Belgium's quest to replace their F-16 fleet

News from Airbus, according vrtnws make the AIRBUS, several complaisance towards the Belgium Government

If the Belgians buy 34 Eurofighters and buy of AIRBUS civilian aircraft for 600 million euros
AIRBUS will do in exchange:
Reinvest 4 billion Euro of deal in Belgium industry
building two "research institute" one in Flanders, one in Walloon for 1800 Jobs in total.
And protection of Belgian Energy & communication network against cyberattacks (seem AIRBUS has similar deal with Great Britain)
last one would cost one billion Euro according AIRBUS
the rest of offers is traditional bla bla bla about how good the Eurofighters are and so much "customizable"

The Offer is taken very skeptical in media and Political circles
This not first time Companies makes similar promises and "take the money and run" letting "the Belgian in the Rain"
also is question: why has Belgium to buy civilian aircraft for 600 million euros ? we don't have no national airline anymore !
Next to that the Belgium media is informed of corruption and bamboozlement charges in Austria and Germany against AIRBUS.,28693.0.html

Another problem is that Belgium Air-force disinclination toward Eurofighter and Rafale
The reason is simple: the Belgium and Netherlands air-force co-operate in F-16 maintenance and exchange of spare parts.
since the Netherland change to F-35 the Belgium Air-force want also the F-35 and continue there co-operation.
a point supporter by Minister of defense Vandeput (NV-A New Flemish Alliance)

Source in Flemish Netherlands
Michel Van said:
why has Belgium to buy civilian aircraft for 600 million euros ? we don't have no national airline anymore

A 4Bn Euro offset package is very significant in comparison to the likely size of the Eurofighter purchase, pro rata with the Qatari deal suggests a likely cost of 10Bn, so Airbus are talking about an offset deal that's 40% of their turnover on the package (note, turnover, not profit). If that's what it takes to interest the Belgian government in the deal, then I can well see Airbus feeling they need the deal to be bigger than just the Eurofighters to warrant the investment. Belgium's government is likely in a position to organise favourable financing for a purchase by Brussels Airlines, or any other Belgium-based carrier, which makes the airliner part of the deal logical, if non-obvious.
Belgium's government is likely in a position to organise favourable financing for a purchase by Brussels Airlines ?

Which Belgium's Government ? Brussels Airlines is part of Lufthansa Group ! there HQ is in Cologne Germany, so Airbus has to Talk With Angela Merkel about buying Airliners.
And for moment the relations between Airbus and Germany is little bit strained,
Since the department of Justice and Military looking into some bamboozlement problems with Airbus...

Since Belgium Airlines SABENA went bankrupt 2001 (thanks for that Swissair with special thanks to Mario Corti, who took the Belgium tax-money and run !)
Neither the Belgium's federal Government, nor regional Governments show interest in restart National Airlines or Flemish or Walloons one.
One there was not Money for it and Political that other issue like "Brussels Halle Vilvorde".

Today the Infrastructure of former SABENA is use by Brussels Airlines, or Leased by Ryanair...
Michel Van said:
News from Airbus, according vrtnws make the AIRBUS, several complaisance towards the Belgium Government

If the Belgians buy 34 Eurofighters and buy of AIRBUS civilian aircraft for 600 million euros
AIRBUS will do in exchange:
Reinvest 4 billion Euro of deal in Belgium industry
building two "research institute" one in Flanders, one in Walloon for 1800 Jobs in total.
And protection of Belgian Energy & communication network against cyberattacks (seem AIRBUS has similar deal with Great Britain)
last one would cost one billion Euro according AIRBUS
the rest of offers is traditional bla bla bla about how good the Eurofighters are and so much "customizable"

Didn't Dassault and the French made a very similar offer ? :eek:
I mean, if you listen to these two, they are going to offload so much billions of euros into Belgium industry and economy, the country GDP is going to skyrocket, perhaps to China level...
Archibald said:
Didn't Dassault and the French made a very similar offer ? :eek:
I mean, if you listen to these two, they are going to offload so much billions of euros into Belgium industry and economy, the country GDP is going to skyrocket, perhaps to China level...

