royal navy

  1. klem

    The 'Excelsior' device.

    Developed in 1954 at the Royal Naval Air Station No.802 Squadron , Lossiemouth, Scotland for high-speed target practice. The 'Excelsior' banner (target) streaming device was especially for use on Hawker Sea Hawk FGA Mk.4 aircraft.
  2. Grey Havoc

    Advanced Technology Frigate (Great Britain, early 1990s)
  3. M

    Sea Dart Mk 2 (GWS 31)

    I tried to locate any data or graphical representations of how the Mk2 Sea Dart (the one that was planned for Type 43 destroyer) could look, but apparently without success. Are there any? What where the differences with the original missile and how should it have looked, especially if adopted...
  4. S

    Propeller Twilight by Tony Buttler

    Can anybody recommend this book?
  5. M

    Identification of photos from Brown - frigate plan and models

    There are two photos in the ship design section of the introduction of Brown's "Rebuilding the Royal Navy": Is it possible to identify which projects they relate to? The plan on the screen is described as a frigate, and it appears as something between a frigate armed Type 42 and Type 22...
  6. DWG

    Project CABOT

    See TLDR: Project Cabot proposes as Phase 1 "Atlantic NET" coverage of GIUK gap using a COCONO (contractor owned, contractor operated, naval oversight)...
  7. PreMars

    Question about machinery of Leander-class frigates.

    What are the specific differences between the Y-100, Y-136, and Y-160 machinery in the three batches of the Leander-class frigates?
  8. PreMars

    Question about the speed of Sea Slug Mk1

    In the past, most people considered Sea Slug Mk1 a subsonic missile. but I noticed that the speed of it has been modified (about Mach 1.3) on the littilewars webpage. Could anyone provide me a more detailed explanation? For example, how do those fire reports describe it's speed?
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ferranti Blue Fox / Red Fox radar

    Jane's Avionics 1987-1988
  10. DWG

    RN 20Kt Fast Oiler, 1945 Programme

    In reading "Diary of A Wartime Naval Constructor", DNC Sir Stanley Goodall's wartime diary, I can identify most of the ships referred to, but there are repeated references to a 20Kt Fast Oiler, probably for the 1945 Programme, where I'm coming up blank. 1942 P136. 11 November: … Bateson...
  11. Dilandu

    Anson-class missile battleships (RN)

    (this ships is from the same AU as Lepanto-class missile battleships) The full description is on my Live Journal, on Russian. The Suez crisis of 1956 became a moment of truth for the Royal Navy. It was impossible to deny anymore, that Great Britain is lagging dangerously behind both United...
  12. uk 75

    Parallels between the decline of the USN and the RN

    Watching the decline in size and construction problems encountered by the USN since 1991 I am reminded of the fate of the Royal Navy after WW2. At first sight the US has done rather better. It still has the world's largest force of nuclear strike carriers and its nuclear submarines remain the...
  13. uk 75

    Air Defence of Great Britain

    Ever since the first Zeppelin raids in World War 1 the vulnerability of the civilian population of the UK to attack from the air has been a major factor in shaping our armed forces. The tile "Air Defence of Great Britain" comes from the organisation set up to meet the only air threat imagined in...
  14. Lascaris

    Cost of light fleet carriers?

    Trying to figure out which countries could actually handle the cost of light fleet carriers in 1946-60, so do we have any actual data at what prices the Colossus and Majestic class ships were sold by Britain in 1946-60? And for that matter how much their modernization with angled fight decks and...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Boris Johnson considered Netherlands incursion during Covid-19 pandemic
  16. Grey Havoc

    UK Soft Vertical Launch - A Flexible Solution to an Integral Concept for Ground & Naval Air Defence (2000 AD) Note that the mention of 'battleships' in the paper is likely a reference to the Arsenal Ship concept which was in vogue at the time. Incidentally, this paper was part of a larger NATO sponsored report called the Concepts de systemes pour la...
  17. uk 75

    Seacat performance

    We have discussed Seaslug performance in some detail and speculated about what Seacat 2 might have been like, but original Seacat has not received attention. Widely fitted on British warships during the 1960s and 1970s its only combat use was during the Falklands war in 1982 where 40mm guns...
  18. P

    Spitfire alternative history: what happens if everything "goes to plan"?

    As any deeply invested Spitfire fan knows, the intended major developments never eventuated and the history of the Spitfire was one of interim variants that did very well. The dead ends are as follows: SPITFIRE III: Merlin 20 development with four cannon and major airframe revisions; abandoned...
  19. uk 75

    Tiger class cruisers opinions

    The three Tiger class cruisers arouse strong opinions. As the only major non-carrier RN warships built after WW2 they mark the transition of the RN from a force built round its battleships' big guns to a missile dominated navy. The 6" and 3" guns fitted to them were supposed to be a new approach...
  20. Pirate Pete

    Different thought process for Post WW2 British Navy

    I an sure I will call down a whole host of ‘trouble’ on my head for raising this, but, Here we go… We all know that the Royal Navy post WW2 was in an invidious position regards available finance and the shifting sands of changing priorities. One thing I think was the (in retrospect at least)...
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