Well, a few emotional responses but here's the reality.

The government, for all intents and purposes, means nothing. That's right. The average person knows what to do. They know the drill. Period. They've seen or heard about people dying. They've already been told 'don't go here or there.' As far as waiting on the government, any government, don't. A year and a half has taught the world.

Finally, we cannot control the behavior of others. If they want to die or put themselves at risk, who will stop them? Anyone here?

For the record. I worked in a hospital for 9 years. I was taught how to deal with patients in quarantine.

Welcome to the weekend and MEDIA hyperbole. It's complicated. It's so complicated. It's not. Squandering? And WHO is squandering anything? More nonsense to raise your anxiety level. No one in charge of vaccine distribution calls me to get my advice. Never will.

And the Pentagon won't return my calls. Imagine that.
There's also this selective instruction set from some places about people being told the pandemic is over when they work but suddenly it's an extreme emergency the instant people want to do anything that isn't work.

It's gotten very extremely tiresome.
The government, for all intents and purposes, means nothing.

Finally, we cannot control the behavior of others. If they want to die or put themselves at risk, who will stop them? Anyone here?

In this peculiar case (in France) the government made clear to healthcare workers: get vaccinated by September 15, or prepare to be suspended (best case) or fired (worst case)

1.2 million got the message. 4000 did not, and are now facing the consequences.

No emotion here, just plain facts.
The government, for all intents and purposes, means nothing.

Finally, we cannot control the behavior of others. If they want to die or put themselves at risk, who will stop them? Anyone here?

In this peculiar case (in France) the government made clear to healthcare workers: get vaccinated by September 15, or prepare to be suspended (best case) or fired (worst case)

1.2 million got the message. 4000 did not, and are now facing the consequences.

No emotion here, just plain facts.

That's not what I mean. I am referring to people losing their jobs or engaging in suicidal behavior. I would like to have compassion for others but if they ignore facts, is that my or anyone's call? Will I, or anyone else, stand in front of them and say: "Stop! Here are the facts."? No.

They are reneging on their commitment? Is that it? No. They have reasons that I will never post here. They regard them as good reasons even if others don't.

"I've said it a long time ago. For frack sake - a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist refusing to get vaccinated NOW; against massive medical evidence that vaccination is a) safe and b) efficient
- to me that person is renegading his own job, studies, and knowledge.
And thus I agree with Dr Lacombe opinion."

The above is what I'm referring to. I will not tie myself in knots because portions of the United States IGNORED the rules, traveled and now contain people who are dying. Did I tell them to travel as if everything is fine? No.
The government, for all intents and purposes, means nothing.

Finally, we cannot control the behavior of others. If they want to die or put themselves at risk, who will stop them? Anyone here?

In this peculiar case (in France) the government made clear to healthcare workers: get vaccinated by September 15, or prepare to be suspended (best case) or fired (worst case)

1.2 million got the message. 4000 did not, and are now facing the consequences.

No emotion here, just plain facts.

That's not what I mean. I am referring to people losing their jobs or engaging in suicidal behavior. I would like to have compassion for others but if they ignore facts, is that my or anyone's call? Will I, or anyone else, stand in front of them and say: "Stop! Here are the facts."? No.

They are reneging on their commitment? Is that it? No. They have reasons that I will never post here. They regard them as good reasons even if others don't.

"I've said it a long time ago. For frack sake - a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist refusing to get vaccinated NOW; against massive medical evidence that vaccination is a) safe and b) efficient
- to me that person is renegading his own job, studies, and knowledge.
And thus I agree with Dr Lacombe opinion."

The above is what I'm referring to. I will not tie myself in knots because portions of the United States IGNORED the rules, traveled and now contain people who are dying. Did I tell them to travel as if everything is fine? No.

Didn't knew you worked in an hospital. I understand better how and why you may be fed up with the medias treatment (of doom) of the pandemic.
Managing Editor to all news staff:

"Your mission will be to report DEATH. The more deaths the better, especially on the weekend. Remember, the more people who click on our stories, the more we can charge for advertising."

I have a friend who worked on staff at a local daily newspaper. I was invited to visit and was told about their inner workings. About how decisions regarding which stories go in and which do not are made. Yet, I'm referring to the past. In the present, the drive for profits means a loosening of certain standards.
Managing Editor to all news staff:

"Your mission will be to report DEATH. The more deaths the better, especially on the weekend. Remember, the more people who click on our stories, the more we can charge for advertising."

