
  1. Stargazer

    Vladimir Fedorovich Savelyev's quadruplanes

    Until the early 1920s, aircraft development was based mainly on the intuition of designers. As for aerodynamics, this science was in its infancy. Suffice it to say that the concept of inductive resistance was not known at that time, which led to the emergence of "flying monsters" with three...
  2. Spook

    Concorde-based bomber photo-manipulation

    Is there anyone who can ID this plane for me? Is this a fake Picture ?! Regards, AK
  3. Triton

    US planned to nuke the moon

    "Confirmed: US planned to nuke the moon" Published: 26 November, 2012, 21:13 Source:
  4. T

    Soviet decoy missiles for bombers in Cold War (similar to the ADM-20 Quail) ??

    Hi everybody, I'm looking for information about soviet decoy missiles launched from bombers, if any. In the USA during the Cold War there were some projects about decoy missiles (i.e. the ADM-20 Quail or the Convair MX-2223), but I didn't find any info about similar projects in the Soviet Union...
  5. Spook

    Progrev-T Tank

    Progrev-T Tank All i know is that this tank had a mig jet engine on its turret and it was suppose to destroy mines. Any more information will be highly appreciated. Thank you
  6. Triton

    Mikoyan Design Bureau

    Does any one know why the name of Mikhail Gurevich was dropped from the Mikoyan-and-Gurevich Design Bureau in 1970 becoming the Mikoyan Design Bureau? Does this also mean that Western aviation books that identify aircraft designed and manufactured after 1970 with the name Mikoyan-Gurevich are...
  7. jzichek

    Soviet Space Propaganda Posters, 1958-1963 just put up a beautiful collection of Soviet space propaganda posters from 1958-1963; worth checking out if you are a fan of vintage space art!
  8. yasotay

    Kamov Ka-50 / Ka-52 Hokum Family Thread

    It seems the Ka-52 series is going back to Kamov's roots. While it does not strike me as a great 'coast guard' helicopter, it would be a wonderful 'pirate guard' helicopter. Of course a couple of those in the US Coast Guard, might make the fast boat challenge...
  9. flateric

    Ilyushin Il-102

    Avico Press offers a reprint of extremely rare, in-house Ilyushin Design Bureau 44-page album, fully dedicated to this rare bird, a Soviet analogue of Northrop A-9 in terms of unlucky fortune. CD-ROM edition USD $30 For ordering fill a request form at
  10. A

    ASCC/ASIC/US DoD Reporting Name for Soviet/Russian/Chinese Aircraft and Missiles

    Hi all Some additions to widely known file ( with codenames of aircraft and missiles. The information is taken from and Wiki (sorry :) ) DOD NATO Missile AA-2D Advanced Atoll without changes AA-2-2 Advanced Atoll...
  11. flateric

    OKB-155 (Mikoyan) ASAT

    R-7 launched ASAT system (ca.1958-1959) from MiG museum. Photos (1,2) (c) Vadim Lukashevich (, (3,4) (c) Sergey Kuznetcov aka Pilot (
  12. W

    Antonov An-2A GENETRIX Balloon Attacker

    Found a website sometime ago about a variant of the AN-2 that was designed to shoot down U.S. GENETRIX Spy balloons. It had a turbo or supercharger to fly at high altitude. A rear turret was added with a gun. Website had some great side views. Don't think it was ever built.
  13. Triton

    Myasishchev M-56

    Model of Myasishchev M-56 from USSR-Russian Aviation & Space Collectibles (Alex Panchenko). Description: Source:
  14. flateric

    Belka&Strelka - 50!

  15. hesham

    A N Rafaelyanz Aircraft and Projects

    Hi, we know only for this Russian company; Rafaelyants or simply RAF,that RAF-1 was ultra-light low-wing monoplane of 1925, RAF-2 was two-seat cantilever low-wing monoplane of 1926 and the RAF-11 was twin-engined low-wing small tarnsport aircraft of 1935,nobody knows the RAF-3 to RAF-10 ,and if...
  16. Triton

    Sukhoi ekranoplans

    Model of Sukhoi S-90-200 from USSR-Russian Aviation and Space Collectibles. Description: Source:
  17. Mr London 24/7

    'Tracked' Mini Submarines in Swedish waters - 1980's

    In the Eighties there was an infamous spate of submarine incidents in Swedish waters, apparently involving mini submarines penetrating close to shore (and even inside harbour areas). From the reports at least some of these would appear to have been fitted with Caterpillar/Tank style Tracks...
  18. flateric

    Vladimir Sergeevich Ilyushin 31-03-1927 - 01-03-2010

    Vladimir Sergeevich Ilyushin was born on 31 March, 1927, the eldest son of leading Soviet aircraft designer Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin. Ilyushin's father was a favoured member of the Soviet establishment. It may be noted that aircraft designer Tupolev blamed Ilyushin's father for the...
  19. Stargazer

    Sukhoi S- Designations

    Interesting. A little technical correction here: this was S-80 — not Su- for Sukhoi but S- for Simonov. Sukhoi model numbers are not allocated to all the designs, only those that get to the production stage.
  20. Triton

    Sukhoi S-80 design concepts

    Models of Sukhoi S-80 design concepts prior to 1993. Source:
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