united states air force

  1. D

    AFFDL Cold Thrust Augmentation Fighter Concepts

    Taken from Structural Design Considerations for Cold Thrust Augmentation Fighter Concepts.
  2. quellish

    Sandia Extended Range Bomb (ERB) concept

    In the late 1970s Sandia explored the design of a maneuvering glide bomb, the Extended Range Bomb: "Aerodynamic Design of an Extended Range Bomb" https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/3.57916 "TIGER -- A technology to improve the delivery capability of nuclear bombs and the survivability of the...
  3. G

    William Anders dead; killed in plane crash; was 90

    News just came over the transom to me. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/obituaries/bill-anders-apollo-8-astronaut-took-earthrise-photo-dies-plane-crash-w-rcna156149
  4. T

    Bud Anderson, legendary fighter ace of the 357th FG, dies at 102

    https://www.airforcetimes.com/veterans/military-history/2024/05/20/bud-anderson-americas-last-world-war-ii-triple-ace-dies-at-102/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=air-dnr Bud´s Old Crow aircraft https://toflyandfight.com/the-p-51-mustang/the-old-crow/ RiP
  5. A

    Sierra Nevada Survivable Airborne Operations Center - E-4B replacement

    I don’t think anyone was too aware of this until news that Boeing was eliminated from the competition,(https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/boeing-eliminated-us-air-forces-doomsday-plane-competition-2023-12-01/) so who will make this next “doomsday” plane? Northrop Grumman building...
  6. O

    A-7 'Stealth Pod'

    Does anybody remember the A-7/stealth pod cover stories from the mid 80's. I remember some pics and the basic cover story but can't find anything about it anywhere now.
  7. I

    MX Missile (Peacekeeper/ LGM-118) Transporter Emplacer (TE) Fate?

    Does anyone know the final disposition of the Terex MX Transporter Emplacer (TE)? This vehicle was designed to support MX deployment in a system of multiple protective shelters linked by above ground roads, the so-called "Racetrack" proposal. In 1979, President Carter announced that 200 MX...
  8. C

    I-70: Interceptor Version of the XB-70 Valkyrie?

    In the January 16, 2020 article "Triplesonic Interceptors: The F-103, F-108, and YF-12A", Tony R. Landis of the Air Force Material Command History Office briefly mentioned an "I-70" interceptor version of the North American Aviation XB-70 Valkyrie. According to Landis (2020), the "I-70" was...
  9. Flyaway

    Buccaneers of the high frontier: Program 989 SIGINT satellites from the ABM hunt to the Falklands War to the space shuttle

  10. LowObservable

    Mystery drone (?) under F-15 wing

    Confess that this one has me stumped. What is under the port wing? My guess is that it is some kind of a drone, but it is far smaller than the only two-engine drone I can think of (CT41) other than modified Bomarc. The rest of the load-out is pretty eccentric as well - Harpoon, Maverick and is...
  11. archipeppe

    The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program: Unfulfilled Dreams and Missions that Never Flew (Springer Praxis Books) 1st ed. 2022

    The latest work of my friend Davide Sivolella an aeronautical engineer and a skilled author, who lives in England. If you want to learn about never realized Space Shuttle versions, this is the right book...
  12. uk 75

    Fighters escort Kennedy to West Berlin?

    Found this reference to USAF fighters escorting Kennedy on his famous visit to West Berlin. https://www.panam.org/pan-am-stories/632-a-dangerous-game I had always assumed that no Western combat aircraft had flown through the air corridors to Berlin during the Cold War. There were plans for...
  13. Orionblamblam

    Space Defense Platform

    A space weapon concept model from 1961-62. More jibberjabber here: https://www.aerospaceprojectsreview.com/blog/?p=5018
  14. _Del_

    Ejection seat lawsuit

    https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2022/09/13/an-f-16-pilot-died-when-his-ejection-seat-failed-was-it-counterfeit/ Lovely.
  15. isayyo2

    American Response to the R-36 - Titan II Successor

    A more theoretical question than alternative history, was there any interest within SAC to develop a "Heavy" ICBM to match the R-36's capabilities? If so, could it fit within the existing Titan II launch sites? Titan II and R-36 are somewhat surprisingly similar in diameter and height, though...
  16. njiiaf

    Ideal USAF air superiority fighter for the Vietnam War.

    As we all know, the USAF went into Vietnam without a dedicated air superiority fighter and suffered for it, particularly in the early years with unreliable sparrows/sidewinders, no cannons on the Phantoms, and inadequate BFM training. Que the arrival of the F-4E, along with better missiles and...
  17. Flyaway

    Defense Support Program (DSP)

  18. Dynoman

    Victory over the Trigonist Aggressor

    After WWII the US military developed a large scale exercise using a fake country called Aggressor. They were known as the Trigonist (see Circle Trigonist link, their flag, manuals, etc.) and the military developed a plethora of information and documentation to support these operations. I thought...
  19. overscan (PaulMM)

    McDonnell Model 103 nuclear-armed air-to-air missile

    Associated with McDonnell-Douglas' Long Range Interceptor (LRI) studies in 1954. Drawing is of the Model 111A weapons bay which could carry 3. Model Description Date Model 103A AIR TO AIR MISSILE CARRYING SPECIAL WARHEAD. 24000LB. THRUST MOTOR. LENGTH 110 INCHES. FIXED FINS. SOLID ROCKET...
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    SOR 182 / System 476L - contenders for C-141

    Boeing https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/boeing-model-731-for-system-476l-c-141-rival.21959 Douglas https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/douglas-d-2085-logistic-transport-support-system-ss-476l.20057/ Lockheed...
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