Aircraft - Real or fake?

A fake design, Arado Pfeil,am I right ?.


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Pretty sure a fake, I think. "Bird models" seems to be one of those companies
mixing up real projects with fakes in their catalogue, for what reason whatsoever ...
The "Sack Kreisflügeljäger" to me is another example, the model seems to be
based on the Bf 109 with a circular wing, as proposed by Artur Sack. Some true
facts and a lot of imagination and who can say for sure, that there wasn't a sketch
on the back of an envelope ? ::)

of course a fake Russian fighter,right ?.


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That Bird Models Arado kit sure reminds me of this apparently WWII vintage photo of an aircraft or full size mockup that turns up occasionally.
hesham said:
of course a fake Russian fighter,right ?.

If it's by Jozef Gatial, I would tend to think it's a real project. Can't think of him doing fake stuff, at least I can't recall him doing so.
Skyblazer said:
hesham said:
of course a fake Russian fighter,right ?.

If it's by Jozef Gatial, I would tend to think it's a real project. Can't think of him doing fake stuff, at least I can't recall him doing so.

Hi Skyblazer,

frankly,I don't know,but I did't see any Russian aircraft like this !.
Skyblazer said:
If it's by Jozef Gatial, I would tend to think it's a real project. Can't think of him doing fake stuff, at least I can't recall him doing so.

I presume that this artwork is also by Jozef Gatial based on the model kit of the MiG-37 "Ferret E" by Italeri and Testors.


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the aircraft is the MiG LMFS

Information available from Paralay web and just for subscribers at globalsecurity
I did't see any Russian aircraft like this " - did you see any USA aircraft like these? There are real projects from Lockheed DB


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pometablava said:

the aircraft is the MiG LMFS

Information available from Paralay web and just for subscribers at globalsecurity

Thank you, pometablava. Wasn't sure if it was a real or speculative Mikoyan project.
I just came across a drawing of a jet powered derivative of the XF5U (different from the one discussed at,6213.0.html) labelled the "Zinnerman (sic) Flying Saucer"at

Given that the quoted source of the illustration is the 1980 Dan Dare annual, the misspelling of Zimmerman's name and some pretty questionable design features, I assume the concept was purely speculative/conjectural, but any insights are welcome.



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Cool stuff. And have you noticed that the XF5U-1 is a "Change-Vought"!?
Amazing project,

but there is two designs derivative from XF5U,the Vought V.335 and V.341,and here
the Page 308 from the book, Les Avions Vought,which speaks on XF5U development
and its derivative,may be a real design ?.


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I can see no mention of a derivative design in this extract.
hesham said:
but there is two designs derivative from XF5U,the Vought V.335 and V.341

May be the member Bill S can find in Vought Archive,the V.335 & V.341 drawings.

is that a real design (I mean a project),or just drawing for a Model ?.


  • b.GIF
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It's often easier to decide, when the source is known ..... ;)

I think this SST was a fake,am I right ?.


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Same remark as Jemiba just above, hesham... without the source (context) it is virtually impossible to say...
hesham said:
is that a real design (I mean a project),or just drawing for a Model ?.

Adapted from Google translation: "The project itself was not continued. A student cannot do this, and besides the teacher disagreed with me. (...) This wonder looked something like this (which was to use the fuselage and wings of the Antonov A-15 glider). It was only later, wiith the advent of Internet, that I found a real incarnation of the concept, later grown into an entire family of training aircraft [the Fouga Gemeaux]."
Hey Hesh,

Here's your mystery SST! :)


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this time I feel those aircraft was a real designs,but I am not sure,although the said (April fools),
but I believed this story was right,until some one correct it to me,specially Russian members.

They spoke about Germany designer,who was captured by Soviet at the end of the WW2,and
worked for Antonov,at first he created a strange three aircraft;

1- A jet powered Bi-plane
2- Supersonic bomber with fixed landing gear
3- Twin fuselage An-2 for recce

Are those aircraft a real or April fool ?,please not this 3-view to twin fuselage An-2,they
mention that, Drawing Antonov OKB Archive.


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It's easy to see that the above plan is a fake: see how the wing's bracing wires fail to rejoin in the middle!
OK my dear Skyblazer,

but we want a more check about those aircraft.
hesham said:
but we want a more check about those aircraft.

What more do you want??? The page you linked says clearly it was an April's fool joke, and the image you attached clearly is a very crude manipulation. End of story.
hesham said:
... but we want a more check about those aircraft.

Don't think, that this is necessary in this case ! The article starts with the header "APRIL FOOLS - sorry"
and the designers of the He 111Z are stated to have been the twins Martin and Deiter "Zwillingsbiber",
the surnamen actually meaning "twin beaver". You can look for that name via google or in the German
"Namenslexikon" (names encyclopedia), quite probably without success and here
it was identified as a joke, too.
And then, of course, there's the very crude drawing .... :-\
OK my dear Jemiba,

and my dear Borovik just tell me,it is a fake or April fools.

I think that stealth fighter is an imagination for future aircraft project,not real design
or belong to a known company,am I right ?.


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was that a Real Russian Rocket Ferry concept or design ?.


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Having looked through that article, I think this "concept" is correctly placed
in this secton here. Haven't found it mentioned in the text and there are
several other ideas, probably just drawn on the back of an envelope.

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