BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum but I am also very interested in buying this book Mike since I worked on this project at Kingston from 1981 to 1984. Any news on the release.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Aerodezine - I've sent you a PM.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

aerodezine said:
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum but I am also very interested in buying this book Mike since I worked on this project at Kingston from 1981 to 1984. Any news on the release.

Oh sure, now he is going to have to interview you and make this book even more accurate. ;)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

harrier said:
I hope so! As ever, 'nearly there'. But never quite there. Hope to get some time on it this month, ahead of my first holiday in two years (cue violins!).

Mike, make sure you post in other venues when available, like the V/STOL Facebook page. Lot's of interesting concepts -- built and not built:
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

From Chis Gibson:

Good news on the P.1216 front. Mike Pryce has crossed the Rubicon and "BAe P.1216 Supersonic ASTOVL Aircraft" (ProjectTech Profile 2) is about to enter production.

ISBN is 9780956195111

Draft cover is attached.

The following are subject to change, but we're looking at:

50+ illustrations and photos

and....looking at £13.99 (cue moans)



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Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Great !!!

Where and when can we pre-pder it ??!!

Thanks, Deino
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Great news, the long wait is nearly over ;D
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Finally. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Great news then from Chris & Mike
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

harrier said:
I hope so! As ever, 'nearly there'. But never quite there. Hope to get some time on it this month, ahead of my first holiday in two years (cue violins!).

Good to know the interest is still there!



Can you confirm, that it was due out yesterday?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I had a pint with Chris yesterday and asked about this.

1) Mike is working on the final draft and "weeding" the images.
2) I did see Chris working on the images last trip offshore. He was getting somewhat annoyed by the number of pics that included Maggie Thatcher.

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Any updates to when we can start ordering this?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Almost there - have just sent off final pic selection to publisher, text finalised etc. But there is always a bit more it seems. However, this month it should be getting laid out, and then printed very shortly after.

Right near being done all the files got corrupted on my computer, but backups were available (although not all in one place - bad boy!).

Plus work has been hectic - my day job is a study costing Tornado and Harrier, so you can imagine....! And recent changes in UK policy on future ASTOVL also meant a re-edit - no point banging on about the relevance of UK experience to the F-35B so much!

One thing where I'd appreciate your views, related to the poll on images in books (,11879.msg114854.html), is what to do with 'spare' pictures? E.g. I have quite a few low quality images of obscure variants. These could be packed into the back of the book, but maybe an online site to view them would be better? They are of interest, but not much importance to the story - often the drawing is all there is of a variant.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Final cover plus internal cover mock-ups.


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Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I would like the extra pics as an addenda in the back of the book, just so I have them all in one place; the book. Having said that, if it's too much work or you think it would impact costs negatively, then a website is just fine IMHO. Those previews look great. :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

harrier said:
........ Plus work has been hectic - my day job is a study costing Tornado and Harrier, so you can imagine....! And recent changes in UK policy on future ASTOVL also meant a re-edit - no point banging on about the relevance of UK experience to the F-35B so much! ...........................

It is a depressing thing to say, but your memoirs (and those of your associates around you - plus colleagues in the Army and Navy) of the present events would probably be of great interest (when they are allowed to be published) - another turning point in UK defence policy to rival "East of Suez", "TSR-2", etc.....

My condolences on your work travails, but best wishes on the book (and any future memoirs)

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I can offer free hosting of any additional content, if that is needed.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I'd also like to add my voice to the call for putting the extra pics in the book. I think I'd pay a small premium for the pictures rather than having them on a website (please don't do that -it detracts greatly from the reading experience).

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I second that shedofdread! If this is to be the definitive and only book on this most interesting of subjects I would prefer that it contained as much content as possible!

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Final draft text, pics etc. now gone for print layout to be done. Once that is proofed then ready to print.

