russian federation

  1. Grey Havoc

    Momentus Inc.

    Russian-founded space start-up and Spac fined for misleading investors (, registration or subscription may be required)
  2. sublight_

    Sukhoi T-75 LTS (CheckMate)

    I guess they heard you, because now there is this.....
  3. RavenOne

    Mil Mi-8 Hip

    The Mi8 Hip Prototype made its first flight on June 24th 1961 (images courtesy Of Russian Helicopters JSC) So over the years it’s been a pleasure to see either Mi8 or M17 so here are my photos from likes of Farnborough 2016, Heli-Russia 2017, Dubai Air Show 2017 and Austrian Airpower 2019...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Russia fires warning shots at British destroyer in the Black Sea Article update:
  5. A

    UZGA LMS-901 Baikal This is the long awaited replacement to the legendary An-2. The previous modern biplane version was...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Shturm and Soratnik series robot tanks (Russian Army)

    Via Feanor over at the Defencetalk forums: From back in January of 2020: Uralvagonozavod developed the Shturm while Kalashnikov was responsible for the Soratnik.
  7. Grey Havoc

    Russian-American Observation Satellite (RAMOS)
  8. Grey Havoc

    Border and Offshore Submersible Sentry (BOSS) - Russia
  9. Grey Havoc

    Dmitry Donskoy Typhoon-class (Project 941 Akula) SSBN

    According to one of the coments in the reddit thread below, it is planned for her to shorty become a museum ship in Arkhangelsk. Anyone have any more details on this? View:
  10. Grey Havoc

    Russian diplomats forced to leave North Korea by pushing their way home in handcar View:
  11. Grey Havoc

    International Lunar Research Station (Sino-Russian project)
  12. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ekranoplans in the Rostislav Alekseyev Museum in Chkalovsk

    Found an awesome article online here of a visit to a museum dedicated to the Ekranoplan designer, Rostislav Alekseyev. Some very interesting models and artwork, attached.
  13. covert_shores

    Russia: Pr.09851 Khabarovsk Class Submarine

    From When Russia embarked on the path of introducing a completely new category of nuclear weapon, the gigantic Poseidon drone torpedo, they had to create a whole new category of submarine to carry it. In a move that harks back to the Cold...
  14. Flyaway

    Kosmos-2535 & Kosmos-2536

  15. G

    Russia sticks with the MIG-1.44?

    Pretty simple, what if the Russians don't flip flop around with their 5th gen program and decide to keep developing the Mig 1.44? Would they have a 5th gen(ish) aircraft earlier? what would it's export potential be? how effective would it be? my 2 cents are It would be operational earlier that...
  16. QuadroFX

    Russian nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon"

    Nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon" / "Нуклон" / "Nucleon" also known as TEM / ТЭМ ( Transport and Energy Module ) / Транспортно-Энергетический Модуль / Transportno-Energeticheskiy Modul' The assembly process has started! :cool...
  17. Grey Havoc

    Project 10510 nuclear powered icebreaker

    Also somewhat confusingly referred to as the Leader-class, not to be confused with what is now the Project 23560E Shkval-class light cruiser. ORIGINAL CAPTION: The Leader...
  18. Sineva

    Pantsir gets new sams

    New sams for the latest version of the Pantsir. I`m not sure whether these are something like Starstreak,ie a pantsir booster stage with 4 guided darts or whether these are actual individual mini-sams with their own separate propulsion and guidance. Its obvious that they had to come up with...
  19. panzerfeist1

    Interplanetary Travel Besides the Moon Projects

    Roscosmos sets task of drafting Venus exploration program "KHIMKI, January 31. /TASS/. Roscosmos has set a task of drafting a Venus exploration program similar in scale to Russia’s lunar program. The new program will incorporate the project Venera-D, the leading designer of the...
  20. panzerfeist1

    Pantsir Updates Starting a thread for pantsir systems. Valery Slugin - on the effectiveness of the use of the "Shell" in real combat operations, new hypersonic missiles for him and variants of military...
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