Yes they have, a TWENTY BILLION EURO Package ! yes you read right Dassault want to invest 20 billion into Belgium if they buy Rafale fighter
Over period of twenty years and creating 5000 jobs Belgium high tech engineers
like a spare parts center for Dassault Falcon private jets in Belgium

Oh by the way
The Belgium will pay four billion for 34 new aircraft and Dassault want to invest twenty billion ?


In english

Nice analysis of situation in flemish language

Google translation
(cross posting - sry)

"Trop belle pour être vraie"*: Belgian MoD skeptical on Dassault last offer

Le ministre belge de la Défense Steven Vandeput n’a pas fait montre d’ouverture mercredi vis-à-vis de l’offre française pour les avions de chasse Rafale, la jugeant "trop belle pour être vraie". "Le lobbying tourne à plein régime, c’est clair", a-t-il commenté.

Belgian Defense Minister Steven Vandeput did not show any enthusiasm on Wednesday with regard to the [Dassault] offer for Rafale fighter jets, saying it was "too good to be true". "Lobbying is running at full speed, it's clear," he said.


*Too good to be true
The strange French offer only makes things muddier.
As much as i like the Rafale, this offer is just to stir intra-Belgian issues up.

I honestly do not understand why all this fake fuzz is made, just to pretend there is a selection.

Half of BeNeLux Air Force is committed to the F-35, Belgium has to simply buy the second half.
And there are the B61, another unchangeable situation...

Killing NATO and going full on EU nuclear power to replace it, would be the only scenario where not buying F-35 makes sense.
But this is another topic and probably only relevant post F-35. Or are they playing on time, hoping NATO falls within the current Potus term?
Belgium's public debt is at 105% down from 138% in '93. They shouldn't maintain a fast jet component at all in their armed forces. Nor do they need a navy.
NATO doesn't need some three dozen fast jets from Belgium. A single good mechanised brigade capable of self-deploying to Warsaw in three days and another capable of deploying in two weeks would be plenty contribution to NATO security.
Vandeput Warns that French Offer for F-16 Successor is 'Too Good to Be True'
(Source: De Standaard; published Dec 27, 2017)
By Peter De Lobel (Published in Dutch; unofficial translation by

France is making every effort to give its Rafale fighter every opportunity. After the French government already promised an economic return of 4 billion, it is now talking of even 20 billion. But according to Minister of Defense Steven Vandeput (N-VA), this is mainly proof that the lobbying machine is running at full speed.

Vandeput cannot understand the increase in France’s promised return on investment. “The French offer is too good to be true. The lobbying is running at full speed, that is now clear, but we have opted for a straightforward and objective process through the RfGP. It truly is a pity that France is taking a different route. The claims that their offer did not fit within our process are simply incorrect. The criteria are clear. Period.”

The federal government has not set up the way in which France is putting pressure on the Belgian media, including an Opinion piece contributed by the French Minister of Defense. France did not reply via the established procedure of the Belgian government for the replacement of the F-16s. For the F-35 and the Eurofighter, the American and British governments responded with a bulky file. France sent a letter consisting of 3 A4-sized pages, in which it mentioned a collaboration around a new European fighter plane, together with Germany.

Since then, nothing much has moved on the French side, according to the opinions voiced within the government and the Defense establishment. "French bid is a hollow bid. They do not have timeline, no program, no answers," is what top military officials are saying off the record.

According to De Tijd, France could now compensate the full purchase amount. As to why France replied outside the Belgian procedure, it now says that, otherwise, it would not be possible to offer 100% economic compensation. However, this raises the question of why there was first talk of 4 billion euros and that now suddenly increases fivefold to 20 billion euros. “It's all about a desperate attempt from the sidelines,” can be heard in the government.

Nevertheless, the federal team has not been speaking with the same voice in the past few months. Prime Minister Charles Michel (MR) has a good relation with French President Emmanuel Macron and feels little about sending people out on cold walks.