Table of contents:



• Background
• Twin-boom origins
• P.1216 for the RAF
• P.1216 for the Royal Navy
• P.1216 for the US and UK

Technical Description

• P.1216-41 Description
• Overview
• Structure
• Aerodynamics
• Propulsion
• Avionics
• Systems
• Weapons
• Ownership and operations

P.1216 Data

• P.1216-41 1985
• Estimated Performance Data
• Costs and Timescales

Overview and Conclusions


• Appendix 1 – P.1216 Variants
• Appendix 2 – P.1216 Models Tested
• Appendix 3 – Other Kingston Twin-boom projects
• Appendix 4 – P.1216 Timeline


And back cover draft blurb:
The British Aerospace (BAe) P.1216 project of the 1980s was a supersonic Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (ASTOVL) fighter, designed by the same team that originally designed the Harrier. It was the last major attempt at an independent British fighter aircraft project, and was developed through many versions over the course of the 1980s.

Had the P.1216 been fully developed the UK could have led a programme for an ASTOVL combat aircraft that would be in service around the world today, in place of the Eurofighter Typhoon and F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter. The fact that it did not go ahead will have a significant impact on the aerospace industry and armed forces of the UK and other nations for many years to come.

This book tells the story of the P.1216, looking behind the political, technical and business aspects of its design and testing, using access to previously secret documents and interviews with key personnel involved in the project. It is lavishly illustrated with original technical diagrams, photographs and colour artwork.

As well as telling the story of the P.1216 it also provides a new perspective on the decades-long quest to create a supersonic ‘jump jet’; in the words of Ralph Hooper, the original designer of the Harrier, “one of the last prestigious hurdles for aviation to clear”, and a formidable challenge to this day. This book will be of great interest to all those with an interest in modern combat aircraft, the technical aspects of aerospace project design and the politics of weapon system acquisition.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Regarding Scott's difficulties with print on demand (,12062.msg118441.html#msg118441) it seems to justify Blue Envoy Press's decision to print the ProjectTech Profiles, including the forthcoming P.1216 one, using a traditional printer.

We did look at using PoD, but the finish quality was higher and more consistent going the trad. route. However, it does mean more time and up front spending is required to produce a pile of books to sell - have to try to get them right (at least PoD allows 'updates'). But the pile for sale should be here soon for the P.1216. Nearly there!
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce


W H Smith's have cancelled my order for this book for "reasons beyond their control" - any problems or is this still o.k. for publishing ?

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Phil - yes, still OK!

I just asked Chris Gibson of Blue Envoy Press and he does not know what WH Smiths are doing. Chris says he has not received an order direct from Smiths, although it may be one he got via a distributor.

The quote from Chris Gibson regarding a date is:
I'd say end of April barring major fox paws. You can quote me.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

The book is now ready to go to print. End of April availability still looks good.

Final page count - 48.

Price - £9.95

Amazon etc. listings should update shortly.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Wonderful news. I look forward to reading it.

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Amazon is saying Temporarily Out Of Stock?! Was it ever in stock?

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Think we're daft enough to launch a book the same week as a royal wedding AND Bin Laden's demise?

Still in production, but hopefully at the printer soon.

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Any news ... and we to pre-order ???

Cheers, Deino
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce


It's still at the production stage as we've had a hold up due to the day-job.

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I just have one question...When ???? :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Me too! Soon it seems - Adrian is finishing the layout and then it is 'done':,11439.msg127896.html#msg127896
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Just a Question for all of us interested in anything Harrier and/or V/STOL and ASTOVL, any idea when the book is going to be available for purchase? :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Very soon - I signed off the final proof this week and, as I understand it, it is now sitting in the print queue at the printers, waiting for Monday morning to roll around.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

The printer's 'mock-up' was printed last week, all OK, so the main print run will happen this week.

Provisional 'launch' date 15th August, but may have copies this week.

Will keep you posted!
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

As Mike says, press is rolling this week.

Here's the index page.



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Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Looks awesome, please don't tease us for two years with your next book though ;)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Thanks SteveO!

I know, two years is a long time, but now I know the ropes hopefully the next one will be much quicker.

'BAe SABA, the inside story', anyone? Or 'Harrier Projects'?

Of course, it depends on good P.1216 sales! ;D
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

The 1154 might not be a bad idea either, although SABA would have a nice impact
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Personally, I'd love a SABA volume. And I do intend to get the P.1216 book, so that is one sale straight away at least.

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