
  1. Michel Van

    Gamma Centaur aka Centaur Junior

    Found on SDASM archive on Flickr Album Convair had Study in 1960 a Three Stage Atlas Centaur with smaller Centaur as Third Stage
  2. Flyaway

    Black ZEUS: The top secret shuttle mission that never flew

    Rest on the link.
  3. C

    Original US space program without the moon goal.

    Immagine that Richard Nixon instead of JFK was elected President of United States in November 1960,and that Alan Shepard was the first man in space (but not in orbit) in Febraury 1961. Two events that could happen. In this scenario,if President Nixon not consider necessary a manned mission on...
  4. Flyaway

    NASA Selects Two Missions to Explore the Early Solar System

    Artist’s conception of the Lucy and Psyche mission spacecraft (Left) An artist’s conception of the Lucy spacecraft flying by the Trojan Eurybates – one of the six diverse and scientifically important Trojans to be studied. Trojans are fossils of planet formation and so will supply important...
  5. Graham1973

    Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite (SEOS) - 1973

    Early 1970s design for a Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite (SEOS) that bears a surprising resemblance to Hubble, it just points in the other direction. The intention was to provide improved coverage of mesoscale weather phenomena like tornadoes, ground fogs, clear air turbulence and other...
  6. C

    Unknown Martin Spacecraft Concept

    I tried to figure out the appropriate topic to post this, but it crossed over a couple topics. I found this interesting Martin factory model from the estate of a Martin engineer located in Denver CO. The base is meant for a SV-5 model, but it fit. I picked up 5 other models, all were Martin...
  7. Flyaway

    NASA Keeping Nuclear-thermal Option Open For Mars

    Couldn't find an existing thread for this.
  8. sferrin

    NASA MLAS (escape system).

    Somehow I completely missed this. Never even heard of it before.
  9. Flyaway

    Perseverance Rover

    NASA's Next Mars Rover Progresses Toward 2020 Launch
  10. A

    Philip Bono, By Gemini to Mars, and more...

    I've added a new article on Philip Bono's work on the Encyclopedia Astronautica at: You may notice I've reorganized and reformatted the site, and am now (after some time) begun adding new and updated content. So please visit regularly to see what is new -...
  11. G

    RIP Simon Ramo 1913-2016
  12. Flyaway

    NASA SACD X-57 Maxwell

    And here we have the first X plane in a decade, the X-57 nicknamed Maxwell.
  13. Grey Havoc

    Submarine projects for planetary exploration
  14. Flyaway

    NASA/Lockheed Martin X-59A Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST)

    Looks like the quiet boom demonstrator is going to get funded.
  15. Flyaway

    Proposed NASA budget could lead to a number of new X-Planes

    NASA Administrator to Make X-Plane Announcement at Reagan National Media Event
  16. Grey Havoc

    Edgar Mitchell, last surviving member of Apollo 14 mission, passes away
  17. hesham

    NASA Mars Unmanned Aircraft

  18. Grey Havoc

    Juno probe breaks interplanetary distance record for solar-powered spacecraft
  19. bucky74

    Proposed Space Shuttle Names

    The story of how the Enterprise was almost named the Constitution before Trekkies suggested the former is widely published, but is there any more information regarding proposed titles for the other orbiters?
  20. RAP

    Boeing-Lockheed Space Shuttle Concept?
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