
  1. Graham1973

    Viking 4 - Mars Surface Sample Return

    1974 proposal by Martin-Marietta to modify the Viking lander to allow a Mars surface sample to returned in the early 1980s.
  2. magnus_z

    Viking lander with ELMS (Viking C, Viking 3, Viking III)

    Viking 3 lander with ELMS
  3. Graham1973

    Between Voyager & Viking

    After the cancellation of Voyager(Mars) in 1967 NASA started up a new series of studies to come up with a spacecraft for the 1973 launch opportunity. This Martin-Marietta designed soft-lander of 1969 was intended to put the maximum payload weight on the surface of Mars using a mission profile...
  4. Graham1973

    Pioneer Biosatellite (1968)

    While trying to locate a Douglas proposal to modify an S-IVb into an orbiting bioresearch lab I found this report on the possible use of the Pioneer VI-IX bus for a series of heliocentric orbiting BioSats. Feasibility study for conducting biological experiments aboard a Pioneer spacecraft...
  5. Johnbr

    Manned Venus Flyby: Apollo’s Hail Mary Pass

    Found this here.
  6. Triton

    Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker

    Boeing KC-135 model with winglets found on eBay. Source: Seller's description:
  7. Triton

    Boeing Martian Recon Vehicle

    Artist's impression of unmanned Martian reconnaissance vehicle concept press photo found on eBay. Source:
  8. Triton

    Boeing Solar Power Satellite
  9. Triton

    Boeing Lunar Rover circa 1991

    Boeing Lunar Rover circa 1991 Source:
  10. Triton

    NASA Meter Platform concept

    Artist's impression of NASA Meter Platform concept photograph found on eBay. Source:
  11. Triton

    Grumman Advanced Space Construction Base concept

    Concept photograph of Grumman Advanced Space Construction Base circa 1978 found on eBay. URL:
  12. U

    NACA and Wright Field projects

    Projects from TsAGI album, dated 1947 Who can identify them?
  13. Triton

    Sally Ride has died at age 61

    Sally Ride, the United States' first woman in space, has died at the age of 61, losing her battle with pancreatic cancer. Source"
  14. Grey Havoc

    Good NASA JPL PR vid (MSL [Curiosity]) Not bad for a PR piece.
  15. Stargazer

    NASA « Swift » low-cost unmanned aircraft

    The Swift UAS is a low-cost, experimental, all-electric unmanned autonomous vehicle system, being developed to support research goals in aeronautics and earth science. It comprises the unmanned electric Swift aircraft, dual redundant ground control stations (GCS) and communication links (900 MHz...
  16. Triton

    Northrop "Walking" Lunar Vehicle concept photo

    Northrop "Walking" Lunar Vehicle from 1965 concept photo found on eBay. Source:
  17. Orionblamblam

    Conroy Giant Cargo Aircraft Projects Colossus & Virtus

    The Houston AIAA section has published a 4-page article I put together on the Conroy "Virtus," a twin-fuselage heavy lift aircraft built from B-52 parts meant to serve as the Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. You can download it (in the March/April 2012 issue of Horizons) for free here...
  18. Graham1973

    Lunar Surface Instrumentation (1966)

    I was looking for information on the Lunar Surveying Staff, an instrument proposed for the first series of Apollo flights and stumbled across a report into the proposed lunar surveying instrumentation intended for the lunar flights carried out under Apollo Applications. What is of interest...
  19. Graham1973

    Bell - Experimental Spacecraft RCS Thruster (1966)

    During the 1960's NASA looked at several possible improvements to the existing Block II Apollo's. One such study was by Bell and looked into a new design for RCS thrusters, which was theoretically scaleable from 5lb to 1000lb of thrust. Experimental auxiliary rocket engine, part I. Final report...
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