united states

  1. Hydroxideblue

    Mobile Protected Weapon System (MPWS) / Mobile Protected Gun System (MPGS) Piranha - 75mm XM274 MCAAC on GM Canada Piranha 8x8

    Hey everyone! I was wondering what sort of information people had on the MPWS/MPGS Piranha. This was an early 1980s submission by General Motors of Canada into the USMC MPWS, and later joint Army-Marine MPGS program. I possess LETE Annual Historical Reports covering its trials at the LETE...
  2. Dynoman

    GodsEye: Wide Area Surveillance- America

    A few years ago a project was launched to fly stratospheric balloons over various mid-western US states to test wide area surveillance systems and balloon station keeping technologies. This project was directed at drug traffic interdiction, counter-terrorism, and military applications. Its not...
  3. Flyaway

    DARPA moving forward with development of nuclear powered spacecraft

    Seems to have quite an early proposed flight date of fiscal year 2026. https://spacenews.com/darpa-moving-forward-with-development-of-nuclear-powered-spacecraft/
  4. GTX

    Royal Australian Navy Extra Large Autonomous Undersea Vehicles (XL-AUVs)

  5. TomS

    Obscure USN Frigate concepts and studies

    Digging through some old files, I came across a NAVSEA briefing from 1994 comparing a variety of frigate designs (both US and foreign). The purpose appears to have been a review the "state of the possible" for frigates in this timeframe, possibly with the intention to inform USN decisionmakers...
  6. C

    AGM-109 dispenser

    unknow source
  7. A

    The Convair Model 200 / 201 /218 TL

    We have a whole bunch of threads, alt-history or not. But no full blown TL so far. The POD: May 1972, common sense prevails: Convair Model 200 carries the day over Rockwell NAR-356. It becomes the XFV-12 interceptor for Zumwalt Sea Control Ship. Even after that one is canned, two prototypes are...
  8. J

    Identify please (German radar in US fighter?)

    In this Douglas P-70 night fighter of the 419th NFS, crash landed at Piva-Bougainville by Lt Donald Dessert, the fixed quarter wave dipoles for azimuth receiving have been replaced by four german style “Stachel” rods. Can anyone identify which radar they belong to?
  9. B

    USN decides to buy The Blackburn Buccaneer....

    Have read that some MDAP money went into the program and that the USN had expressed "a mild interest" in the type. So lets just amp that up to buying it. This will probably kill the A-6 program, though it may have been far enough long that some prototypes may have been built.. not sure about...
  10. uk 75

    Alternate 80s Britain: How would the services cope?

    Margaret Thatcher's defeat to Michael Foot in Britain's 1983 general election came as no surprise to television pundits. Rising unemployment and failure to reduce inflation despite government cuts, including to the Armed Forces had made the public fed up and willing to try a new course. Prime...
  11. Flyaway

    Stealing secrets from the ether: missile and satellite telemetry interception during the Cold War

  12. Tzoli

    USN Fire Support Gun Proposals

    In Norman Friedman's US Amphibious Ships and Craft: An Illustrated Design History book (2002) mentions some interesting weapon systems: The wikipedia article mentions a 155mm/70 "Combustion Light Gas Gun" but no mention of the 127mm gun. The 5"/84 Pulsed-Powered and 8"/60 conventional guns are...
  13. uk 75

    Eurocommunism in the 1970s and the USA

    The 1970s were a turbulent decade in Europe. Without going into too much political detail events could have seen Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain with left wing governments opposed to NATO and the US. Even in France and Germany disillusionment with the Vietnam war and a widespread fear of...
  14. flateric

    ASWS Advanced Strike Weapon System

    Late 80s program - a low-cost LO ATG missile using Tomahawk and Maveric elements. Boeing ASWS report bits from Worthpoint + some details from Senate hearings
  15. Boxman

    Detroit ZMC-2 Metal-Skinned Airship (1929-1941)

    I didn't see any topics featuring or referencing this interesting airship (including the compelling figures involved in its development and construction), but I came across a some newsreel footage of it worthy of posting and created this topic for reference and as a potentially clearinghouse for...
  16. A

    GA-ASI Mojave

    View: https://vimeo.com/652210410 https://www.ga-asi.com/remotely-piloted-aircraft/mojave https://www.ga-asi.com/ga-asi-announces-new-mojave-uas
  17. S

    Why These Badass Balloons Are the Pentagon's New Secret Weapon

    Why These Badass Balloons Are the Pentagon's New Secret Weapon New long-range U.S. weapons will be able to hit tactical targets like missile bases and air-defense radar from a thousand miles away or more, but only if they have aerial scouts to pinpoint their targets. The U.S. military has used...
  18. E

    Blue Origin and Sierra Space unveil plans for commercial space station

  19. U

    TU-160 Blackjack satelite image

    Good morning folks. I seem to remember back in the early 80's (1984 according to some research) there was a few satelite images released from a House Appropriations Committee of the MIG-29 and SU-27 on a runway during their respective developments (if I remember rightly) I also seem to remember...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Colin Powell dead

    https://thehill.com/policy/defense/577152-colin-powell-dies-at-age-of-84 Complications from a breakthrough case of Covid-19 apparently. Despite his service as SecState, he was probably best known for his role (while still in the Army as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) in Operation Desert...
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