Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Will save time and money to combine them plus drive up the flu uptake I hope.

More on nasal spray development:
The spray was fully developed by the time the pandemic struck, as it was invented mainly to fight influenza. Its innovation is the dosing procedure for nitric oxide. “It normally comes in gas cylinders and normally gets delivered to hospitals, but we wanted a practical way to deliver it as a liquid antimicrobial and have spent the last 12 years developing this,” said Regev.

Ingredients of the spray mix together when it is administered to form nitric oxide, she said, noting: “All components are used widely in the food industry and have a very strong safety profile.” Each bottle contains a month’s supply for one person to spray twice a day for protection against viruses.

She said: “Theoretically we could have distributed it a year ago, but we needed to negotiate regulatory approval. That’s the biggest frustration, that we’ve been trying 24/7 for a year to bring it to the market, and it could have saved a lot of lives. I believe it would’ve prevented infections and therefore reduced deaths.”

More on nasal spray development:
The spray was fully developed by the time the pandemic struck, as it was invented mainly to fight influenza. Its innovation is the dosing procedure for nitric oxide. “It normally comes in gas cylinders and normally gets delivered to hospitals, but we wanted a practical way to deliver it as a liquid antimicrobial and have spent the last 12 years developing this,” said Regev.

Ingredients of the spray mix together when it is administered to form nitric oxide, she said, noting: “All components are used widely in the food industry and have a very strong safety profile.” Each bottle contains a month’s supply for one person to spray twice a day for protection against viruses.

She said: “Theoretically we could have distributed it a year ago, but we needed to negotiate regulatory approval. That’s the biggest frustration, that we’ve been trying 24/7 for a year to bring it to the market, and it could have saved a lot of lives. I believe it would’ve prevented infections and therefore reduced deaths.”

They are actually working on nasal spray vaccines in general due to the habit of COVID-19 of hiding up your nose so speak.
In the US, as more people are vaccinated, the number of vaccinations will reach a point where more reopening will occur. I saw a commercial for the Disney cruise line last night.

If I might add an aside. This is much like conventional warfare where the ongoing development of technology and innovation helps to save lives. Regarding the so-called political aspects, I hope cooler heads will prevail and a global alert system put in place so that such similar events can be quickly stamped out. This will also mean research and development now, not later. And the construction of suitable facilities to carry out anticipated work in terms of manufacturing what may be needed in country, not outside of it. Like a commitment to national defense, each country must assess its defense needs now.

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In the US, as more people are vaccinated, the number of vaccinations will reach a point where more reopening will occur. I saw a commercial for the Disney cruise line last night.

If I might add an aside. This is much like conventional warfare where the ongoing development of technology and innovation helps to save lives. Regarding the so-called political aspects, I hope cooler heads will prevail and a global alert system put in place so that such similar events can be quickly stamped out. This will also mean research and development now, not later. And the construction of suitable facilities to carry out anticipated work in terms of manufacturing what may be needed in country, not outside of it. Like a commitment to national defense, each country must assess its defense needs now.

It' should be clear to all that the Pearl-Harbor of tomorrow could well be viral.
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Well then, there is the knowledge of what's coming and what must be done. Now.
Yet again AZ’s data presentation has been called into question. Also how good or not it is, you kind of need to read between the lines here over what he’s saying. TBH though it looks like AZ does what it needs to do that’s stop you dying or going to hospital I think their are questions over it’s resilience especially to new strains down the line.


Took the liberty of trying to fix the link, but even that is not working at the moment.
Sorry everyone I’ve fixed the link above.

AZ have now released new figures for their vaccine which are slightly lowered compared to previous ones. This comes following their criticism by US regulator authorities.

More inexplicable events. The people at AstraZeneca had no way to find out how things go in the US? They decided to just hand them anything? The nonsense level is high.

The importance and ethical issues around human challenge trials. As well as the U.K. it says both Belgium and the US are planning to run them.

Sorry, gotta rant once more:

Matt Hancock says the UK has what amounts to an exclusivity deal with Astra-Zeneca. Fair enough, the benefit of a superior negotiating agenda to the extreme emphasis on driving down price which the EU pursued (and, you have to admit, very successfully, even if it is a pyrrhic victory).

But that condescending little lecture about honouring contracts, free trade and lauding AZ's behaviour? He MUST be joking!

First, let's not delude ourselves: the ONLY reason why the UK has not imposed export bans of its own is that this better contract obviates the need to do so... it just used the first-mover advantage to achieve the same end result by less controversial means. But does anybody seriously believe Mr. Smug here would hesitate for one moment if the situation were reversed? Why secure an exclusivity deal in the first place if you are not of that mindset?

Kudos on the smart move, but cut the gloating - it's tasteless. We are not talking about a mere commercial disadvantage in this particular trade dispute, the vaccine shortage in the EU is killing people! If, taken all round, an export ban is judged to reduce the number of deaths, then it would be the *responsible* thing to do! Granted, it would be down to having grievously (or naively?) missed all opportunities to implement a less toxic solution at an earlier stage - but needs must when the devil drives.

Second, Astra-Zeneca may have a fine vaccine, but its conduct (at least toward non-UK customers) has been anything but "absolutely brilliant". So it did not commit to hard delivery targets to the EU, rather than a "best reasonable effort"? Sorry, but I think its execution legitimately falls well short of even that standard. Why overpromise by 100 to 300%? I don't have any information that isn't in the public domain, but from what I've been able to understand, it increasingly seems as though the company premised its planning on assumptions so over-optimistic as to be ridiculous.

There are 30M doses sitting in US warehouses which cannot be exported due to a ban - that should have been entirely foreseeable, but I could actually excuse this part. Where it gets so egregious as to be possibly culpable is the apparent reliance on sites in the UK (having previously signed the above deal which expressly rules them out!) and EU plants which it did not manage to get certified in time. It's not EMA's fault that AZ is so late in handing over the required documentation! You can maybe fault the EU commission for being so gullible as to unquestioningly buy into this pie-in-the-sky scheme, but ultimately the buck does stop with AZ here.
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Disclosure: Had my 1st 'Oxford' on 12th Feb. Mild immune-response symptoms, comparable to 'shaking off' a cold.
Did not get my usual 'seasonal flu' vax 'fevre dreams', which often spawn a fun sci-fi tale or two.
Had my first jab this morning -delayed because I've recently moved..500 miles. I'm still getting my weird 'lockdown' dreams so any 'fevre dreams' might go un-noticed but anything that spawns a tale would help my almost stalled story writing.

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