royal navy

  1. Triton

    Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability (MARS) concepts

    Artist's concept of Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability (MARS)-derived Solid Support Ship (SSS). Source:
  2. Grey Havoc

    Operation Cudgel

    Stickleback Class Midge XPW Minnow (X54) Stickleback (X51) Shrimp (X52) Sprat (X53) Stickleback Class 1954 - 1958 The Stickleback class submarines were midget submarines of the Royal Navy initially ordered as improved versions of the older XE class submarines. The Royal Navy may have...
  3. RP1

    RN Concept Designs: HMY(R), Replacement Royal Yacht

    So, another one from the depths of Profs' acetates (he still uses the OHP! :o ) This time, it's a replacement for HMY Britannia, which was studied on-and-off for a while in FBG before finally being nixed by the New Labour government in 1997. Annoyingly I can't make out the signature...
  4. T

    An alternative Royal Navy for the 1970s

    I produced this scenario a while back, and am posting a link to it here for the ideas to be kicked around:
  5. Triton

    Harpoon missile

    "Harpoon missile meets 40-year milestone" video by Boeing Uploaded: Oct 5, 2011
  6. H

    Blackburn B.29

    Anyone have a three view drawing of the Blackburn B.29 torpedo bomber? prior posting:,4519.msg35771/topicseen.html#msg35771
  7. H

    CVA-01 and Sea Harrier

    Let us consider the following. Suppose that CVA-01 and her two sisters are built as originally planned*, entering service in, say, '72, '75 and '78 respectively. The CAG would have been, iirc, 36 jets, 18 Phantoms and 18 Buccaneers on each ship. Given that the FAA replaced these aircraft with...
  8. uk 75

    What is your favourite 70s 80s Harrier replacement/alternative?

    One of the joys of this site is the quantity of info available on unbuilt aircraft projects. Particularly tantalising are the various projects in the 70s and 80s for a supersonic VSTOL to replace the Harrier. The Bae 1216 has been the best covered thanks to Michael Pryce. Various US designs...
  9. uk 75

    F 4 Phantom fails in the early 60s- 1154s or Lightnings?

    The F4 Phantom might have failed to materialise as the wonderful plane which the RAF and RN used to fill various gaps from the 60s onwards. In a Phantomless world would P1154 have been developed as planned in 1963 for both RAF and RN or would the Lightning have been developed in its swing wing...
  10. R

    Protean by Y-ARD (Australia)

    :) Very interesting article from Navy International April 1975 regarding a convertible warship design. Does anyone have access to further information, perhaps a larger and clearer drawing as per page 23 or 25? Enjoy and I look forward to any replies.
  11. N

    Royal Canadian Navy: de Havilland Hydrofoil R-200 asw

    A combined Anglo-Canadian study (RCN and Admiralty) into the use of hydrofoils for anti-submarine work and coastal patrol craft began post war. This resulted in the de Havilland Hydrofoil R-200. A prototype, HMCS Bras d'Or (FHE 400) was completed in 1968 and was tested until she was...
  12. Grey Havoc

    ‘BLACK SWAN’ Class Sloop-Of-War

    Via HP&CA, a new MOD concept for the Royal Navy: Detailed specs Joint Concept Note 1/12 This concept is probably DOA. Someone should have told the MOD that Transformation and the like is dead and buried. 'Systems not platforms' is what brought about such disasters as the LCS.
  13. JFC Fuller

    Type 42 Batch 1 Hull Cut

    I am trying to get to the truth behind the story about the Type 42 ending up with a hull shorter than the designers wanted. The sources that I have available are contradictory. Norman Friedman states that there is no indication that the Type 42 was shortened from the a preferred 434ft (the...
  14. Michel Van

    Vickers Interim Type 581 ER.206/2 Bomber

    This is a Vickers proposal from october 1959 on the Operational Requirement OR.346 A unusual proposal It's put four RB.153 Jet-engine inside a four square block on upper rear fuselage The Fuselage also very unusual with variable geometry wings with none elevator in empennage section The...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Royal Navy to get back into the Airship business?

    21st century airships may join Navy fleet A new generation of British-built airships may be bought by the Royal Navy to resupply ships, following their use by the US Army on the front line in Afghanistan. By Thomas Harding, Defence Correspondent 11:44AM GMT 13 Feb 2012 Airship that can...
  16. Hood

    British Sigint Ship Programme

    Richard J. Aldrich’s recent book ‘GCHQ: An uncensored story of Britain’s most secret intelligence agency’ features some information on the planned Sigint ship of the 1960s. He gives a history elsewhere in the book about the operations of HMS Totem and Turpin in the 1950s. He goes on to say...
  17. Mike Pryce

    Harrier Projects (Future title)

    The next PTP I am writing, on Harrier Projects, is about 50% written. It will feature some things already known about, but tell their full story, such as: as well as revealing wholly new stories, such as the full saga of the Harrier III, the proposed Sea Harrier FRS.3 and some weird and...
  18. Triton

    Vickers Armstrong Hovercraft Designs

    Artist's impression of Vickers Armstrong VA-4. 115 ton concept hovercraft - intended to carry about 500 passengers or 140 passengers plus 28 cars at 65 kts. At the time seen as direct competition to the Saunders-Roe SR-N4 hovercraft. Source:
  19. P

    "Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms" - Targets, Drones and UAVs (Air-Britain)

    . I don't know where this really belongs (if at all) anyway, out of interest, Air Britain have (?) released a new book on RAF unmanned aircraft / target drones / recon drones called "Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms" - I do NOT know if any projected models are included :-...
  20. S

    Q.8/37 gunnery practice target seaplanes for the Royal Navy

    Anyone got anymore info on this pair. A 3-view of each would be really nice, but ain't holding my breath on that.
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