I have a friend who worked on staff at a local daily newspaper. I was invited to visit and was told about their inner workings. About how decisions regarding which stories go in and which do not are made. Yet, I'm referring to the past. In the present, the drive for profits means a loosening of certain standards.

Well it is a bit like the newspaper in Spiderman, Jonah Jameson...
50 million French vaccinated (or at least with 1 shot out of 2) over 67 million. Macron is all joy.
The big-stick & carrot approach seemingly has worked, hallelujah !
Anti-vax protesters are rarer by the week, less than 100 000...
If a more lethal variant evolved that was stopped by the current vaccination any guestimates on the percentage of people who would still refuse vaccination.
This story has now taken a turn towards the nasty. As nothing like effectively organising a hate campaign against people.
Singer Nicki Minaj has posted the personal details of journalists who attempted to contact the source of her controversial Covid vaccine views on social media.

The targets of her ire were Sharlene Rampersad, who works for Trinidad’s Guardian Media Limited, and Daily Mailreporter James Fielding, the Daily Beastreported.
Rampersad’s employer, Guardian Media Ltd, issued a statement Friday denouncing the celebrity’s attack on the journalist.
“Today, in the legitimate pursuit of a story that has both local and international interest, one of our journalists has been subjected to a range of attacks via social media including death threats,” the statement reads. “This is unacceptable and we have taken all measures within our control to ensure her safety and security.

“At Guardian Media Ltd. we denounce intimidation of journalists in any form ... the use of aggression on social media to intimidate can have adverse physical and psychological effects on people. As a responsible media house, we encourage others to stand up against this type of behaviour as we can all make a difference in addressing this global challenge posed by the pervasive nature of social media.”
So she lied, and she is now choosing to handle the situation she created by declaring war on the people caught up in it. She's playing a very very dangerous game.
This research adds weight to the natural origins theory but also indicates there are a lot of viruses in the wild that could make the same jump into humans as Covid has.
Virus-hunters have narrowed in on the closest relative yet to Sars-CoV-2, the pathogen behind the Covid-19 pandemic, in bat caves in Laos.

The research is the latest piece of evidence to point towards the pandemic having natural origins, rather than being caused by a laboratory leak, including a study last week which suggested tens of thousands of people may be infected by bat coronaviruses every year.

The new paper, published as a pre-print by the French Institute Pasteur and the University of Laos, studied coronaviruses found in bats in four different limestone caves in Laos between July 2020 and January 2021.

Coronaviruses with a SARS-CoV-2-like receptor-binding domain allowing ACE2-mediated entry into human cells isolated from bats of Indochinese peninsula


The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 is unknown despite reports of various SARS-CoV-2-related viruses in Asian Rhinolophus bats, including the closest virus from R. affinis, RaTG13. Several studies have suggested the involvement of pangolin coronaviruses in SARS-CoV-2 emergence. SARS-CoV-2 presents a mosaic genome, to which different progenitors contribute. The spike sequence determines the binding affinity and accessibility of its receptor-binding domain (RBD) to the cellular angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and is responsible for host range. SARS-CoV-2 progenitor bat viruses genetically close to SARS-CoV-2 and able to enter human cells through a human ACE2 pathway have not yet been identified, though they would be key in understanding the origin of the epidemics. Here we show that such viruses indeed circulate in cave bats living in the limestone karstic terrain in North Laos, within the Indochinese peninsula. We found that the RBDs of these viruses differ from that of SARS-CoV-2 by only one or two residues, bind as efficiently to the hACE2 protein as the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan strain isolated in early human cases, and mediate hACE2-dependent entry into human cells, which is inhibited by antibodies neutralizing SARS-CoV-2. None of these bat viruses harbors a furin cleavage site in the spike. Our findings therefore indicate that bat-borne SARS-CoV-2-like viruses potentially infectious for humans circulate in Rhinolophus spp. in the Indochinese peninsula.