Minister of Defense Steven Vandeput (N-VA) sees no solution to the replacement of the F-16 in the French proposal. It is best to talk about a collaboration for a new aircraft, but not for the deadline of 2023, when the first F-16s are taken out of circulation, because it will be unachievable.
There were similar shenanigans about a dozen years ago when the governments of the key Airbus countries pressured Cargolux and the Luxembourg authorities to support a switch to the then (and now) unflown A380 freighter variant. It made absolutely no sense technically or financially since every aspect of the Cargolux operation was designed around the Boeing 747 freighters they flew, right down to the model of forklift they used. It didn't hurt that the 747 was originally designed as military freighter (lost to the C-5 Galaxy), hence the swing-up nose and raised flight deck. The political pressure couldn't change the numbers, so instead Cargolux joined JAL Cargo as one of the launch customers for the B747-8F. Here is the B747-8F prototype in Cargolux service (I believe that it was originally painted in Cargolux livery one side and JAL Cargo livery on the other).


WASHINGTON, JAN. 18, 2018 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Belgium of thirty-four (34) F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Conventional Take Off and Landing aircraft for an estimated cost of $6.53 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
Dragon029 said:

WASHINGTON, JAN. 18, 2018 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Belgium of thirty-four (34) F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Conventional Take Off and Landing aircraft for an estimated cost of $6.53 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

Good news
The American side is ready for the deal, unfortunate Belgium is not

After series of political scandal is Belgium national politic very unstable
For moment the Greens try to provoke a new political Scandal against State Secretary Theo Francken (N-VA)
The majority coalition party N-VA menaces to leave government, what would let to new Election for Parlament in 2018.
paradoxically would lead to situation no one Belgium politicians want

The Walloon mobster (socialist), Christ Democrat and Greens would face defeat, even extinction as Political party
The Flemish Mobster and Greens face the same problem
Then is the rise of Belgium Communist in vacuum that the Socialist & Green left
Oh that would be a hell of coalition talks between Flemish Nationalist, Liberals, Communist and remains of Christ Democrat parties

means in that case the decision for F-16 successor would delay to around 2020...
Michel Van said:
After series of political scandal is Belgium national politic very unstable

Don´t exaggerate, I´m sure you remember or know about much worse situations.

Michel Van said:
For moment the Greens try to provoke a new political Scandal against State Secretary Theo Francken (N-VA)

One might say that is personal interpretation / political viewpoint.

Michel Van said:
The Walloon mobster (socialist)... The Flemish Mobster

If you always refer to socialist parties SP-A & PS as "The Mafia /Mob", you then could call the christian-democrats CDN-V & CDH "Angels, Demons & Pedofiles", green parties Green and Ecolo the "Back To The Stone-Agers or "Mars Attacks", liberals MR "Multinationals´Representatives, and N-VA will be "North-Vietnamese Army"
"Neue Flämisch-Niederdeutsche (Sturm)Abteilung". Oh, and Trump of course becomes KGB-mole "Yuri".

Maybe keep to the point of the F-16 replacement in this topic and leave politics aside?
Listen, I say this as Frenchman and Dassault enthusiast (lucid, however)

Screw politics,
Screw Rafale,
Screw Typhoon
Screw F-35 flaws and qualities,

Belgium is a free country, free of its choice, so if they want F-35 for their Air Force, then I'm fine with it.

LET IT GO, Belgium, LET IT GO. assume yourself and your choices.

Let it gooooooooo, let it gooooooo...
The greatest irony is that Dassault will benefits from a Belgian buy of F-35 (even if Typhoon win - there is always something to learn). So Dassault and other industrial traditionally associated with Fr will gain some knowledge, just like what they did when they lost against the F-16, inheriting radar tech and others for example.
So, obviously a loss won't taste as good as a direct order of a French branded product for most, but in the end, many realist will see this as a good opportunity for the industry to rebound in a better position...
Dreamfighter said:
Michel Van said:
The Walloon mobster (socialist)... The Flemish Mobster

If you always refer to socialist parties SP-A & PS as "The Mafia /Mob"...
...Maybe keep to the point of the F-16 replacement in this topic and leave politics aside?

