A two stage program to test the linear aerospike concept, the first test bed proved the basic concept, the second test bed explored the use of thrust vectoring.
Linear test bed. Volume 1: Test bed no. 1. (Aerospike test bed with segmented combustor)...
A design by North American/Rockwell for the same contract as the TRW 'Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft'. Unlike that vehicle, which was intended for use for a variety of missions, this spacecraft was optimised for untargeted asteroid belt exploration, though with it's particle and fields...
cold war
deep space probes
early 1970s
hughes aircraft company
hughes research labs
ion thruster
jet propulsion laboratory
north american rockwell
space age
space probes
space race
united states
vietnam war
Proposed design for a Multi-Mission bus using ion engines for propulsion. Suggested missions included an untargeted asteroid belt flyby, a targeted asteroid belt flyby, a Jupiter flyby (With or without use of gravity assist to reach an out-of-ecliptic orbit following the flyby.) and a...
cold war
deep space probes
early 1970s
ion thruster
jet propulsion laboratory
nuclear power
space age
space probes
space race
united states
The Dawn spacecraft continues to orbit the asteroid Ceres after a successful mapping mission to the asteroid Vesta. These two asteroids are the largest ones in the asteroid belt. There is a mysterious array of bright spots on Ceres (see image) which have yet to be explained. Anyone have a clue...
On July 14th the New Horizons spacecraft will flyby Pluto to give us our first good look at this far off world.
For more information go to New Horizons.com -SP
NASA examined revolutionary aerospace systems concepts for human space exploration of the solar system beyond Mars orbit and identified critical technology requirements for the realization of these systems concepts...
Issue #01 of US Launch Vehicle Projects has just come out:
Pre-Saturn Phase III Vehicles: 1958 concept for clustered Atlas boosters
Boeing “Big Onion”: an SSTO to launch SPS
Northrop TAV: an in-flight propellant transfer spaceplane
Requirements and capabilities for planetary missions. Volume 2: Mars polar orbiter penetrator 1981
For details on the penetrators planned to be used see the thread "Hughes/Sandia - Pioneer Mars Orbiter (1974)"...
From the journal of superscience, take with the appropriate grain of salt:
"NASA Engineers Propose Combining a Rail Gun and a Scramjet to Fire Spacecraft Into Orbit"
By Rena Marie Pacella Posted December 17, 2010
One of the more interesting results of the various NASA space engineering projects.
Designed by a team from the University of Auburn, this Saturn V launched probe, which would have been launched sometime between 1975 -1980 had it been built.
Upon arrival at Jupiter (After an 800-900 day trip...
As per this item today (10-Nov-2014), Gizmodo is starting a series of posts "showcasing the work of some of the most noted aerospace artists."
They start today with Attila Héjja (Hejja):
The Hungarian-Born Painter Who Immortalized America's Space Program
by Atilla Nagy, Gizmodo - 10-Nov-2014
Via Slashdot:
Jack Kinzler in 1973 with a photo of the thermal shield he created for the Skylab station. Credit United Press International
"Finally, just last Friday President Obama signed a new federal spending bill into law. This bill includes money to continue NASA's human space exploration program. Surprisingly, the exploration program being funded is a program long thought dead by the space community.
It is basically the...
What is exatly this?
An alternative type of MMU for Skylab or Shuttle?
Is in a lot of space publications of 70s.
(A Apollo docking probe on the nose)?? :o
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