
  1. helmutkohl

    What if the Sino-Soviet split did not occur

    What if the Sino-Soviet split did not occur? Basically there were ideological differences between Mao and Khruschev, which led to the split. Lets say in this scenario, both sides were a bit more flexible about the interpretation of Communism and agreed to some how respect each others...
  2. Flyaway

    The 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight

    The 12th April is the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin being the first man in space. Here’s this weeks Archive on 4 about that historic trip.
  3. Grey Havoc

    Luna 4
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ekranoplans in the Rostislav Alekseyev Museum in Chkalovsk

    Found an awesome article online here of a visit to a museum dedicated to the Ekranoplan designer, Rostislav Alekseyev. Some very interesting models and artwork, attached.
  5. S

    Space Board Game Liftoff! 2.0

    Hi I really love this web site it has so much fantastic info on the hidden or forgotten space projects. Sadly, I don’t visit this website enough due to my projects. In 1989 I had my old boardgame Liftoff! Race to the Moon published; a simulation for four players with alternate proposed ways of...
  6. L

    RK1 - RK 800

    Grigorii Ivanovich Bakshayev was interested in the concept of variable geometry aircraft, where the size and/or shape of wings are altered according to the stage of flight, or desired characteristics. There are many methods of achieving this but one of the simplest is the telescopic wing, where...
  7. Hood

    Soviet Maritime Project Numbers

    Good listings of Soviet naval project numbers are difficult to find. Some were published in books following the events of 1991 and of course Globalsecurity published a list in the late 1990s. No details at all were released of merchant vessels, so about two years I set out to complete a list and...
  8. Dynoman

    Soviet High Altitude Reconnaissance Balloons during the Cold War

    Recently I was wondering if the Soviets had a reconnaissance balloon activity similar to the US projects Skyhook and Mogul. Any evidence that such projects in the USSR existed? The Soviets developed manned stratospheric balloons in the mid-1930's and continued research for spacesuits and other...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Red Atlas
  10. E

    1953 Press Photo Russian Air Force MIG Fighter Jets

    Ta 183 with fences.
  11. World B4

    Oscar III SSGN & other Soviet SSGNs

    With the cancellation of the Merkuriy ssgn program in 1989, the successor to the Oscar II was to be the Oscar III, of which the first units were to be built right after the last of the Oscar IIs. I can't find any illustrations, or descriptions of the planned changes and improvements. Can anyone...
  12. S

    Gnom ICBM. Is this design really use ramjet propulsion ?

    So yeah, i think this one is quite famous. The Soviet era Gnom This ICBM use a propulsion system in one of the stage which if i'm reading correctly is a ramjet. So after 1st stage burnout, the rocket motor will be ejected/dropped and the Ramjet starts...
  13. Flyaway

    The story of the docking of Soyuz 4 & 5

    Another interesting historical video from Scott Manley:
  14. Arjen

    Alexei Leonov has passed away

    First man to spacewalk, one of the five on the Soyuz-Apollo flight.
  15. hesham

    USSR Hypothetical SST of 1960s

    From Ailes 9/11/1962, a hypothetical SST of USSR,looks like NA B-70.
  16. V

    Giant Soviet nuclear powered flying boat

    In an interview with Discovery aired on the Planes That Never Flew episode about the WS-125, George Kerevan mentioned that the Soviet Union came up with a proposal for a nuclear-powered flying boat weighing 1,000 tons. The 1,000 ton flying boat had a wingspan over over 420 feet and four...
  17. hesham

    Leningrad Construction Bureau of Aeronautics Little known Airship Projects

    Hi, the Leningrad Construction Bureau of Aeronautics designed many little known airship Projects,such as L-100,L-117,L-200 & L-300, also a double dirigible L-215,the numbers indicates to a weight tons,and to be honest,I don;t know if they built anyone of them or not. L + K 11/1970.
  18. Graham1973

    "T-94" Soviet Tank

    I found this in a 1990s 'Yellow Peril (Japan)' techno-thriller called 'The War in 2020' (1991), the book ends with a note indicating that the writing of it was finished in April of 1990. It features this tank which I am guessing was based on the reports of these tanks in the west. Here are the...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    NPO Istok "Soyuz-Sintez" Experimental Radar program

    It appears so.
  20. Andrei_bt

    Object 490 "Poplar" FMBT

    Future Soviet tank project “Object 490 Poplar” was under development by Eugenie Morozov's team from the end of 70-th up to the end of 80-s. The main features of the “Object 490” were: - crew consisting of two people - commander-gunner and driver. Reduce the crew to two people and place them in...
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