Sorry, but how you can call a Political party, that was involve in every corruption scandal of Kingdom, commit Murder and escape criminal prosecution ?
Special, if they are the one who responsible to buy the stuff for Military in over 30 years...
oh i not even mention Vanden Boeynants in that history !

We can discuss technology, the benefit of the model, advantages & disadvantages, pro and contras.
But let face it, in the F-16 replacement, play only one thing a important role: POLITICS
why you think this in "The Bar" Section ?

Welkom to harsh reality called Belgium
cluttonfred said:
It didn't hurt that the 747 was originally designed as military freighter (lost to the C-5 Galaxy), hence the swing-up nose and raised flight deck.

Erm! the Boeing offering to the XC-X was this below, nothing like the 747 configuration


  • 747 CX-X.jpg
    747 CX-X.jpg
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Michel Van said:
Dreamfighter said:
Michel Van said:
The Walloon mobster (socialist)... The Flemish Mobster

If you always refer to socialist parties SP-A & PS as "The Mafia /Mob"...
...Maybe keep to the point of the F-16 replacement in this topic and leave politics aside?

Sorry, but how you can call a Political party, that was involve in every corruption scandal of Kingdom, commit Murder and escape criminal prosecution ?
Special, if they are the one who responsible to buy the stuff for Military in over 30 years...
oh i not even mention Vanden Boeynants in that history !

We can discuss technology, the benefit of the model, advantages & disadvantages, pro and contras.
But let face it, in the F-16 replacement, play only one thing a important role: POLITICS
why you think this in "The Bar" Section ?

Welkom to harsh reality called Belgium

Michel, yes EVERYTHING is politics in our country, unfortunately there is no way around.
I'm as frustrated by it as you are, however there is no need to manifest it in every single post.
Especially not using the kind of language you do... and manifesting your own political orientation in all of this.
This is a Belgian internal problem, no need to annoy our fellow plane enthusiasts with it.
If they are really interested in the details, they can read it up elsewhere. Bringing up old Belgian stories doesn't really contribute a lot.
I think we should limit the "classic Belgian political struggles" to the bare minimum, out of respect for this forum.
We may clarify some things about the selection process that may be relevant, if it's really needed.
Gentlemen, please, political discussions ends here.

kitnut617 said:
cluttonfred said:
It didn't hurt that the 747 was originally designed as military freighter (lost to the C-5 Galaxy), hence the swing-up nose and raised flight deck.

Erm! the Boeing offering to the XC-X was this below, nothing like the 747 configuration

My mistake, I though it was based on the failed XC-X bid, but it was a new design created after the failed bid per the Boeing site.

747 Commercial Transport/YAL-1
The 747 was the result of the work of some 50,000 Boeing people. Called "the Incredibles," these were the construction workers, mechanics, engineers, secretaries and administrators who made aviation history by building the 747 — the largest civilian airplane in the world — in less than 16 months during the late 1960s.

The incentive for creating the giant 747 came from reductions in airfares, a surge in air-passenger traffic and increasingly crowded skies. Following the loss of the competition for a gigantic military transport, the C-5A, Boeing set out to develop a large advanced commercial airplane to take advantage of the high-bypass engine technology developed for the C-5A. The design philosophy behind the 747 was to develop a completely new plane, and other than the engines, the designers purposefully avoided using any hardware developed for the C-5.

The 747's final design was offered in three configurations: all passenger, all cargo and a convertible passenger/freighter model. The freighter and convertible models loaded 8- by 8-foot (2.4- by 2.4-meter) cargo containers through the huge hinged nose.

On 14 February 2018, is final day for issue final offer for F-16 replacement

Lockheed-Martin and Eurofighter send there dossiers to Belgium Ministry of Defense
Oddly Dassault has not send Dossier with final offer
According Belgium laws, fall Dassault now outside the official legal tender competition

Actually they not... Sorry Politic again
The Walloon MR party (who give prime minister Michel) what the Dassault Raffale
MR party try to get Dassault dossier "true backdoor" back into competitions
Flemish Minister of Defense Vandeput (N-VA) want it not and stick to the laws.

