united states

  1. Hood

    Arctic Drift Barge

    I came across this project in a 1968 United States Atomic Energy Commission booklet, The ATOM and the OCEAN, by E. W. Seabrook Hull (can be found on Project Gutenberg here). The National Science Foundation had proposed an Arctic Drift Barge for Arctic research, which would have a nuclear plant...
  2. S

    DARPA/SOCOM Speed and Runway Independent Technologies (SPRINT)

    case. Safety and redundancy of multi-engine systems is a complex and evolving field. What is unacceptably unreliable using one technology, demanding full redundancy, may be a lot better using a different technology. For example combustion engines used to be so unreliable and lacking in...
  3. Rhinocrates


    The Economist's perspective. It devotes most space to looking at the political context. https://www.economist.com/asia/2021/09/15/australia-is-getting-nuclear-subs-with-american-and-british-help The new partnership also comes at an opportune time for Mr Biden. His withdrawal from Afghanistan...
  4. klem

    ID Bell glide bomb.

    I'm looking for more information about this Bell glide bomb.thanks
  5. P

    Rheinmetall W&M GmbH 105mm smooth bore gun program???

    Does anyone know what came of this Rheinmetall W&M GmbH 105mm smooth bore gun program? Did Rheinmetall actual finish developing and commercialising this gun? If so what is the guns designation...
  6. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  7. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    PD-214 Security Class Maritime Administration conceptual mobilisation ship 1974-1981

    Source: p474-p475, US Amphibious Ships and Craft, Norman Friedman The Center of Naval Analyses (CNA) compared a number of different ship designs for the role of the Maritime Prepositioning Squadron (MPS). One of these was the PD-214 "Security Class" (C8-M-MA134), a conceptual mobilisation ship...
  8. Grey Havoc

    U.S. Digital Corps

    https://news.slashdot.org/story/21/08/30/218249/biden-launches-us-digital-corps-to-bring-young-tech-talent-to-government https://digitalcorps.gsa.gov/ Hmmmmm
  9. Flyaway


    https://thespacereview.com/article/4228/1 The little satellite that could How a vice president’s dream led—after a very long delay—to the DSCOVR spacecraft by Dwayne A. Day Monday, August 16, 2021 If satellites had personalities, DSCOVR would be a scrappy little fighter: battered, bloody, but...
  10. bobbymike

    DARPA X-Prime Program

    Subscription needed https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/aircraft-propulsion/darpa-aims-build-bridge-across-technologys-valley-death?fbclid=IwAR27GieACixCkpErW2rRWD3I8PA5G_xAM5eZHff25UbDoGaB1_UGZUNb-mg
  11. uk 75

    Britain abandons nuclear weapons

    The UK nuclear deterrent has become after the NHS a political commitment for both Tory and Labour PMs to show their metal. But an earlier Tory PM, Harold Macmillan had his doubts as did Sir Winston Churchill. Macmillan got on well with the new young US President. Kennedy for his part saw the UK...
  12. Forest Green

    HAWC (Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept) and HACM (Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile)

    This doesn't really fit ARRW or PGSW, so I started a new thread.
  13. bring_it_on

    US Navy Screaming Arrow Hypersonic Program

    The US Navy has (re) launched (August 2021) the Screaming Arrow prototyping effort after withdrawing the prior outreach to industry back in March. Wanted to start a dedicated thread to discuss what the Navy is asking for here since they have provided a notional set of requirements and are...
  14. GTX

    ARES XM274 75mm automatic cannon

    Interesting development/proposal I just came across:
  15. B

    "Improved F-5" and STOL F-5, from 1964

    I have come across an article from Air Force Magazine (link below) about the F-5 dated December 1964 that briefly talks about two variants of the F-5 apparently being offered at the time. First, an improved F-5A with slightly higher thrust ("J85-13/J5", 4300 lbf, 220 lbf higher than the...
  16. Antonio

    The art of NASA

  17. I

    CA-134 Des Moines-Class Heavy Cruisers - 1980's Reactivation Proposals

    I understand there was a proposal to reactivate two CA-134 Class Heavy Cruisers (probably USS Des Moines and USS Salem) in place of or in additional to the Iowa Class reactivations. Below are two of the concepts I have found. However, I was wondering if there are any more details out there...
  18. Boxman

    CAPT. DALE “SNORT” SNODGRASS (USN, RET) Killed in Plane Crash

    Just crushing news. R.I.P. Snort. The Aviation Geek Club: Dale “Snort” Snodgrass, legendary US Navy F-14 Tomcat pilot, killed in in the crash of a SIAI-Marchetti SM.1019 July 25, 2021 Full article hyperlinked at title.
  19. Richard N

    Oshkosh 2021

    The 2021 edition of the Experimental Aircraft Association's EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021 https://www.eaa.org/airventure Directory of EAA Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE1iYTfGLjpCMLLzZfDaXbg View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3bEZNW-_X4
  20. Foo Fighter

    Grand slam bombs on Korean targets.

    I have seen somewhere that Grand slam weapons were considered for use on high value targets on the Japanese mainland. If the B-29 was in fact ready even in small number for use then, would they not have value against logistical high value targets in the conflict with North Korea? Just a...
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