russian federation

  1. Grey Havoc

    Russian Space Program
  2. G

    Patrol icebreakers project 23550.

    Photo of Ivan Papanin, first ship of the class. 27 November 2019 was laid down first serial (second in construction) patrol icebreaker Nikolai Zubov of project 23550. Intended for patrolling in all climatic zones, including tropical and arctic waters, it, having displacement of 9000 tonnes, has...
  3. Flyaway

    Sukhoi SU-34 travelling along a highway

    Not sure you’d see many western aircraft transported like this.
  4. N

    Space Station (R)alpha

    Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and I want to ask if my fellow members would be willing to post any documents, diagrams, concept art, etc. they may possess describing proposed configurations of the ISS when it was called "Space Station Alpha" back in 1993-4. I am seeking material depicting...
  5. A

    Russian PL-19 / Nudol ASAT system

    Hi, It seems we did not have any thread opened yet on this Russian ASAT system tested a few months back, making headline news these days… Now fixed. Feel free to add info as it comes. A.
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik UAV revealed

    Let the fun begin :) Source:
  7. Grey Havoc

    Soviet Super Chicken (the Smena) reborn
  8. Grey Havoc

    Russian National Reusable Space Rocket program

    Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center's offering seems to be in the lead at the moment, development wise at least. Russia's Khrunichev Center Develops Concept of Reusable Rocket (Spacedaily)
  9. Flyaway

    The return of Lunar Soyuz?

    A possible return to its Lunar roots for the venerable Soyuz spacecraft. Russia's Soyuz Spacecraft Could Find New Life as a Lunar Taxi
  10. Flyaway

    Proton rocket to cease flying
  11. magnus_z

    Manned spacecraft (Russia 2018)

    12:38 05/04/2018 Roscosmos has developed a manned...
  12. Brickmuppet

    9M730 Burevestnik (SSC-X-9 Skyfall) cruise nuclear-powered missile

    Putin announcerd that the Russians are developing a nuclear powered strategic cruise missile. Presumably it would be armed with a nuclear warhead since flying an open cycle reactor over anyone would probably be a nuclear attack anyway...
  13. Orionblamblam

    Sukhoi Su-25

    Russians Scramble To Edit Wikipedia So The Kremlin's Claims Make Sense I note that on the English-language Wikipedia page for the Su-25, there's this bit of wisdom: Does the exchange rate between feet and meters change at lower altitude?
  14. Flyaway

    The second launch from Russia’s new spaceport has failed You can find more detail on the flight including the payloads aboard on the link below.
  15. Flyaway

    Lotos ELINT Spacecraft
  16. Triton

    Krylov "Briz" Corvette

    "Krylov Center Presented Long-Range Corvette Concept with 24 Caliber CMs" 24 August 2017 23:25 Source:
  17. Deino

    Yakovlev Yak-152 trainer

    Prototype of the Yak-152 under construction...
  18. bobbymike

    Russian 3M22 Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile Russia has apparently started testing a new hypersonic cruise missile called the 3M-22 Zircon. The new weapon will equip Moscow’s modernized Project 11442 Kirov-class nuclear-powered...
  19. Grey Havoc

    Russian 2030 moonbase and Luna 25 lander Anyone have anything more on this new program?
  20. covert_shores

    Russian 'Status-6' nuclear attack system Well what do we know? Haven't seen it on a proper PC but expect we can identify the subs quite quickly. ;)
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