Now a working groups have about a month and a half time, to study the dossiers submitted.
They will make a ranking list that submit to the government, which then has to make a decision.
This must happens before 11-12 July, then there is a major NATO summit in Brussels.
NATO wants our country to invest more in Defense and within that expenditure item on military equipment.
Two years ago, Belgium was criticized by NATO, because lack of investment.


The evaluation criteria and their relative importance in the evaluation are as follows:

Poor working group
working true that amount of Papers and only four months time...
I wonder what NATO would have said if the Belgians came back and said they were going for low-cost, subsonic solutions instead of the latest and greatest. How much would they save flying combat-equipped versions of the BAE Hawk or the Leonardo M346? For 90% of NATO missions that call for air strikes against less well-equipped enemies, or terrorist groups without any air capability at all, does a small country really need F-35s or Tornados except out of pride?
sorry politic again

While the working group study the proposals
Strike the opposition in parliament back

SP & SP.A (the corrupt Socialist parties) had presented a study from Lockheed-Martin
That claim that F-16 with modifications, there lifetime can be extended from 8000 to 9500 hours.
in praxis means that 6 more years for Belgium F-16

The Lockheed-Martin suggest to exchange certain obsolete parts with new present-day ones.
The cost for that upgrade program lies around one billion euros
In contrast to the 3.6 Billion euros for new aircrafts

In times of budgetary bottlenecks and possible austerity measures in other areas that is problematic.
according to the Socialists

So nice the idea for sound, its just pushing the problem 6 years into future from 2023 to 2029.
What bring higher operational cost for Belgium F-16 because Netherlands phase down there F-16 for F-35.
means end in join venture in F-16 maintenance Belgium & Netherlands Air forces
and around 2025-30 Belgium has to phase down there fubar Nuclear Reactors with enormous budgetary cost.

source in german
Funny, you quote the BRF in an international forum :) ...the biggest German speaking broadcast from BE ;)

On a serious note, only Belgian socialists can deem a 1 billion investment for max 6 years, better than a 3.6 billion one for the next 40 years...
Or are there any chances F-35 prices for the Belgian procurement can come down by 1 billion within 6 years??
Finally, strange that Lockheed is doing competition against itself: F-16 SLEP vs new F-35.
Buying new F-16 may be an option, but SLEP-ing our old warhorses??!
here is the trojan* memo

Source (French speaking Belgian press) :

* - The MoD claims that he has no knowledge of this
- The opposent to a F-35 buy are requesting the cancellation of the RFP on the ground that this study was hidden by the MoD:

C’est un fiasco total. On constate que le ministre de la Défense ne tient pas son administration. Comme le permet l’article 8 de l’appel d’offres, nous demandons son annulation pour le bien du destin budgétaire de la Belgique. Pour le destin particulier du ministre de la Défense, nous verrons plus tard. »
It's a complete fiasco. We have to admit that the Minister of Defense does not hold the reins of his own administration. As allowed by Article 8 of the RFP, we request its cancelation on the ground that the budgetary destiny of Belgium is at stake. For the particular destiny of the Minister of Defense himself, we will see later.

The document specify that the MoD is in copy among all the recipicent (see on p2)

In another report, the MoD is identified as one NOT among the ones in knowledge of the LM study:

Le sp.a a mis la main sur un mail de mai 2017 dans lequel quelqu'un, au sein de la Défense, demande si l'information à propos de l'étude sur les F16 ne devrait pas être partagée avec le Chef de la Défense Marc Compernol et le ministre de la Défense Steven Vandeput (N-VA).
"I think this needs to be elevated to the CHOD/MOD as they need the correct information", peut-on y lire ("je pense que ceci doit être transmis au chef de la Défense/ministre de la Défense, vu qu'ils ont besoin de l'information correcte").
Selon le président du sp.a John Crombez, il y a aussi eu, en 2016, un échange téléphonique courroucé entre Frederik Vansina, le chef de la composante Air, et Lockheed Martin, lors duquel le militaire belge demandait d'arrêter les calculs sur la disponibilité des F16.