This research adds weight to the natural origins theory but also indicates there are a lot of viruses in the wild that could make the same jump into humans as Covid has.
Unfortunately the study in question seems to be yet another one of those funded by the PRC in its ongoing attempt to 'prove' that it was not responsible for Covid-19. Which makes its reliability seriously doubtful at best.
This research adds weight to the natural origins theory but also indicates there are a lot of viruses in the wild that could make the same jump into humans as Covid has.
Virus-hunters have narrowed in on the closest relative yet to Sars-CoV-2, the pathogen behind the Covid-19 pandemic, in bat caves in Laos.

The research is the latest piece of evidence to point towards the pandemic having natural origins, rather than being caused by a laboratory leak, including a study last week which suggested tens of thousands of people may be infected by bat coronaviruses every year.

The new paper, published as a pre-print by the French Institute Pasteur and the University of Laos, studied coronaviruses found in bats in four different limestone caves in Laos between July 2020 and January 2021.

Coronaviruses with a SARS-CoV-2-like receptor-binding domain allowing ACE2-mediated entry into human cells isolated from bats of Indochinese peninsula


The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 is unknown despite reports of various SARS-CoV-2-related viruses in Asian Rhinolophus bats, including the closest virus from R. affinis, RaTG13. Several studies have suggested the involvement of pangolin coronaviruses in SARS-CoV-2 emergence. SARS-CoV-2 presents a mosaic genome, to which different progenitors contribute. The spike sequence determines the binding affinity and accessibility of its receptor-binding domain (RBD) to the cellular angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and is responsible for host range. SARS-CoV-2 progenitor bat viruses genetically close to SARS-CoV-2 and able to enter human cells through a human ACE2 pathway have not yet been identified, though they would be key in understanding the origin of the epidemics. Here we show that such viruses indeed circulate in cave bats living in the limestone karstic terrain in North Laos, within the Indochinese peninsula. We found that the RBDs of these viruses differ from that of SARS-CoV-2 by only one or two residues, bind as efficiently to the hACE2 protein as the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan strain isolated in early human cases, and mediate hACE2-dependent entry into human cells, which is inhibited by antibodies neutralizing SARS-CoV-2. None of these bat viruses harbors a furin cleavage site in the spike. Our findings therefore indicate that bat-borne SARS-CoV-2-like viruses potentially infectious for humans circulate in Rhinolophus spp. in the Indochinese peninsula.

Well the famous Chinese women expert in Coronavirus at the Wuhan institute (built by PAsteur Institute) famously said that she had identified something like 1800 virus in bats only - potentially lethals one.

So I'm not really surprise by these developments.

Hint: the more we screw the environement; the more we piss bats deep in their caves; the higher the probability some angry bat bites a human and started the entire nightmare all over again.

That's the bottom line.

Nota bene: the AIDS virus existed in apes since 10 000 years or more. What's more, it has been proven it tried to screw humans via crossing the species barier, not ONE LUCKY time (1920, Congo) but many times BEFORE.

So why did the earlier barriers crossing did not led to worldwide AIDS pandemic as the one we presently endure ?

Well, because the AIDS virus literally could not get "out of the ghetto" and start a worlwide pandemic.

The unfortunate people who were victims of those early AIDS remained isolated deep in the African forrest.

So why did the 1920 barrier crossing led to, 100 years later, 100 million people infected worlwide ?

Because that brand of simian AIDS founds an escape from African jungle toward the entire world.

Step 1 - French / Anglo / Belgian colonization led to a massive prostitution explosion

Step 2 Colonial doctors vaccinated people with tainted syringes, unknowwingly spreading AIDS

Step 3 once Congo deeply infected, whacky Mobutu asked criminal Duvallier in Haiti for doctors in the early 60's. These poor guys got AIDS out of Africa, to Haiti. And from there, to New York as early as 1971 via sexual tourism.

Step 4 Duvallier best friend Luckner Cambronne pillaged Port of prince poor people's blood - 5 dollars 1L - for his own lucrative blood trafficking business... spreading AIDS even faster across the world.

Bottom line: we messed up apes habitat deep in the african jungle via colonization, and got AIDS as result.

"Bats in asian caves" are similar. IF we go screwing their natural habitat deep down caves, we will get coronavirus aplenty.
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Proving yet again their loudmouth and cult like nature the anti-vaxxers were out in force on social media issuing threats because at a concert the frontman from a popular beat combo spoke out in favour of vaccines to his audience.

Not just murder, but terrorism due to the shooter's political aim of stopping mask-wearing and other measures to defeat covid.
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