royal navy

  1. uk 75

    Royal Navy frigates in the 70s

    The saga of the Royal Navy's carriers after 1966 has been the main focus of interest here, but the workhorse of the RN then as now was the frigate. By the 1970s the RN had plans to replace its Type 12 Leander class frigates with the larger all missile armed Type 22. Leanders were designed...
  2. R

    Pinnacle of Piston fighter: Last US piston fighters vs Spiteful Mk XVI?

    Due to the jet age, various super props never go to production despite their high performance. Among those, it can be said that XP-72 and Spiteful F.16 were the most high capable design. So let say if these prototype got to production stage, which would be the ultimate piston fighter? XP-72...
  3. A

    Hawker-PAC Sea Fury FB.61 "Turbo Fury"

    Excerpt from i need to get pictures, real pictures of this beauty
  4. S

    British hybrid battleships: projects and proposals

    the richelieu hybrid: (in french)
  5. Y

    Rest of the World without the UK's 1965 cancellations

    The possibility of the UK avoiding the 1965 aircraft cancellations has been discussed ad nauseam. I don't propose to get into it here - assume a collective delusion of the UK government, the discovery of a massive gold deposit, or intervention from extra-terrestrial intelligences, as you see...
  6. uk 75

    UK Air Defence

    Nothing in military history has given the RAF such a hold on the public imagination as the gallant Spitfire and Hurricane pilots of the Battle of Britain. Sadly in the postwar nuclear world their successors have only been tasked with wartime defence of key military infrastructure in the UK. It...
  7. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Early 1950s Plans for Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships

    Stumbled across some early 1950s NATO documents concerning the defensive arming and equipping of Merchant Ships. SGS.1 and the 4" Mk 25 are briefly mentioned, although unsurprisingly the vast majority of equipment intended for DEMS was supposed to come from US stocks. There are more documents...
  8. Caravellarella

    Sikorsky S-61 prototypes, projects and license builds

    Dear Boys and Girls, here is a picture with a caption in French of what I believe to be the Sikorsky S-61N full-size mock-up brought to the 1959 Paris Salon; it shows an aerodynamic saucer-shaped fairing covering the main rotor hub. The accompanying article describes the Sikorsky S-61N as being...
  9. uk 75

    NATO big SSMs

    When the UK gave up carriers in the 60s the alternative was supposed to be a family of helicopter, ship and sub launched missiles. In the event while Wasp helicopters did get AS12s it took nearly a decade before Exocet equipped some destroyers and frigates. Sea Skua for Lynx did not arrive...
  10. Z

    Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC - Mr SHAR RIP.

    Sad to hear Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC has done one last transition. Only met him once during a close session briefing in approx. 84. He owned the audience, we were just in awe, the energy in the room...
  11. PreMars

    Question about HMS Ark Royal R09

    Why did the Royal Navy choose to convert the HMS Ark Royal to carry Phantoms instead of the HMS Eagle? I read in Hobbs's book that the Ark Royal was in worse condition than the Eagle, so why not convert the better Eagle?
  12. Grey Havoc

    The R38 / ZR-2 airship

  13. PreMars

    Why Argentina A-4Qs didn't attack British carrier when they found British fleet on May 1st, 1982?

    Is it because the A-4Q has a shorter combat radius and the British aircraft carrier has not yet entered the strike range? Or is it because there has been no wind on the sea since the afternoon of May 1st? Or is it because the time is in the afternoon and close to evening, so it is difficult to...
  14. J

    Tales of past future. Some essays about the VSTOL carrier.

    Érase una vez sólo dos bandos (y sabías qué esperar) y había un país llamado Unión Soviética. Y el portaaviones era la especie dominante en los mares (Cuanto más grande era el portaaviones, más felices eran los almirantes), pero este tipo de barcos son muy caros, tan caros que parecía que iban a...
  15. R

    MOTS Phantom for the RN?

    I'm putting this here because the premise is alternate reality. Its a world where the RN focuses on its big carriers, Eagle rebuilt as per normal, Ark Royal getting its 'Phantom' refit starting in 1964 and CVA01 & 02 getting started as soon as the Fearless class are off their slips at JB and...
  16. L

    6"/70 S.B. Mounting

    When browsing Vickers Tyne & Wear Archive I noticed a really intersting and obscure design proposal. Not only by the strangely long barrel, sci-fi look turret (this is a 1946 drawing), but also the insane stats and unique operating mechanism. I also cannot find any information of this proposal...
  17. RP1

    Naval Gun Projects

    I have various images of naval gun projects. I'll add them here as I scan them. Unless here is moved to a somewhere else. :) RP1
  18. Temeraire

    Modernise Vanguard and the KGV’s for the 1980s

    In a perfect world for the British armed forces how would you modernise HMS Vanguard and the King George V class to serve in the 1980s? (Before anyone asks Yes CVA-01 through 04 are built in this timeline, so no yapping about building carriers instead, this is a perfect world for the RN, so the...
  19. JFC Fuller

    Vickers Design 742 Battleship

    A detailed description of the Torpedo Protection System for this ship is held by the University of Tokyo and has been digitised. I have downloaded, and uploaded here, the description and the diagram of this system. It goes without saying that the presence of this document in Japan is a very...
  20. Mike Pryce

    Westland Aircraft & Rotorcraft : Secret Projects & Cutting Edge technology
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