(Source: )


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cluttonfred said:
I wonder what NATO would have said if the Belgians came back and said they were going for low-cost, subsonic solutions instead of the latest and greatest. How much would they save flying combat-equipped versions of the BAE Hawk or the Leonardo M346? For 90% of NATO missions that call for air strikes against less well-equipped enemies, or terrorist groups without any air capability at all, does a small country really need F-35s or Tornados except out of pride?

NATO would say, "you're still going to get tasked with tough targets so if you feel like throwing the lives of your pilots away. . .".
Thanks TomcatViP, for the PDF

the Memo is for Belgian Defence Staff
Adressed to Capitan Antoon Boeykens
according Linkedin there is a Boeykens as Maintenance Support Manager for NH90 (the Helicopter) in Belgian Defence

In Belgium News came this:
General Fred Vansina responsible for F-16 Fleet, conformed he was not informed about this Memo
Vanderput confirmed that He and Chief of Defence General Compernol never got that Memo

To be honest i think that here is Typical Belgium bureaucratic mess
likely Boeykens made request for F-16 Study, out side his competency for NH90
the bureaucracy ignored and dismissed that Memo, as not part of F-16 managership
and head of Belgian Defence Staff, General Marc Compernol was not informed.
As Chief of Defence General Compernol is responsible for advising the Minister Vanderput.

Oddly the "commissie Defensie" of Belgium Parlament was very well Informed about this Memo.
what the Opposition use now to Attack another Flemish minister of Government
I have a notion that, the responsible clerks in Military is party Member of Socialist...
Colonel Harold Van Pee, head of F-16 Replacement program, gave interview to "Het Belang van Limburg" about the Memo

He confirmed to Know the Memo since may 2017
Also that top hierarchy of Belgium Military, Chief of Defence General Compernol and the Minister Vanderput, were not informed about it.

While Opposition SP.A chairman John Crombez, presented a confidential E-mail to Colonel Harold Van Pee about Memo

Colonel Harold Van Pee about that:
I plead guilty to receiving a e-mail

and I look forward to giving an explanation in parliament about this.

Also Van Pee nuances the conscious study:

"The report does not tell us anything new and has been called over.
You can also drive an oldtimer for a hundred years longer.
The question is what you can do effectively with those F-16s This study is about the bodywork, not about the entire weapon system."

TomcatViP said:
So, has the Belgian F-35(?) [program] pilots won their first [cat] fight?

yes and it get ugly, very ugly
But that so high on political contents, No way i post that issue here...
VRT-NEWS got contacted by informant inside Belgium Military
informant provided E-mails to VRT-NEWS what show that atleast three High rang Generals
Knew about Memo and dit everything to keep it secret

As long as nobody will think that the F-16s can fly more than 8,000 hours. Watch out!

Please do not use the slide with the figures for longer life. It is not the right time. The purchase program is in a crucial phase now. We do not want to disturb this sensitive moment.

After VRT newscast publish this
4 high rang Belgium Generals step down from there Office, for a Time-out.
in official statement they straighten out that

Chief of Defence General Compernol and the Minister Vanderput, were not informed about Lockheed martin longer life Study
In Order not to hindering the purchase program

In another statement by Belgium Military explained that the purchase program is still running despite political turmoil

in mean time the Belgium Media start to focus on SP.A chairman John Crombez
Special the role he play in this mess and how he got Confidential E-mails, Memos for Belgium Military ?
some labeling him as treasonist...

17:00 local Time about informant E-mails
VRT Radio news, about Four Generals Time-out.
Wow, that's very ugly. Belgium should do like New Zealand did in 2002 and screw his fast jet fleet once and for all.
Archibald said:
Wow, that's very ugly. Belgium should do like New Zealand did in 2002 and screw his fast jet fleet once and for all.
We can't, next to NATO/EU commitments we have to protect Luxembourg's airspace and part of the Netherlands'.
In the context of military collaboration BeNeLux is relatively well integrated, the F-35 is the sensible choice.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the NL and BE F-35s flying with a common Benelux roundel at some point during their service life...

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