I have seen some AIAA papers on these .... unable to tell you which exact papers as I do not have AIAA access anymore .....Maybe, I last saw the article years ago. I remember prominent propfans & cylindrical fuselage.
I have seen some AIAA papers on these .... unable to tell you which exact papers as I do not have AIAA access anymore .....Maybe, I last saw the article years ago. I remember prominent propfans & cylindrical fuselage.
Is there any more info on the rationale for the Multiple Nuke Warhead? Was it supposed to work like Project Pluto and pop them out over multiple widely separated targets, or was this just a nuclear cluster-bomb to maximize blast/burn effects?
The image looks like individual bombs to drop, but I'd say 50/50 as to whether it's dropping them on separate targets or around one.Is there any more info on the rationale for the Multiple Nuke Warhead? Was it supposed to work like Project Pluto and pop them out over multiple widely separated targets, or was this just a nuclear cluster-bomb to maximize blast/burn effects?
Is there any more info on the rationale for the Multiple Nuke Warhead? Was it supposed to work like Project Pluto and pop them out over multiple widely separated targets, or was this just a nuclear cluster-bomb to maximize blast/burn effects?
I'm sure there's a fun optimisation problem for someone in whether one big NDB is more or less effective than several small ones. Variables to consider being the collapse depth of the submarine, its depth of operation, and the degree of positional uncertainty - presumably in three dimensions.It was an ASW weapon, so my presumption is that they planned to lay a pattern of nuclear depth charges around a high-value target (probably an SSBN). After the first one went off, you wouldn't be hearing anything from the target area for quite a while, so I can't imagine the extra warheads were for reattack, just increasing the coverage area of a single attack.
Then you need to factor in the Size to yield ratios and those effectiveness.I'm sure there's a fun optimisation problem for someone in whether one big NDB is more or less effective than several small ones. Variables to consider being the collapse depth of the submarine, its depth of operation, and the degree of positional uncertainty - presumably in three dimensions.
The US used 50 and 250kt NDCs. 50 in the Mk57 and ASROC, 250 in SUBROC.Then you need to factor in the Size to yield ratios and those effectiveness.
Mind the US did design and field several small size nuclear bombs with yields of around 2kt, and the average Nuke Depth Charge had 10kt. The small warheads were for Tube Artillery usage so I imagine you could boost tge yeild decently to get 5 to 10kt for max effectiveness in a multilayer circle around the conteact.