Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Ursula was known for us for her very special stance on the F-35 debate in Germany, to the point of banning her military from praising the plane.
It's clear today she has a bias for acting her own way and sanctionning who ever is not on the same path.
A new study shows that vaccination alone will not be able to stop COVID-19 transmission in the UK and that other control measure will have to continue for some time. On the positive side the study was completed without real world vaccine data which seems higher than they modelled for. On the negative side they cannot model for new 'stronger' variants of COVID-19. This is why I wish the politicians and media were more straightforward with the public, if you sugar-coat these things to much you actually make things worse, more honesty would actually be better as people would hopefully behave more sensibly.

If all control measures are removed in January 2022, after complete rollout of the vaccine, 21,400 Covid-19 deaths are estimated, if the vaccine prevents 85% of infection.

Vaccination alone is unlikely to contain Covid-19 infections in the UK – study (
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Basically it has too many evolutionary advantages.

The only reassuring thing with this article is it quotes the Professor of Doom, Ferguson who has a stela track record of making worse case predictions that don’t happen by sizeable margin ;- even before COVID and he publishes data without peer review or providing details of his model.

That comparison misses the point as not all kinds of blood clots are created equal. While the total is clearly not elevated to any worrisome extent in AZ vaccinated people, the incidence of a very specific, normally exceedingly rare, type ( the so-called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) was sharply increased. As this can cause a potentially fatal stroke (an outcome which eventuated in several of the cases concerned), the danger should not be taken lightly. In that regard I suggest the (predominantly British) voices so strongly asserting that there is nothing to be concerned about at all have a rethink. To be fair, the media failed to make the above distinction initially, but equally some of those critics were experts who should have known better than to second-guess respected colleagues.

At the same time, I was also dismayed that AZ vaccinations were interrupted. As serious a complication (being potentially deadly) as this no doubt is, the probability remains so low as to be insignificant relative to the benefit of protecting people from the (also potentially lethal) disease. Currently, the patients who had their vaccinations cancelled as a result of this still belong to a demographic which has a high risk of a severe course if infected. Even accounting for the fact that they might get lucky and not contract the virus, the net benefit would have favoured continuing to administer AZ while the investigation was under way, in my opinion. It might have been a different story had the campaign already moved on to younger people though.

Anyway, as has been pointed out, vaccination with AZ will resume now, so the damage is fortunately limited to a few days lost. And a German university has identified the precise mechanism by which the vaccine causes these thromboses and developed a way of treating them (though unfortunately not preventive), so hopefully no more lives will be lost to them going forward. The people who were insisting that there was no problem in the first place can kindly take their bashing where the sun don't shine and thank these researchers later :)
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’ve seen it said that an effective track & trace system along with appropriate public behaviour and vaccination is key in controlling this pandemic. Well we’ve got one out of the three but can we bank on the other two? Oh we also need to get away from this idea of people coming into work sick because they feel they have to.
In Europe, GDPR has made the creation of track and trace apps that actually work almost impossible. Similarly, an attempt to make the British track and trace app GDPR complaint, even though Britain had exited the EU, helped doom that project to abject failure.
The confusion surrounding this is inexplicable. Scientists know there are variants and are working on ways to deal with them.

Plus there are two antibody treatments available. One from Eli Lilly:

And one from Regeneron:

Meanwhile, two Disneyland theme parks in California are opening on April 30:


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I am sure someone had an happy time [edited] creating this horror, unnecessarily complex and unenforceable.
There are also traces of pathologically strained minds in all this.
The QR code (object related ) being the pineapple (why not a tattooed number?!)
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What? Various business groups in the United States are pushing the government to do the exact same thing. A lot of money to be lost unless something like this is done.

Vaccination has already its own identification process. No need to double the trouble. A centralized database and a regular ID would do it.
Without deeping my toes in any political debate, IMOHO, I see more problems with the new passport that in effect conditions nationality and is equal to a denial of citizenship. Good luck to enforce something that could soon be deemed unconstitutional or contrary to human rights (equity).

The trouble comes from making a link to something that belongs to the inalienable rights of every citizen (nationality and equity). There are frankly no needs to put one into the other's pot when the main goal is to trace a specificity.

Your passport does not say if you are a BMW guy or drive a Tesla. If you are rich or poor. Clever or plain dumb.

Anyone drafting something like that in the EU parliament is an imbecile or does that on purpose. That's where sadly the madness lies.
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From what I've seen and read about vaccine thrombosis risks in general population, you're as likely to win big on lottery or be struck by lightning.
And, um, far more likely to be involved in RTA while travelling to/from clinic...

So, to be sure, to be sure, think 'Long-Haul DVT', wear those flight sox and take a daily 'junior aspirin'...

Snag is longer pandemic goes on due to inadequate vaccination, due wonky supply and/or hesitant uptake, the more variant strains will have time to evolve.
Which means we'll probably need annual boosters for the next decade.

