Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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In Australia, I'd be rather cautious about administering AZ to millions of youngsters. Given very low case loads, morbidity from CVST might well exceed COVID related issues.
In Australia, I'd be rather cautious about administering AZ to millions of youngsters. Given very low case loads, morbidity from CVST might well exceed COVID related issues.
Highly unlikely being as I’ve seen the figures for issues with AZ varying between 1 in 1 million and 1 in 4 million. Your something like 19 times more likely to die from a blood clot if you get COVID.
In Australia, I'd be rather cautious about administering AZ to millions of youngsters. Given very low case loads, morbidity from CVST might well exceed COVID related issues.
Highly unlikely being as I’ve seen the figures for issues with AZ varying between 1 in 1 million and 1 in 4 million. Your something like 19 times more likely to die from a blood clot if you get COVID.

13 per million; different countries report somewhat different rates. Not insurmountable, but if you vaccinate 10 million young Australians you get maybe 130 serious morbidities/deaths on your hands.

Right now, Australia is at 30 cases a day. The risks of a young person getting similar morbidity from COVID are infinitesimal - under a tenth of a percent of 30 per day in a country of twenty million.

The calculus is completely different in the UK with ten thousand cases per day. If you're in the UK, get AZ!!!

In Australia, I'd be rather cautious about administering AZ to millions of youngsters. Given very low case loads, morbidity from CVST might well exceed COVID related issues.
Highly unlikely being as I’ve seen the figures for issues with AZ varying between 1 in 1 million and 1 in 4 million. Your something like 19 times more likely to die from a blood clot if you get COVID.

13 per million; different countries report somewhat different rates. Not insurmountable, but if you vaccinate 10 million young Australians you get maybe 130 serious morbidities/deaths on your hands.

Right now, Australia is at 30 cases a day. The risks of a young person getting similar morbidity from COVID are infinitesimal - under a tenth of a percent of 30 per day in a country of twenty million.

The calculus is completely different in the UK with ten thousand cases per day. If you're in the UK, get AZ!!!

But if you don't vaccinate and the outbreak becomes uncontained, you will wish you'd taken the risk. This is always the calculation with vaccines - taking a known small risk to avoid a potentially large risk that might not come to pass or might only affect others, not yourself. The needs of the many may be in conflict with your self-interest.

NZ seems to be only using the Pfizer vaccine, so its a moot point here.
So what happened in Scotland?

It probably happened in England rather than Scotland, but with traveling groups of Scots fans. Large groups of unvaccinated young males spending between 4 and 6+ hours each way traveling together on trains or buses, then milling around together for probably a couple of days, and unwilling to isolate if they're starting to feel ill. Plus you can't wear a mask if you're spending your time drinking. Perfect recipe for a rapidly growing cluster of infections, particularly if some of them were from one of the Scottish hotspots to start with (which looking at the rates for Edinburgh suggests was inevitable).

Ironically the potential for infection spreading was probably worst for the Scots. English fans could travel individually for each match, due to shorter distances, while non-English fans are likely to have predominantly been London-resident. It's the Scots who fell into the not-so-sweet spot of needing to travel for long periods in groups.

(Edited because I thought they'd had more matches in London than they did, it was one in London, two in Glasgow, and some may have attended the Glasgow Croatia-Czech Republic match as wekk even if they didn't travel to London for England-Scotland)

ETA: I wonder if the risk-modelling for sporting events has adequately allowed for the situation with events such as the Euros, where travelling and multiple matches means it's not just a couple of hours of proximity, its several days, potentially even a week plus, and with a bias towards unvaccinated cohorts.

Which raises some questions about what's likely to happen at the Olympics/Paralympics.
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It appears to be humans giving COVID to their pets rather than the other way round. Except for three severe cases in the study for cats and dogs COVID is either mild or asymptomatic. Though Cats seemingly because of their biology are more at risk from COVID than dogs

Had my second Moderna shot yesterday, the arm is aching badly again and this time round I'm also feeling generally run-down, like having overexcercised. Took my temperature, and it's slightly elevated compared to what I typically see, but still barely in the normal range. Par for the course with a mRNA vaccine, so I decided I'm fit enough to work remotely.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I got my EU vaccination certificates too, including QR codes for loading them into the German tracing app. So that seems to be finally sorted now.
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How anti-vaxxers have distorted official stats to try and show vaccinated people were dying more than the unvaccinated, and that vaccines were even harming people.

We need a court ruling or ten that upholds an absolute right to call a proven lying liar who lies a proven lying liar who lies. We need the truth to not just be an absolute defense, but absolute indemnification.

The only legal recourse for a liar should be to stop telling lies.
And what do these liars get out of lying? Some perverse thrill? "Knowing" that because bob6589 [not an actual fake name] is "anonymous," they're like little kids who yell something bad and then hide in the bushes?

How anti-vaxxers have distorted official stats to try and show vaccinated people were dying more than the unvaccinated, and that vaccines were even harming people.

