
  1. V

    Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe

    A couple new books are on pre-order at
  2. Dynoman

    German WWII Aviator Pressure Suits

    Reading another thread on the Natter led me to think that this may be an interesting topic of discussion. German pressure suits designed during WWII for high altitude aircraft. Draeger was a leading manufacturer of pressure suits, beginning with underwater pressure suits for divers. Here are a...
  3. uk 75

    Bundeswehr Harriers

    In the late 60s the Germans were looking for a replacement for its ground attack Fiat G 91s. As an offset against costs for BAOR and RAF Germany the UK succeeds in selling Harriers to the Bundeswehr and getting Dornier involved in its production and a joint trainer which becomes the Hawk. HS and...
  4. Deltafan

    France-Germany-Spain Future Combat Air System (FCAS / SCAF / FSAC)

    Hi, As this project (for the replacement of the French Rafale and the German Eurofighter) is different of the Airbus project to replace the German Tornado and the Spanish F-18, I open a new topic :) Well, as the time to replace Rafale and EF is not for tomorrow, this topic may last for...
  5. W

    ‘Rupert’ and ‘Oscar’: WW2 Air-Dropped ‘Paradummy’ Parachutist-Decoys.

    Hi folks, Not aircraft as such, although they did descend from the air, but included here as almost the opposite of stealth, i.e. rather than flying things made to look smaller than they actually are (whether optically, acoustically or on radar), behold British ('Rupert') and American ('Oscar')...
  6. uk 75

    Re-arming the Bundeswehr: Which Projects?

    Just a thought that occurred. The German Armed Forces have been massively downsized since the end of the Cold War. Assuming a decision were taken to re-arm to meet current threats what projects would be back on the table? Or what stuff would you like to see?
  7. hesham

    Junkers Ju 288 Projects & Prototypes

    Hi, here is the drawings of the Junkers Ju-288 with Jumo 222 and Jumo 223 engines.
  8. hesham

    Flettner Fl 282

    Hi, here is the original drawing to Flettner FL 282 helicopter or factory original drawing.
  9. Jemiba

    Henschel Hs 293 developments and projects

    The development of the Hs 293 is covered, too, in "Die Geschichte der Henschel-Flugzeugwerke AG 1933 - 45" by Horst Materna. A series of enlarged versions of the Hs 293A was the Hs 293C, for which different guiding systems were proposed. The C-4 was a pre-version of the later Hs 294 glide...
  10. hesham

    Messerschmitt Bf 110/161 Projects & Prototypes

    Hi, here is a comparison between BF.161-V2 and BF.162-V2.
  11. Triton

    Last Luftwaffe Phantom II retired

    Last Lufwaffe McDonnell Douglas Phantom II retired. Source:
  12. Stargazer

    Siebel Si 201 pusher aircraft

    Not being much of a German aircraft specialist, I find myself stuck trying to identify this strange little pusher bird... It may well be a Focke-Wulf project, but that's my only clue. I'm sure someone will be able to identify it soon and put me to shame! Thanks in advance for your help.
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    FlugRevue TKF-90 Articles

    FlugRevue June 1978 issue I would like a scan of the TKF-90 article & picture on the front cover if possible for a little project.
  14. Jemiba

    Daimler Benz Aircraft Engines 1935 - 1945

    From "Der Flieger", August 1962, maybe interesting for one or two, as one-offs and projects are mentioned, too.
  15. Stargazer

    Various Blohm und Voss projects

    The MBI book on the Heinkel He 162 presents several contenders in the "Volksjäger" competition, including the Blohm & Voss P 211. Attached below are three-view arrangements of the two proposals described above.
  16. Stargazer

    Messerschmitt P 1107 and P 1108 long range jet bombers

    In the autumn of 1944, Reichsmarschall Göring requested that Junkers, Arado and Messerschmitt design and produce very long range high speed bombers capable of carrying 4-ton bomb payloads. The goal was to be able to attack distant maritime convoys and strategic targets in both the U.S. and the...
  17. Stargazer

    Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton (BAMS)

    The Navy MQ-4C Triton is designed to provide the Navy with an advanced autonomous air vehicle and state of the art service-oriented architecture mission control system that will enable it to provide persistent maritime Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) directly to the maritime...
  18. Flitzer

    Hütter Hü 211 - Heinkel He 219 on steroids

    Any pics of the Hu211? Are the wings typical Hutter with a very wide span? I might just try a profile having been prompted by Carlos. :) Many thanks Peter
  19. Jemiba

    Junkers EF designations

    The same as for the "EFo" series, again all pictures (in low res only) are from Wolfgang Wagners book "Hugo Junkers. Pionier der Luftfahrt - seine Flugzeuge" EF 50 maybe racer or record aircraft EF 53 4-engined long range passenger aircraft EF 55 used to measure the effects of...
  20. Johnbr

    The real tunnel at Stalag 111 pow camp

    he classic Steve McQueen movie immortalized three tunnels at Stalag Luft III POW camp. Now, astonished archaeologists have discovered a fourth called George. It has lain hidden for nearly 70 years and looks, to the untrained eye, like a building site. But, this insignificant tunnel opening...
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