FWIW, those mask-less, un-distanced 'lock-down protestors' in London made me want to throw stuff at TV...

Even crazier when you consider that ~2019, they'd all mask against 'facial recognition' !!

Disclosure: Had my 1st 'Oxford' on 12th Feb. Mild immune-response symptoms, comparable to 'shaking off' a cold.
Did not get my usual 'seasonal flu' vax 'fevre dreams', which often spawn a fun sci-fi tale or two.

Opinion - indeed, because the facts are certainly thin on the ground there. I apologize if this seems overly testy, but there's enough actual problems to go round, without people gratuitously inventing imaginary ones.

I can't read beyond the paywall, but just the free preview contains plenty enough nonsense:

WSJ said:
It’s hard to think of a recent fiasco that can match the European Union’s Covid vaccine rollout.

Define recent, because I certainly can - it's even recent enough to actually be related the same pandemic... And it caused Israel, the US and UK to have two to three times the number infections per capita as Germany today. Even Italy, despite their horrific first wave, is doing better by this standard. Two thumbs up for the successful vaccination campaigns - I am genuinely happy for it! But let's not forget over this rejoicing everything that went wrong over the 12 months before! Gosh, memories are short, aren't they?

WSJ said:
Protectionism, mercantilism, bureaucratic ineptitude, lack of political accountability, crippling safety-ism—it’s all here.

Protectionism? Sure, but not in a way that reflects well on the US or UK. While there apparently is no outright ban on export of vaccine from the UK (as the EU originally claimed in error), this is sophistry in practice: the bottom line remains that no doses appear to be leaving the UK even as there are regular shipments of EU-made vaccines to the country. Poor negotiating tactics put the EU in a position of having to threaten measures with really bad optics in order to secure a fair share, but we should not forget that these would merely mirror the effect of what the UK is already doing.

WSJ said:
As the pandemic moves into its reopening phase, Europe’s mistakes will cost the rest of the world economically as the Continent struggles to exit lockdowns.

If that's the author's biggest concern here, I rest my case.

WSJ said:
Take the latest fumble first. Various European regulators and politicians spent this week claiming the Oxford/ AstraZeneca vaccine—the only one currently widely available in the EU—might be unsafe, only to rethink and now beg people to start accepting it.

1) The European regulator (EMA) actually (and sensibly in my view, as I stated earlier) maintained throughout this debate that the benefits of the AZ jab outweighed any risk of clots. It was local regulators who decided to suspend vaccination - just to set the record straight that in this particular instance the problem is not to be found in Brussels.

2) Again: the AZ vaccine does (albeit VERY rarely) cause a dangerous form of thrombosis. That is all but proven at this point, and had the threat been handled in the cavalier fashion advocated in the US & UK, we might not know this and have a way of treating such cases now. No, the vaccination campaign should not have been interrupted, given the high case numbers, the demographic of those missing their shots as a result and AZ's reputation with the general public. But that's a separate issue - inextricably linking one to the other is fallacious and disingenuous.

3) Thanks to their continued inability to deliver, the AZ vaccine is actually not widely available in the EU, let alone the only one. First quarter numbers, adjusted for known shortfalls: BioNTech/Pfizer 66M, Moderna 10M, Astra-Zeneca 30M - this latter was supposed to be 90M, with the other two notably now supplying as contracted. I do think AZ are getting way more flak than they deserve, but by god they aren't exactly helping their own case!*

A single sentence, containing 3 patently incorrect claims which would have been easy to check. I guess the paywall operates as a blessing in disguise here.

* Take this, for instance:

It isn't - both decisions were supportable with cold-hard data (or lack thereof). There are good indications that the blood clot risk (minuscule as it is in any case) is indeed age-related, and given the current state of the vaccination campaign in France, few people below 55 would be eligible for a shot anyway. The initial cut-off at age 65 was based on AZ not supplying sufficient study results for a sound judgement on efficacy in old people to be made. So once more, while AZ is taking more criticism than objectively warranted, the fact that they failed to cut their exposure to such is on them - the other two manufactures prove that it's possible.

I would certainly agree that there was an overabundance of caution in both the above decisions which was inappropriate to a pandemic situation, but "completely crackers"? Completely crackers is how I would characterize an eminent scientist refusing to acknowledge the need to investigate risks, in support of political point-scoring!
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I had my first Oxford AZ jab last Thursday......nothing to report except a tendency to fly and shoot plasma bolts from my fingers...which was quite neat until it wore off.:)

Something new manifested itself in the past two days...shapeshifting....I have been mistaken for someone else by three different people.
Everything is moving to a digital, via a smart phone, or paper ID showing the health of each individual who wants to go anywhere. If you have no plans to go anywhere then you have nothing to say.

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