We need a court ruling or ten that upholds an absolute right to call a proven lying liar who lies a proven lying liar who lies. We need the truth to not just be an absolute defense, but absolute indemnification.

The only legal recourse for a liar should be to stop telling lies.

I'd be perfectly happy to see them prosecuted under the laws that stop people pretending to be doctors, because by telling people not to be vaccinated they _are_ offering medical advice.
As predicted. States with low vaccination rates will be affected. The Fourth of July holiday, which actually starts today -- I saw a very large boat being towed -- will be a case of people wanting to have some fun and mixing with others of unknown vaccination status. And those from those low vaccination states. I'm not recommending expanded police powers but this scenario was not unexpected.

By the way, "Rise of the Delta Variant" sounds like the title for a movie and reflects the media's tendency toward unnecessary drama. And the last thing people in the U.S. need is more drama. I applaud the media for finally airing some official public service announcements that encourage getting vaccinated,
Looks like the Gamma variant has got out of Brazil. What I didn’t realise is the darn thing even outcompetes the Delta variant.

The Gamma variant genuinely concerns me much more than Delta, and that’s saying something. I really do worry if it goes global which it looks like it might.

The delta variant — first identified in India and also known as B.1.617 — is not leading to increased hospitalizations, deaths or so-called breakthrough infections — those that happen to vaccinated people — in people who have had the shots, Lindquist said during the state Department of Health’s weekly update Wednesday.

The gamma variant, on the other hand, is associated with higher hospitalization rates and increased breakthrough infections. The variant, also known as P.1, now accounts for 16% of the cases in Washington state and is the fastest-rising variant in the state, he said.
The P.1 variant is highly infectious. It can quickly spread from one person to another, with some cases suggesting the variant may be less likely to respond to antibody treatments, according to a June Department of Health report.

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The virus, and its variants, were sequenced rapidly. As rapidly as possible. Global cooperation is helping. However, not to downplay the variant risks, but viruses routinely mutate. And what does "highly infectious" mean against the first version of the virus? Short of walking around in a light spacesuit with an independent air supply, what are people to do?
what are people to do?
Test and trace, quarantine and isolate known cases. Mass test (by the millions) if possible.

Vaccinate, mask and social distance.

Every drop in R0, every incremental impediment to transmission caused by some precaution makes it easier to test and trace in countries with few cases, and avoids healthcare system overload in countries with many cases,
what are people to do?
Test and trace, quarantine and isolate known cases. Mass test (by the millions) if possible.

Vaccinate, mask and social distance.

Every drop in R0, every incremental impediment to transmission caused by some precaution makes it easier to test and trace in countries with few cases, and avoids healthcare system overload in countries with many cases,
Unfortunately, the world economies are in a dire state, leading many politicians desperate to open them up again despite the risks. And those risks haven't been helped by fiascos like the EU's GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which severely hampered at best track and trace programs, especially app based ones.
Regarding the Indian batch of vaccine and those potentially impaired in their travel plan, the rational behind the lack of accreditation escapes me..
Let's admit that if you transpose the case to everything that's subcontracted in India, from toasters, to heavy machinery, tools to forks and knifes, car parts or software, we are in some severe troubles...
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Apparently though vaccines are widely available many Russians won’t take them. I wonder if this is a case of blowback from anti-vaxxer info being generated.

... so I decided I'm fit enough to work remotely.

Scratch that bit :oops: Not an hour after writing that post, fairly suddenly my hands went cold and I got a bad headache. Took my temperature again, and it was up to 38.2°C. With a premonition that things were going to go downhill, I called in sick and put myself into bed. Two hours later, my temp was 39°C and I was feeling *really* weak, another two hours later and my temperature topped out at 39.3°C.

By late night the fever was dropping and the headache got much better, but it was a very unpleasant day. On the plus side, if the layman's rule of thumb is anything to go by that the stronger your reaction to the vaccine is, the better the resulting immune response, I should now be able to slay corona viruses at 50 paces :cool:
I hat no Problems after both Jobs of BioNtech/Pfizer no headache, fever etc.

Now i am worried that it isn t working...;-)
I hat no Problems after both Jobs of BioNtech/Pfizer no headache, fever etc.

Now i am worried that it isn t working...
Don’t not everyone reacts.:)

Sorry forgot the Irony empji
Well, it was the same for me after J&J. I was a bit anxious that I had none of the effects reported.
I wonder if that is not more related to the way it is administred. I know @Flyaway made some posts on the subject a while ago.
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I hat no Problems after both Jobs of BioNtech/Pfizer no headache, fever etc.

Now i am worried that it isn t working...
Don’t not everyone reacts.:)

Sorry forgot the Irony empji
Well, it was the same for me after J&J. I was a bit anxious that I had none of the effects reported.
I wonder if that is not more related to the way it is administred. I know @Flyaway made some posts on the subject a while ago.

Well I didn't have any reaction to the two AZ jabs but I bloody well felt the needle on the second........
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