royal navy

  1. Hood

    NIGS Cruiser Drawings

    As I hate cluttering up the NIGS thread with speculative what-ifs I have finished my tinkering with Hampshire rebuilt with the NIGS as depicted by portions of the NIGS plans. The only non-NIGS radars are for 978 for surface-search and a Mk 10 IFF antenna and the ESM systems. I kept both 'Cooky'...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Time Ball
  3. R

    Astute submarine

    I have tried to research but can't find relevant information anywhere, does anyone know why the Astute class have very strange nose shape? Astute: Normal submarine
  4. Tzoli

    Royal Navy Lion Class Battleship series 1938-1945

    The Royal Navy's second 16" armed battleships history was a long and bumpy road of large number of designs and the inability on the Admiralty's side to actually start and continue it's work on them or choose a design to produce. First I present the 1938 designs: Design 14A-38 This is the first...
  5. uk 75

    Evolution of HMS Bristol

    There are various threads covering the Type 82 but none (nor in books and online) trace the evolution of the design through the images published in the 60s by the MOD and any subsequent reference. There is an excellent drawing in Brown/Moore's Rebuilding the Royal Navy I wonder if anyone with...
  6. Pirate Pete

    Royal Navy submarine special forces delivery systems

    Came across this article on the "Save the Royal Navy" website: APRIL 23, 2019 In focus: Royal Navy submarine special forces delivery systems The Astute class submarines were designed from the outset to be fitted with a Dry Deck Shelter (DDS) which significantly enhances their ability to...
  7. Comrade Dave

    Royal Navy coastal forces in the early Cold War period.

    I’ve been researching the Royal Navy’s coastal forces build up during the Korean War, I have decided to attempt to collect and catalogue existing classes and shore bases while attempting to uncover more details about the “could have beens” during the period. I will explain the reasoning behind...
  8. Comrade Dave

    Royal Navy “Thorpe” Class minehunter.

    I was reading my copy of Rebuilding the Royal Navy by D. K. Brown and George Moore. Whilst browsing the second page of the minor war vessels chapter i came across the following statement. “A minehunting variant of the CMS (Thorpe) Class was designed and three ordered , but they were cancelled...
  9. A

    British WW1 concrete build sailing merchant ships

    Dear Readers, I am well aware this ship isn't naval.. anyway I hope you don't mind me posting it here. Doing research and checking around some stuff over at the internet I accidentally across this vessel in some PDF file. Does anyone know more about this vessel or this project in general...
  10. C

    "Ultimate battleship" designs

    Hello all, I'm searching infos regarding real (albeit conceptual only) battleship projects distinguishing themselves for extraordinary caliber of main guns and/or number of main guns and displacement. I'm aware of the following, some yet briefly discussed in other topics: -Tillman maximum...
  11. Pirate Pete

    New Drydock for Portsmouth Dockyard!?

    The following article appears in the Portsmouth News 28/01/19: Unfortunately, think it may be more wishful thinking than reality..... Link to article: The...
  12. Z

    Sea Slug

    On quick check it seems we don't have a thread on Sea Slug and it's development. Often people mention a inline boosted option instead of the wrap around boosters. Yet I seem to recall that there were worries over rocket gases causing problems with the beam rider guidance. Would be nice to...
  13. TinWing

    RN Polar Presence Vessel Study

    This site now redirects to BMT's website: 5 Sep 2018 About this capture "Polar Presence Vessel This study presented a preliminary design for a vessel intended to meet the requirement to replace HMS Endurance...
  14. Grey Havoc

    Last Royal Navy Sea Kings retire
  15. S

    HMS Eagle Rebuild Plans

    Hi, There is a reference in the Wikipedia entry that the late 50s refit of HMS Eagle was originally more ambitious, including plans to stretch the hull by 40 feet. I have been unable to source any more information on this, do any forum members have any more information?
  16. uk 75

    British Ships Taken Up from Trade (STUFT) other than Falklands

    The names of the ships from trade involved in the Falklands operation are well documented. However, as someone interested in merchant ships I was wondering if a) anyone has records of STUFT in operations post WW2 from Korea through Suez to the Gulf Wars b) the Falklands STUFT seemed to be well...
  17. P

    Admiralty 1920's 'Hornet' guided ground to air missile system

    Indeed, despite the Admiralty’s efforts to ridicule Trenchard’s claims, they were very worried about what the torpedo-bomber might mean for the future of their capital ships. During the 1920s they would go to great lengths to improve air defence, including, with the Hornet programme, an attempt...
  18. Pirate Pete

    Royal Navy SSN Numbers.

    Sorry if this has been flagged previously, I have tried searching, but so far, to no avail. I am (still) reading Hennessy and Jinks' 'The Silent Deep', and have to say it is a very informative tome. There is reference made to discussions held during the period when Dennis Healy was Defence...
  19. uk 75

    Dreadnought Class SSBN names

    I must admit to being puzzled at the choice of Dreadnought as a name for the new SSBNs. Assuming 4 or 3 submarines are built, the only rationale is to resurrect the names of our early nuclear boats. That would add Valiant and Warspite and possibly Conqueror or Churchill. The alternative would...
  20. P

    Fisher's 1882 'battlecruiser'

    In the thread here John talks about a design suggested by Fisher for an fats all big gun ship. Fisher’s first project was what he considered an essential upgrade to his own...
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