Hi; Well with all those different replies(?

)) I think I will ''motivate'' this a bit further....
It is now 1930, the London treaty is about to be signed, and you asked for further fleet reductions ( British side);
Your real intent is to keep the U.S. and Japan form becoming leaders in the navy world. You now need to make a choice for your only training ship since it will be the only extra one you could potentially fall back on in case of an emergency situation; your choices, the Iron Duke, or the Tiger are the only logical options you have; you know that the Iron Duke has more staying power, even after 18 years than the Tiger, but it is hopelessly slow and the Revenge class already has that same issue; the Tiger is a faster ship, potentially being able to keep up woth the QE class, and maybe some aircraft carriers, but it is a much less protected ship; if the Iron Duke is chosen, it will have to lose 2 turrets and barbettes, its main belt, it conning tower and some of its boilers, althought not that many since it wasn't fast to begin with; if the Tiger is chosen, it will lose only one of the turrets and barbettes, its conning tower and its thinner belt, bu it will lalso lose many of its boilers.....
In this scenario, you choose the Tiger, because at 18 years and going on, it will need new boilers at some point anyway; the turret and barbette will be stored, the conning tower dismantled anf its main belt removed....It is quite rusted anyway....Your goal will be to maintain this ship in its present condition, and repair when needed so you can have a chance at re-activating it in the futur, within the next 5 to 10 years; if not, simply scrap it.
1936 comes along, and politically things are getting charged; you negotiated some compromise with germany for a coastal defense fleet, Japan has just left the negotiations for the prolongation of the London treaty and its navy capability ratios for the signatories. Not good....The british navy turned around and tried a negotiation with the remaining 4, but Italy has reservations and also leaves. The U.S. has just decided to invoke the escalation clause and it will allow them to build ships of up to 45000 tons and 16 in. guns. So any agreement which was in the works is now getting peeled out and it is clear now that the whole thing has fallen apart. The british navy pushes for the King George class to be laid down as soon as possible, the re-constructions of the ships scheduled ( the Queen Elizabeth and the Valiant), the Warspite having just finished its re-construction. There isn't much money left for any kind of substantial re-construction, and you want the tiger to be re-activated in order to have as many ship available, as soon as possible.
You have an option; re-boil it with similar boilers, install the latest bulges, slap some horizontal platin on and add AAs'. But, what's cheap, will not cause the ship to become slower, will give it a bit more resilience in combat and have a decent anti aircraft capability......
Thing that will slow the ship down are : weight, resistance to the flow, engine power. it also needs to be stable and not to have a roll over center too low through the top weight.
You laso have some opportunities; the old fuel-only boilers from the warspite have been removed recently, and the QE's are in the process of being removed; your barbette and turret are still in storage; the rest you will need to purchase. A quick calculation tells you that with an extra 3000 tons of weight, you will need 20% to 25% more power just to keep the actual speed, and any restructuring of the hull or inner parts of the ship will become too much, too long and too expensive....
Some data...
Boilers from the Tiger made 2682 steam horsepower each with coal sprayed with fuel the Tiger had 39 of them
Boilers from the QE class made 3197 steam horsepower on fuel-only system; each ship had 24 of them
Pom-poms weight 75 tons each, including storage and munitions
Bulges add an extra 2000 tons apprx.; but there is a boyancy factor to consider
Twin QF45/4 in are lighter than the 6 in. in casemates with their barbettes and logistics
Can you make a Tiger useful with that?
Mister Ewen....I educated myself...So can you fill in the blanks?