united states

  1. Grey Havoc

    Russian-American Observation Satellite (RAMOS)

  2. T

    Impregnated plywood

    Anyone know any sources discussing "shpon" the Soviet impregnated plywood and American Duraloid and Duramold?
  3. S

    “highly classified” Long Range Effect (LRE) ?

    “highly classified” Long Range Effect (LRE) ? US Army has taken a few - but not all - of the wraps off a “highly classified” Long Range Effect (LRE) during #Edge21 demo at Dugway Proving Ground, which I’m attending. No pictures released sadly, but a video showed to me here shows a large, winged...
  4. Cy-27

    Federal Aircraft Corporation CM-3

    Federal Aircraft Corporation CM-3 The CM-3 was built by a group of aircraft mechanics formerly employed at Ryan Mechanics Monoplane Co. They formed the Federal Aircraft Corporation in Los Angeles during February 1928 before moving to San Bernardino, California. They engaged William Waterhouse...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Colonial Pipeline cyberattack

    https://news.trust.org/item/20210508152642-o9z7n https://it.slashdot.org/story/21/05/08/177226/cyberattack-forces-major-us-pipeline-company-to-halt-operations https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57050690 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57063636...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Cohort Program (United States Army Applications Laboratory)

  7. Tzoli

    The Mysterious 1944-45 Gibbs & Cox Battleship

    I've post here as well in hope we can find more info on this! Some time ago I've stumbled upon a discussion and a historical document between Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King and then Secretary of the Navy James Vincent Forrestal in 1945 January for the fleet building programme and mentioning a...
  8. Flyaway

    Boeing Starliner

    This really should have its own thread, so I have started one. View: https://twitter.com/wapodavenport/status/1365363224581988354 View: https://twitter.com/wapodavenport/status/1365363380765290499 View: https://twitter.com/wapodavenport/status/1365363475560726536 View...
  9. A

    Mike Collins has passed away... :(

    As said in the tin. Now Buzz Aldrin is all alone as the last Apollo 11 crew still standing. The way things go, no Apollo crew veteran will be left by 2024 to see a tentative return to the Moon...
  10. overscan (PaulMM)

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet & B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution by Scott Lowther

    The famous B-52 Stratofortress has been in service with the USAF for more than 65 years and its iconic shape is known and recognised all over the world. Yet the B-52 and its predecessor, the B-47 Stratojet, started out looking very different indeed. Each aircraft was the end product of a lengthy...
  11. E

    “Finders keepers” doesn’t apply to space junk that may land in your Florida yard

  12. Grey Havoc

    Geddes Liner, aka the Whale Ocean Liner

    Yes, that Norman Bel Geddes. The yacht mentioned in the reddit post is the Wenner-Gren Yacht design of 1934, with a both a naval yacht and a naval patrol vessel derived from it proposed for the United States Navy in 1939 at the outset of WWII (see JaySea article). View...
  13. Grey Havoc

    Phantom Space Corp.

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/a-rocket-veteran-plots-a-cheaper-path-back-to-space/ar-BB1fDwfG (Bloomberg via MSN)
  14. Grey Havoc

    Kenworth-Boeing gas-powered turbine truck

    Apparently the gas turbine in question (Model 502) was originally developed in response to a USN requirement, presumably on behalf of the USMC. I wonder what the intended vehicle was? https://www.hemmings.com/stories/2011/05/09/turbine-powered-oddities-no-466-the-see-through-kenworth-boeing...
  15. bobbymike

    Close Combat Missile System - Heavy

  16. O

    All Weather Flying Center and Project Thunderstorm Aircraft.

    Hi everyone, I am working on compiling some information on the US Army Air Force, and US Air Force's Project Thunderstorm (1946-1949) and the All Weather Flying Center. I am working on building a list of aircraft that served as part of the project, and intend to draw all of them as part of my...
  17. Grey Havoc

    Able-1 / Able-2 (Thor-Able moonshot project)

    From the ever interesting Scott Manley: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iao41k81q90 Able-2 of course was later retroactively renamed to Pioneer 1.
  18. Grey Havoc

    Cosmos 954

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN7ifFam1Fk View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lR-KyObLt0 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drDPFs6j3U0
  19. H

    Transportable nuclear power

    In 2020, the Pentagon awarded contracts to 3 companies to start developing a very small, transportable nuclear reactor.
  20. JFC Fuller

    D1W Surface Ship Reactor

    I have found three readily available sources referencing this reactor, either directly or indirectly: Rickover and the Nuclear Navy, Francis Duncan, 1990 American destroyers and Frigates, Norman Friedman, 1982 Deciding to Buy: Civil-military Relations and Major Weapons Programs, Quentin E...
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