Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Not sure if I am off limits but I dont really want to start a new thread.
Like many people I naively assumed in January that once I had been vaccinated and issued with an official document to prove it I could start travelling overseas again.
Instead a whole raft of testing requirements at either end of the journey have made it impossible compared with the windows last year when I managed to get to France and Germany albeit with a 14 day self policed quarantine at home after the French trip (I had breezed thru Heathrow with no questions asked!).
I understand the Delta variant changed the position but the unreliability of the tests and the huge number of private companies making money do suggest yet another Covid scam.
We live with car, drug, home accident, smoking, alcohol, cancer, pneumonia, flu deaths across the generations. Logic suggests that at some point we are going to have to live with Covid too.
Interesting bits regarding Wuhan infamous lab:

The flawed science and politics of the early Italian origin theory for Covid.

If patient zero was in Italy then it makes a lot of sense. Consider the way in early 2020 Covid was diffuse throughout Italy/Spain/U.K. and was so easily contained in China/generally the Far East. Surely this simple big picture observation and all these little detail findings in Italy is good reason to doubt the narrative that it started in China. As they say “Where’s there’s smoke there’s often fire”. However I’m not a virologist/epidemiologist.

Whilst it’s quite understandable that no country really wants to find it had patient zero, nailing the wrong country could have serous consequences for any future early pandemic detection.
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I seem to remember reading a news last summer that the first UK case may have been in December 2019, based on lab results done on a specimen later. It's never cropped up again but articles like this ( from last summer hinted at earlier spread going back to at least November 2019, whether it was Covid-19 or another respiratory disease could be debated.
Why it maybe difficult to develop better vaccines not because of their science but because of the complex legal stipulations around the use of current vaccines. Especially in the contracts between countries and manufacturers. The article explains more.

I seem to remember reading a news last summer that the first UK case may have been in December 2019, based on lab results done on a specimen later. It's never cropped up again but articles like this ( from last summer hinted at earlier spread going back to at least November 2019, whether it was Covid-19 or another respiratory disease could be debated.

Well I had a rather bad bout of pneumonia in October 2019 but TBH, it certainly wasn't COVID. Imagine my face when I learned late January 2020 that first ever French COVID was a chinese in Bordeaux having transited by the aiport where I worked.
So I phoned the hospital doctor that had treated me, she looked at the scans of my lungs back then - and it wasn't COVID (no white things visible). Turned to be my wrecked nose having turned into a infection hotspot. Got it repaired via microsurgery in December 2019 (just before COVID wrecked hospitals and daily, minor surgeries !) and no problem since then.

I still feel I have dodged a number of bullets there. At the airport first, then with pneumonia, then with post-pneumonia recovery in November (as COVID broke out in China), having the microsurgery at the right time to cure my own problem before hospitals broke down, and afterwards when COVID stroke - didn't caught it so far.

I have sympathy for COVID sufferers if only for the harsh coughing. Fact is I coughed so hard and badly, I couldn't breath anymore, lost consciousness per lack of oxygen to my brain for a couple of seconds, fell many times as result, and nearly ended with head trauma in the process three times in a row. Still have a rather ugly scar on my scalp as a result - luckily I'm far from being bald anytime soon.

"cough syncope" / "tussive syncope". I wouldn't wish that even to my worse ennemy. It is rather terrifying !
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More violent threats from anti-vaxxers this time in Italy.

I am
The flawed science and politics of the early Italian origin theory for Covid.

I am reluctant to make predictions but in this case, I believe I can offer a guarantee: There will be zero - meaning none, not ever - credible origin story. Ever. The media can play this game until they bore everyone.
More violent threats from anti-vaxxers this time in Italy.

Oh wait. That means they are a threat? Time to take legal action?
An excerpt from an article in today's Barron's:

"Moderna plans to announce the development of a vaccine candidate that will protect against Covid-19 and the flu, to be known as mRNA-1073. The company will also announce a pediatric vaccine called mRNA-1365, which combines its experimental respiratory syncytial virus vaccine with its experimental human metapneumovirus vaccine."
An antiviral pill from a company I've never heard of that is currently in trials.

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At least COVID has fractured the French far-right at a crucial juncture - the coming 2022 presidential election.
Marine Le Pen and her RN once had wiped out all competitors, inside and outside the party.
But Yellow jackets and COVID crisis have had right-wingers popping all over the place, and both MLP and RN are now heavily contested, inside and outside. The final blow to her may be Eric Zemmour candicacy, which now look certain. He his far smarter and clever than MLP notably at debating (that's his daily job on TV, after all !) but lacks the RN old and big political machine behind him.

