Boeing F-15EX/QA and related variants

Well in that case then call it the F-15G.
F-15G is a long-standing - as in since the 90s, proposal for a Wild Weasel variant. Which should be have been done then, and should still be done. There is also one for an EA version ala the F-18G, which I also think would be a good idea. In fact what I'd really like to see is a Strike-Eagle-Growler, an F-15E replacement strike aircraft with an EW suite rivaling a Growler.
Since EF-111A Raven IIRC was also known as the Electric Fox, how about the Electric Eagle?
Since the E sometimes get's referred to as the Beagle (bomb-eagle), so how about Electric Beagle?

In all seriousness though, after watching a bunch of interviews with Starbaby (a former F-4G EWO) on the "10% true" youtube channel, he makes good arguments for the F-15G and the need for dedicated SEAD/DEAD assets, including an EA aircraft.

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