
  1. newsdeskdan

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp There are many myths surrounding the development of the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. Its unparalleled performance is beyond doubt; easily able to outpace its opponents and possessing the firepower to shred them in seconds. Yet...
  2. Dynoman

    Projects of the German Secret Flight Test Center at Lipetsk, USSR 1924-1933

    This thread was created to discuss the projects, plans, facilities, operations, and historical implications of the German interwar flight test center and military pilot training school that was developed in secrecy between the Germans and the Russians. This airfield played an important role in...
  3. D


    My question is this; Was there ever any such engine design? I've viewed the write up of Daimler Benz known engines and there are two that rarely if ever get listed and they are the following; Db608 Db611 No after done internet snooping I've found that the Db608 was a larger displacement...
  4. A

    21cm Maikäfer Flakrakete 42

    The 21cm Maikäfer Flakrakete 42 program stemmed from a Hitler directive in August 1943 to develop an anti-bomber Flak weapon based on the existing 21cm Nebelwerfer artillery rocket according to Gen.der Flak a.D. von Renz’s “Development of German Anti-aircraft Weapons and Equipment of All Types...
  5. Spey_Phantom

    Future Mid-Size Tactical Cargo (FMTC)

    France, Germany and Sweden have agreed to develop a new medium-size tactical transport plane. this is intended to replace the C-130J in the 2040's and supplement the Airbus A400M personel...
  6. T

    Post Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe/Axis options

    Similar to the post-BoB RAF: what might've Luftwafe/RLM do after Autumn of 1940 in order to improve their standing, both in short-term (next 12 months) and long-term (a few next years). I've also included 'Axis' term here - mostly European Axis countries' air forces/services - since they can be...
  7. E

    Bf 109 tested with the direct injection of liquid oxygen

    A most astonishing discovery. A photo of the Bf 109 appears on the Falkeeins blogspot here: Uffz. Karl Hannes 5./JG 2 and Erla factory Einflieger
  8. airman

    Heinkel 177 A7 R2 - an alternate version

    "The Heinkel He 177 Greif (Griffin) was a long-range heavy bomber flown by the Luftwaffe during World War II. Purpose-designed for high-altitude bombing with pressurized crew accommodation. The He 177 A-7 R2 variant was intended to use original "power system" engines, each of which consisted of...
  9. helmutkohl

    What if Germany went through with VTOL aircraft?

    Germany was experimenting with various VTOL aircraft during the cold war in the end they didn't go for any of them. in this alternate scenario.. what if Germany did order some into production? 1. Which design would be the most likely to lead to operation? they had the VAK 191, DO 31 (this...
  10. Flyaway

    The Last Zeppelin Raid 1939

    Actually an early example of a signals intelligence mission: View:
  11. T

    Alpha Jet

    While some weird dudes are celebrating the epitomized image of an autocrat*, the french AdlAE discretely commemorates one of its hero pilot (Poet and novelist), Mr Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Free French air Force pilot, Croix de Guerre with palms, MIA, with the birth of its most famous...
  12. J

    Stukas over Panama ("Operation Pelikan") ?

    Stukas over Panama? In addition during 1943 plans were hatched to fly two Ju-87B stukas from St Martin Cay near Nicaragua to bomb the Panama canal. These were to be taken there by U-boat. I read this--on this very forum I believe--a fair wee while ago while hunting around Google for...
  13. G

    unknown late war german missiles...

    Photo taken by Italian POW in Germany, 1945. Any idea what they represent?? The bigger missile looks like a BV 246 but with different wings and empennage... The smaller missile is a real mystery...
  14. hesham

    Fieseler Projects

    Hi, here is a Fieseler P.29,P.30 and Fi.333,also P.35; P.29 was a military transport Project,intended to compete Arado Ar.232,led to develop Fi.333 P.30 was an unconventional military transport Project,later became Fi.333 P.35 was initial design for Fi.103...
  15. W

    Heinkel P1078c

    Hello everyone, In the Dan Sharp magazine on 'Luftwaffe, secret jets of the third reich' there is a picture of the original drawing of the Heinkel 1078 entry for the report compiled in advance of the 1-TL Jager meeting of february 27-28, 1945. I bought a copy of the magazine. Really nice. Just...
  16. J

    Junkers EF-130 speculative drawings

    - Junkers / DFS EF-130 A four engine heavy bomber of ‘Uralbomber’ class designed in the autumn of 1944 to compete against the Arado E-555, the BMW ‘Strahlbomber Projekt II’, the Horten Projekt 18 (23/2/1945) and the Messerschmitt P.1108. It had a pressurised cockpit for a crew of three...
  17. B

    Panavia Tornado

    Hi all, A thread to discuss Tornado (Panavia) stories etc. Mods if you feel this should be in the bar instead please move.
  18. Grey Havoc

    Switzerland in World War II

  19. uk 75

    How useless were the Luftwaffe's Alpha Jets?

    One of the things that always puzzled me in the 70s was how the West German Air Force replaced its NATO light fighter bomber competition winning Fiat G91 with the Dornier Dassault Breguet Alpha Jet. The Germans had the money to buy a raft of different planes for this role ranging from Jaguars...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Luftwaffe Ace Erich Brunotte

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