royal navy

  1. uk 75

    Royal Navy Diving Support ships RECLAIM and CHALLENGER

    Not sure where to put this one. Caught an old 70s episode of Dr Who on the HORROR channel last night (SEA DEVILS I think). The HMS RECLAIM was featured using a diving cannister to deliver the Dr to his fate. I remember the RN managed to get a replacement called CHALLENGER in the 80s. But it...
  2. covert_shores

    Really old secret projects (1800s and earlier)

    Thinking that we need a thread for all old (pre-1880s?) projects. Came across HMS Duke of Kent design for a four-deck ship of the line on Reddit. c1809. Never built. Original source
  3. Triton

    Royal Navy unveils 'modern' uniform

    "Royal Navy unveils 'modern' uniform" 19 March 2015 Last updated at 01:00 ET Source:
  4. Triton

    RFA Fleet Solid Support Ship

    Artist's impression of Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Fleet Solid Support Ship. Source:
  5. uk 75

    Rearming the UK: What equipment? and how much?

    The usual crew of retired military and political types are warning that the UK is not able to meet its defence requirements with the present budget and kit. Given the collective expertise on this board what advice would you give the Prime Minister who takes over in May after the election? I...
  6. hesham

    Blackburn R.T.1 Kangaroo original design

    Hi, from Air Pictorial 12/1961,here is the Blackburn R.T.1 Kangaroo original design drawing,and the actually built.
  7. P

    Battle of France and RAF light bomber choices.

    I've caught papacavy's "What If" disease, but this is purely for interest rather than literary purposes. As we all know, the Fairey Battle was an airplane which, once tested in combat, did not imbue its crews with any confidence that they would come home from attacking defended targets. Let's...
  8. Mike Pryce

    Australian Invincible

    Image of the Vickers proposal for a modified Invincible Class ship to replace HMAS Melbourne. The enlarged hangar and removal of Sea Dart are of note. Also Invincible image for comparison. Found at:
  9. uk 75

    Type 44 Destroyer

    Apart from a line drawing by DK Moore of the "small Type 43" and the indication that it was the basis for the Type 44 destroyer cancelled as part of the Nott Review in 1980 nothing much has been released about this ship. Now that we are in 2013 has anything been released under the 30 year...
  10. M

    Hawker Siddeley « Buccaneer »

    Just wondered why this amazing aircraft doesn't enjoy such a reputation as compared to TSR2? Thinking back to the sixties would it not have made sense to take up the Yorkshire suggestion rather than one from a neighbouring county? After all a supersonic Bucc would have saved developmental...
  11. Charlesferdinand

    Gnat for the Royal Navy

    In the september 1956 issue of 'The Navy - Official Organ of the Navy League', there is an advertisement for a naval version of the Folland Gnat. One of the contributors, writing about the future British aviation projects, thinks this would be a good idea, as a back up to the Supermarine N113...
  12. J

    SARO P.108 Lifeboat and P.147 Sea Raider glider concepts ...

    SARO projects for rescue lifeboat and Sea Raider commando attack gliders. Descriptions and small 3-views from Tagg-Wheeler From Sea to Air; larger drawings from Wheeler From River to Sea. P.108 1949 Two versions of a glider, the hull of which detached to serve as a lifeboat. The Mk.II version...
  13. Arjen

    Royal Navy aircraft carrier costs 'to double'

    From BBC News:
  14. eshelon

    Ruler - old RN anti-torpedo weapon?

    From one of the comments on "Right, you know the USN tried fielding a Mk46 mod for this role in 1992, and the Royal Navy had an anti torpedo rocket thrown weapon in the 1950s called Ruler, as well as both fleets doing...
  15. uk 75

    Planned UK carrier order of battle 1975

    I know this is a well covered subject but I was wondering if there is anywhere an RN document from 1965 or 1966 showing what its planned 1975 or so carrier fleet was supposed to look like. Based on what has been posted here already here is a stab at what I think was intended Fleet Carriers...
  16. uk 75

    National Maritime Museum: Yarrow Nuclear Fleet Replenishment and others

    I am posting this on a separate thread as the NMM seem to have expanded this very useful site. They have now posted pictures of the Yarrow nuclear FRS (covered in the nuclear surface ship thread) but also a whole lot more. Whoever...
  17. B

    Postwar Royal Navy Battleships? (NOT including the Vanguard!)

    I was reading about the Royal Navy's 16" gun project a while back on NavWeaps, which was initiated to arm the Lion class Fast Battleships (a project that ultimately came to grief, with none being built); It read like the usual summary of a...
  18. Triton

    Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability (MARS) concepts

    Artist's concept of Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability (MARS)-derived Solid Support Ship (SSS). Source:
  19. Grey Havoc

    Operation Cudgel

    Stickleback Class Midge XPW Minnow (X54) Stickleback (X51) Shrimp (X52) Sprat (X53) Stickleback Class 1954 - 1958 The Stickleback class submarines were midget submarines of the Royal Navy initially ordered as improved versions of the older XE class submarines. The Royal Navy may have...
  20. RP1

    RN Concept Designs: HMY(R), Replacement Royal Yacht

    So, another one from the depths of Profs' acetates (he still uses the OHP! :o ) This time, it's a replacement for HMY Britannia, which was studied on-and-off for a while in FBG before finally being nixed by the New Labour government in 1997. Annoyingly I can't make out the signature...
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