CiTrus90's 3D Drawings of Unbuilt Aircraft

Nice B-52Z! Have to change it from BUFF to BOFF (Big OverpoweredFF). ;D
Thanks guys!

Here is what i came up with while trying to imagine what the Textron Scorpion would look like with a different wing. Maybe something like this could be close to their proposal for the T-X trainer? Only time will tell...



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To complete the Northrop YF-23 parable, here is the twin seater F-23.



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Great Citrus!

A small remark, i' m not quite sure about two areas: the hump of the nacelle, i think it doesn't go that far (if you compare with stuka and aviakinetic renders). And i think the nacelles do not exhibit the bump in the second picture. Not sure though and i know the northrop drawings may contradict:)


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Yf23 is still the coolest fighter of all time. It has completion, but just gorgeous. Great pics. I wonder if it'd not be side-by-side seating yo optimize for the strike role?
covert_shores said:
Yf23 is still the coolest fighter of all time. It has completion, but just gorgeous. Great pics. I wonder if it'd not be side-by-side seating yo optimize for the strike role?
Bah! Who wants to let the WSO near the controls! B)
Do like the re-wing on the Scorpion.
Thanks guys!

Ogami musashi said:
A small remark, i' m not quite sure about two areas: the hump of the nacelle, i think it doesn't go that far (if you compare with stuka and aviakinetic renders)

Ogami, you already probably pointed me before towards the renders of Stuka and Aviakinetic, but i can't find them with the search function on the forum ATM. Could you send me a PM so i can get a better look at them again?

And now for the fan of the Black Triangles™, some speculative pictures of a Northrop Senior Citizen vehicle.

As i told before i'm no engineer or person in the know, so no sticks, torches and stones, please ;D



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Wow Citrus,amazing drawings,i really love the senior citizen vehicle,congratulations for all these beauties,you are getting better and better,hope to see many more of your work.

best regards

pedrospe said:
Wow Citrus,amazing drawings,i really love the senior citizen vehicle,congratulations for all these beauties,you are getting better and better,hope to see many more of your work.

best regards

Indeed it is very cool seeing the operationalized vehicles. One small comment though, I think the underside of the Senior Citizen might have a deeper draft center fuselage as it was to be a SOF transport. Apologies for the poor attached artistry.


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Thanks for the kind words everyone!

covert_shores said:
I wonder if it'd not be side-by-side seating yo optimize for the strike role?

Well, but then it may look just like the one the Chinese did for their speculative future strike aircraft. I wonder where they took their inspiration from? ;D


yasotay said:
One small comment though, I think the underside of the Senior Citizen might have a deeper draft center fuselage as it was to be a SOF transport. Apologies for the poor attached artistry.

My intent was trying to keep as much as possible the shape of the B-2 Spirit in this speculative version. I read somewhere, but for the life of me i can't remember where, that the B-2 was meant to be a modular design and i think there could be just enough room in the weapons bay for carrying a small specops team. But again, i'm not an engineer, so it may very well be impossible to adapt the B-2 design for VTOL operations, and i totally agree that a deeper fuselage (like the one in the picture you provided) would definitely be better suited for a transport mission ;)

CiTrus90 said:

That looks like the Northrop supercruise LRS-B design squashed it down to about half it's length, then they removed the vertical tails and added the YF-23's butterfly tail, and then added the Sukhoi Strike Flanker cockpit.
In short - fan art. There's a lot of it about.
Arjen said:
In short - fan art. There's a lot of it about.

Without a doubt. Though, for fan art, it at least look feasible. The majority of fan art just makes me shake my head. ;)
CiTrus90 said:
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

covert_shores said:
I wonder if it'd not be side-by-side seating yo optimize for the strike role?

Well, but then it may look just like the one the Chinese did for their speculative future strike aircraft. I wonder where they took their inspiration from? ;D


Google JH-XX ...this is not a clean fan-art, but based on a model of unknown medium-sized medium-range bomber first surfaced several years ago and possibly tied to CAC.


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If i undertood correctly what i found written on sino defence forum, that specific design would be a proposal that lost to a rival one?

Though to be honest i think that yellow model is something different and unrelated to this aircraft.

And while looking in that thread i found something interesting that i'd never seen. I don't know how plausible it would be, but i thought it would look cool in 3d so...

An interesting point to take into consideration: wing planform seems to be exactly the same as the aircraft above.



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Citrus 90 take some of the renderings made ​​by you Argentine fighter project SAIA 90 to accompany a cutaway upgrade SAIA 90 , here I leave the image once incorporated the images and now also share the credit. Motocar


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Beautiful drawings Citrus and Motocar,the J-20 with f-16xl wings looks great,thanks a lot for sharing.

best regards

Keep them coming. Ditch that plan you had for taking up knitting.

No joy with knitting too...

So here is a Blackstar, B-70/L-301 combo, rather than the picture of a pair of handmade socks ;D



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Lockheed CL-366-2 :)



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The American Mig 21! That looks like it would have been a solid fighter.
Steve Pace said:
The CL-366 series was being proposed under what program - ADF/LWF or what? -SP

Quoting Skybolt:

CL-366 was Lockheed-California submission to WS-300A for fighter-bomber with secondary interception capability due to enter service in 1962. At least two configurations were studied, one canard and one conventional.

Definitely not LWF, guesstimated dimensions (based on pilot size comparision with the profile view) are over 22m length and 10m span. This aircraft would have been huge.

Hope this helps ;)

Had not really recognized that. F-105 that could hang with Mig-17?
That is a sweet design.

That's why this is one of my favorite threads..
Sexy! Looks like something the X-men would fly around in. ;D
I sometimes wonder how many thousands of years total have been invested in aero-engineering that never left the drawing board.
Well done . Amazed how fast you do your models.
And i do like a lot that Carver, mix of Mirage 4000 and Rafale.
Thanks everyone!

galgot said:
Well done . Amazed how fast you do your models.
And i do like a lot that Carver, mix of Mirage 4000 and Rafale.

Thank you! Indeed, i can work fast, but i would never be able to reach the level of detail you achieved on your Boeing 2707-200. I'm just an amateur, when i see the quality of the models the other artists here on SPF do, i feel like i'm just a kid playing with legos ;)

I know very well that you are selling yourself short Sir! ;)
And you three are way too kind ;)

Martin Model 278 (probable configuration).



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