Last polls show Zemmor at 8% of the vote, eating into MLP and moderate right (Pécresse and Bertrand LR) electorate. Entry ticket for round 2 (certainly against Macron) is around 24%. Pécresse and Bertrand are outsiders so far at 16% but Zemmour also eat their voters.
I do hope Zemmour drags MLP below 20% and eventually, out of round 2. Far-right nuts cancelling each others, kind of... meanwhile Macron is having popcorn and champagne, enjoying the knife fight for the outsider role at round 2 against him.
Anything can happen until next May 2022...
I am increasingly convinced that our high Covid rates in the U.K. are not anything to do with the vaccines it’s a human behaviour issue. The unvaccinated are obviously one issue but then there’s the vaccinated behaving as if vaccines are a magic force field and therefore they don’t have to take any precautions whatsoever.
I am increasingly convinced that our high Covid rates in the U.K. are not anything to do with the vaccines it’s a human behaviour issue. The unvaccinated are obviously one issue but then there’s the vaccinated behaving as if vaccines are a magic force field and therefore they don’t have to take any precautions whatsoever.

This unfortunately probably applies way beyond UK frontiers - to France and many other people.
I am increasingly convinced that our high Covid rates in the U.K. are not anything to do with the vaccines it’s a human behaviour issue. The unvaccinated are obviously one issue but then there’s the vaccinated behaving as if vaccines are a magic force field and therefore they don’t have to take any precautions whatsoever.
“Freedom Day”. Take off your masks, but please be responsible…
Wait. Vaccines aren't a magic force field? Seriously now, they are a barrier. Your doctor - not the media - should get your questions.

There is no question whatsoever that human behavior is driving infections. In my state, I am constantly seeing license plates from states designated as hot zones. Are the drivers vaccinated? I doubt it. They think that all they need to do is sneak into other states, go where they like, and imagine, and I mean this politely, that they are not infected, with only a dim thought that they could infect others. Sorry, but that random trip to that random bar to mingle with total strangers, who are not wearing masks since you can't drink and wear a mask at the same time, was fun but dangerous.
As ever this is quite a complex set of results far more so than suggested by the headline.
Covid-19 vaccines continue to work well at preventing severe disease for the vast majority of Americans but they are becoming less effective at blocking infection, according to a series of studies the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Friday.

Two of the analyses suggest that as the Delta variant spread this summer, the shots became less effective at keeping people 75 and older out of the hospital.
France, Covid-19 vaccines:

INRAE (Research institute) filed a patent for a nasal spray injected vaccine.

Selon l'Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement, les tests pré-cliniques de ce vaccin à base de protéines virales, encapsulées dans des nano-particules à base d'amidon et de lipides, ont montré des résultats "très positifs" sur des souris et des hamsters dorés. Ces résultats n'ont toutefois pas encore été publiés dans une revue scientifique.

According to the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, pre-clinical tests of this vaccine based on viral proteins, encapsulated in nano-particles based on starch and lipids, have showed "very positive" results in mice and golden hamsters. However, these results have not yet been published in a scientific journal.

Yes chalk yet another health issue up to the unvaccinated.
Now, a new study shows how real that threat is, based on infection statistics from hospitals that battled the first waves of COVID in 2020. An analysis published last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the journal Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology shows that the pressure of caring for COVID patients has erased years of progress in preventing hospital infections. In 2020, according to a federal registry that collects data from thousands of hospitals, urgent care centers, and outpatient facilities, there were sharp, consistent increases in bloodstream and urinary tract infections related to catheters and pneumonias caused by being put on ventilators—including infections caused by drug-resistant staph, better known as MRSA.
The solution to the problem of hospital infections, and to burgeoning antibiotic resistance, may turn out to be the same as the solution to the pandemic itself: vaccination. The fewer seriously ill patients there are in intensive care, and the less harried the staff is, the lower the risks will be.

“We have to focus on doing everything that can be done to get people vaccinated, because it will keep them out of the hospital and reduce the strain on the system, so we can get back to implementing all of the procedures that we know work,” Srinivasan says. “We wouldn’t usually think of a COVID vaccine as a hospital-infection prevention, but it is the most important tool we have right now.”
England takes a wrong turn. The issue of vaccine passports has been framed as a """""debate"""""" by The Media. This is false and misleading. Every effort should be made to reduce infections and deaths. The problem -- the primary problem -- is businesses want to make money. So, is it public health or getting as many customers in the door as possible? It appears England has chosen the latter. Of course, if vaccine passports are not required and things go badly, the solution will be VACCINE PASSPORTS. So, as hospitals are about to be overwhelmed, that's when those in charge adopt stricter measures? The wrong approach since more infections and deaths are allowed prior to taking action..

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A four year old girl in Texas has died of Covid after catching it off her anti-vaxxer mother. Just how many more people have to die or be bereaved because of selfishness anti-vaxxers.

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