royal navy

  1. U

    If an aircraft carrier had been assigned to Force Z, what would have happened in history?

    While I was reading about a report abou Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse, I suddenly wondered what history would have been like if HMS Indomitable had been assigned to the Force Z without any damage, or if the Implacable Class Aircraft Carrier had been built earlier than the original...
  2. Grey Havoc

    HMS Alliance (P417 / S76)

    HMS Alliance was modified for SIGINT/ELINT work during a yard period in the late 1950s (1958-1960), in particular for monitoring the Soviet Northern Fleet, at least according to the Daily Telegraph obituary of Rear Admiral Martin Wemyss linked below...
  3. H

    Type 32 Strike Frigate

    Starting a new thread on the Royal Navy’s Type 32. First some messages from the Type 31 GPFF thread:
  4. airman

    What if De Havilland Mosquito had hydro version..

    Model posted by Bob Gibson in What if and alternate history Facebook Group it's a speculative model reconstruction of fictional hydro version of Mosquito.
  5. Grey Havoc

    Multi-Role Ocean Survey Ships (Royal Navy, 2020s)
  6. uk 75

    HMS Hermes as Sea Control Ship

    The saga of HMS Hermes is well known. But it might have been different if the RN had followed the US example and kept her as an ASW carrier or interim Sea Control Ship. The US were introducing the S3 Viking on to their attack carriers but were keen to get as many to sea as possible. HMS Hermes...
  7. B

    You have 40-ish million pounds to build a CV for the RN early 60s...what does it look like?

    Not something I think fits in the alt-F11 thread but related to it, kind of. The RN is going to spend 16 million rebuilding Eagle, picking Tiger saves about 20-25 million over F-4 combine those two figures as your budget to build a new carrier with a 30 year hull life rather than spending 16 of...
  8. A

    USN Hybrid Battleship 1924?

    Does anyone know about this? This was in a Japanese magazine as a "US Navy Aviation Battleship". According to the magazine, this was studied by the US Navy in October 1924 and was inspired by a proposal for a British "Hybrid battleship" published in Brassey's Naval Annual in 1923. General...
  9. RAP

    RN Experimental Ship XV Patrick Henry
  10. A

    Harrier in place of Super Etendard: 1973

    This is a rough TL sketch. POD is October 20, 1971. That day, off Marseille, the Foch is flight testing Jaguar M05, that is: the navalized fifth prototype. As the aircraft is returned to the hangar for maintenance, one mechanic raise alarm...
  11. Z

    Supersonic Etendards instead of Crusaders?

    What happens if Dassault gets his hands on a jet engine that fits the Etendard and allows it to become a properly supersonic fighter? Could this tip the balance and see them ordered instead of F8 Crusaders?
  12. uk 75

    Royal Navy Destroyers and Frigates post 1966

    The Royal Navy began the 1960s with two excellent classes of destroyer (County DLG).and frigate (Type 12 Leander) on order. In 1966 the replacement of these ships with the T42 and T22 was set in hand.. In addition the T21 gp frigate was ordered to replace other frigate classes. So not a lot of...
  13. Lascaris

    Larger British light fleet carriers?

    What it says in the tin basically. In OTL Britain laid down 10 Colossus class ships in 1942-43, followed by 6 larger Majestic class in 1943 and then the Centaur class in 1944, going from 18,000t to ~20,000 and then 26,000t full load in two years. So how do you get the British designers to...
  14. Forest Green

    Royal Navy Type 83 Destroyer (Type 45 replacement)

    View: Appears to be: 48+16 cell VLS 2 x octuple AShM launchers. Main Gun 127 or 155mm? 2 x 57(?)mm guns (1 either side) 2 x 30 or 40(?)mm guns at rear above heli pad? 1 x Heli
  15. J

    Virginia block III/IV vs Astute comparison

    Chciałbym dokonać porównania tych dwóch okrętów podwodnych. Mam na myśli system sonarowy, technologię akustyczną, szybkość i ogólne porównanie technologii. Chciałbym również wiedzieć, co jest niesamowitego w ssn 790 South Dakota, że wszyscy piszą o pewnej przewadze akustycznej nad innymi...
  16. J

    Virginia block III/IV vs Astute

    I would like to make a comparison of these two submarines. I mean sonar system, acoustic technology , speed and overall technology comparison. I would also like to know what is amazing about ssn 790 south dakota that everyone writes about some acoustic advantage over other subs.
  17. uk 75

    Britain in Vietnam

    One of Harold Wilson's achievements as Prime Minister was to resist President Johnson's pressure for Britain to make some visible military contribution to the Vietnam War. Wilson had only narrowly beaten a Conservative Government in 1964. The Conservatives may well have resisted Johnson too on...
  18. robinbird

    Albacore floatplane photo

    Re previous posts, has anyone a photo of Albacore floatplane? It is for a good home, Helensburgh Heritage Trust a charitable website recording the story of MAEE.RAF Helensburgh. Any such photograph will not be copyright now and a credit of source will be given. The Trust pays tribute to the...
  19. uk 75

    A NATO frigate

    Wiki has quite a good summary of the abortive attempt in the 1980s to design a common escort ship for NATO navies The thread about the Kidds for the RN reminded me of this programme. It ought to have been possible to design a ship flexible enough to...
  20. uk 75

    Alternate 80s Britain: How would the services cope?

    Margaret Thatcher's defeat to Michael Foot in Britain's 1983 general election came as no surprise to television pundits. Rising unemployment and failure to reduce inflation despite government cuts, including to the Armed Forces had made the public fed up and willing to try a new course. Prime...
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